President Snow's


I stare coldly into Katniss Everdeen's cold grey eyes, holding my gun in front of her face. Finger on the trigger as she is tied to the silver pole. I see the fear in her eyes as the bullet escapes the gun with a bang. Her head drops and her dark hair covers her bloody face. She, every victor and every rebel have been executed. But hers was extra special. It was made mandatory viewing for all of Panem. I can feel the panic of the districts as they watch her dead body be dragged off the stage.

''Citizens of Panem. In preparation for the reapings next week, I felt it necessary to address…'' I pause. ''Rules for this year. Now that all the past victors have been executed we have decided there will be no mentors for the tributes this year''.

The crowd gasp in horror for the districts.

''In addition there will be no volunteering from any district nor will Capitol citizens be allowed to sponsor tributes'' I announce.

That last rule seems to shock the Capitol the most. They look scared, worried and even angry.

''I understand this is not the ideal rules for the viewers but after the events of this past year, I'm afraid I must punish the districts cruelly'' I explain.

They seem to calm down, but a few people are crying and I even hear a scream of anger. I walk of the stage and into my sleek, black limousine. Inside I find my new head Gamemaker, Crystal Ambrite. She used to work beneath Plutarch Havensbee and in fact she turned him into me.

''I applaud you on your speech'' she says running a hand through her straight, long black hair.

She always seems to be trying to lure you into something. What with her extreme beauty and cold, calculating personality.

''Why thank you Crystal'' I say.

''I the arena and mutts are all ready for this year's games Sir'' she tells me.

'They better be horrifying or you know what happens' I threaten.

'Oh don't worry the tributes will be soiling themselves the second they get in the arena' Crystal laughs.

''Of course, I don't doubt it for a minute. These games will be the greatest the Capitol has ever seen'' I say with pride.

A/N: So this is a SYOT. I am only taking tributes sent to me via PM. Also this is not first come first serve. Only the best get picked. Below I have the form and I will also put on my profile later. That being said I have no limit of tributes per person but just know all of your tributes won't get picked. But submit as many as you want.





Backup District(s):

Appearance (body type, hair, facial structure etc.):

Personality (be descriptive):




Reaction To Being Reaped:

Interview Angle:

Strategy for Games:

Open to Allies:

Open to Romance:


Weaknesses (same or more than strengths):

Token (optional):

Anything Else: