For as long as she remembered, the little shop on Main Street had been closed, old newspapers covering the windows and dust on the doorframes. But not that day. That day she spotted a dark haired stranger carrying boxes into the shop, a thick black wool coat protecting him from the last days of winter.
"What do you think they'll open?" Henry asked her as they walked towards Granny's.
"I don't know, kid… we'll just have to wait and see." Emma replied as she lifted her gaze only to find him coming out of the shop, his eyes meeting hers as he smiled curiously at her. Blue eyes meeting green… and the rest of the world went silent for a moment.
A week later, a brand new shop sign was hanging in front of the door. Jolly Roger Chocolates. The showcase of little chocolates carefully intertwining with nautical items was something that caught her attention and brought a smile on Henry's lips.
"Come on, mom, we have to try it!" He yelled enthusiastically.
"Henry, Robin and I are supposed to be working, remember?" She explained but Robin cut her off. "Come on, Sheriff, it's just a few minutes… it won't hurt, would it?"
She smiled at them as they entered the shop, the little bell on top of the door announcing their entry. The same dark haired man greeted them from behind the counter. A wooden counter with washed white paint, nautical knots decorating it.
"Welcome! My first customers," He greeted in a thick, foreign accent, his voice carrying through the entire room. But then he noticed the badges and looked confused. "Is there a problem?"
"Oh no" Henry said. "This is my mom. She's the sheriff. And this is Robin, her deputy… We wanted to see your shop!" He smiled at the little lad who was looking at him like he was a god. Well, he had a chocolate shop and the kid was about ten years old, it would make sense. His mother, though, was looking at him skeptically. He'd seen her one day, when he was carrying boxes with supplies into the shop, and he'd felt immediately drawn to her blonde hair and green eyes. It seemed it had not been mutual, considering the skeptical look and the closed off stance she was keeping. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"Look for yourself, lad. Feel free to pick anything you'd like. On the house."
"Oh no, we'll pay." Emma interjected.
"First one is free. Shop's rules." He insisted as he looked how Henry spotted the different shelves. "But, lad… if I may suggest something," He trailed off and he went to one of the displays nearby. "I have a bit of a sixth sense in guessing people's favorites." He picked up a square chocolate and handed it to Henry. "Milk chocolate with peanut butter." He said.
Henry took a bite of the chocolate and Emma witnessed his eyes almost popping out.
"Mom! This is fantastic!" He screamed excitedly, his mouth still full of chocolate.
"Manners, Henry." Emma chastised him smiling before she turned to him. "How much for half a dozen of those?" She asked.
"I told you, on the house." He replied smirking.
"Nope. I refuse." She said. "Let me pay."
"Fine, then. Tell me your name." He said.
"Your name, lass. That should be payment enough." He cocked an eyebrow at her.
She sighed. "Emma Swan."
"Killian Jones. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Sheriff Swan." He bowed his head at her and she rolled her eyes. "Now, for the gentleman…" He said as he pointed at Robin and picked something from a chest nearby. "A golden coin: dark chocolate with edible gold. Enjoy, mate." He smiled.
Robin looked pleased. "Very good choice indeed." He looked at his watch. "Emma, I have to go, otherwise I'll be late for my briefing meeting with Regina." He looked at Killian. "The Mayor, not sure if you've met her yet."
"Oh yes, the lovely mayor." Killian said. "I seem to recall her coming here for inspection and pointing at different regulations that needed to be fulfilled."
Robin scratched behind his ear. "Yeah, well, you need to get to know her. She's just very thorough, you'd see…"
Killian smiled softly. "If that is the case, then you should take something for her." He grabbed a bag and packed six little smalls balls in it. "Apple caramel and dark chocolate truffles. I called them Evil Queen." He smirked.
Robin smiled before waving at Emma and Henry and leaving.
"How long has he been in love with the mayor?" Killian asked after Robin left.
Emma chuckled "Is that obvious?"
"Aye. I'm quite perceptive, lass." He said, a smug grin on his face.
She cocked an eyebrow at him. He was shamelessly flirting with her, she could tell. But she knew all about his type: handsome, good with the ladies, smooth lip service and even a quicker exit strategy. She didn't need more of those in her life. She checked on Henry, who was wandering mesmerized through the shop; before looking back at Killian.
"Perceptive, uh?"
"I know exactly what you want… and it would be my pleasure to give it to you." He said with a low, sinful voice, his head tilting while he bit his lower lip. "I'll be right back, love." He disappeared into the back room and Emma stood there, dumbfounded.
He came back a few minutes later, holding a coffee mug in his hand. She could see a little of whipped cream on top and her heart sank.
"Hot chocolate for the lady," He said as he placed the mug on the counter and looked at her. She moved to grab it but his hand reached for hers, stopping her.
"I'm not finished yet, love." He smirked at her, his hand softly caressing hers before removing it and searching for something behind him.
"Cinnamon, right?" He asked as he sprinkled cinnamon on top of the drink.
"How did you guess?!" Henry exclaimed excited.
"I told you, lad, I have a gift." Killian smiled at the kid before looking at Emma intently. "Try it, Swan." He invited.
She grabbed the mug and took a sip.
Oh God. Oh God. Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
That was perfection. That was the best hot chocolate she'd ever had. She closed her eyes for a second, savoring the taste. When she opened them, he was looking at her, heat coming out from his eyes and a satisfied smug smirk on his face.
"Good, uh?" He cocked an eyebrow at her.
"I've had better." She replied nonchalantly.
He approached her, invading her personal space until he was inches from her face. "I'm the best you've ever tasted, love. And you know it." He finished before moving to the other side and packing half a dozen chocolate squares while she finished her drink, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks.
"For you, lad." Killian said as he handed the package to Henry. "Now, be good to your mother and there'll be more of those for you."
"We should get going, Henry." Emma said, trying to control the way her voice was shaking as he stared at her. "Thank you." She said.
"You're welcome. Have a nice day, Sheriff." He bowed at her as she left the store with Henry.
After that, Emma kept finding Henry at the little shop. Whenever he got off the school bus, he would go directly to the shop and spend time there.
"I don't mind, lass." Killian said one afternoon after she barged in, mad at her son. "He keeps me company. I'll make sure he does his homework if that is what worries you."
"It's not fair to you," Emma hesitated.
"Swan, I don't mind." He said as he greeted Mary Margaret coming through the door. "Afternoon, milady and welcome! Let me guess, special night with the beau this evening?"
"It's our anniversary." Mary Margaret said blushing a little, a fair smile on her face.
"I have something perfect for the occasion." Killian said as he picked a little white box and carefully placed a few white hearts in it. "White chocolate filled with berries. The taste of True Love." He smiled as he handed the package to Mary Margaret.
"How much?" Mary Margaret asked.
"On the house…" Killian smiled. "Have a lovely evening, milady." He bowed.
"Do you charge anyone?" Emma asked after Mary Margaret had left.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" He asked her, his eyebrows waggling and his eyes dancing with mischief.
She rolled her eyes at him before motioning Henry out of the store.
The weeks passed and Emma had given up on insisting Henry stop visiting the shop; so she would just drop by at the end of her shift and enjoy a hot chocolate while she bantered back and forth with Killian.
It was one of those days that Ruby came to the store to pick up Henry (she had promised him to take him to the movies), her eyes red and puffy. "Ruby, are you ok?" Emma asked concerned.
"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry." Ruby smiled faintly.
Killian quickly went to one of his shelves, procuring a rounded chocolate that he presented to her. "Hazelnut chocolate filled with cherry liquor." He said softly, almost tenderly. "Don't sell yourself too short, love. You deserve better."
Ruby smiled fondly at him. "Thanks." She said as she took a deep breath and pulled herself together. "Come on, Henry, let's go watch an action movie!"
Emma watched Killian intently after Ruby and Henry left. He finally turned around and looked at her.
"What?" He asked.
"That was nice of you…" She said softly.
"I spoke nothing but the truth, Swan." He said as he slowly approached her, holding a piece of chocolate in his hand. He stood very close to her, his face leveling with hers.
"Close your eyes." He whispered.
She rolled her eyes as she scoffed and he gave her a frustrating look.
"Try something new, darling. It's called trust. Close your eyes." She finally closed her eyes and he got closer, whispering in her ear. "Open your mouth, Swan."
She did as she was told and his fingers carefully placed the chocolate piece in her mouth. Her senses exploded as the flavor invaded her mouth, the chocolate melting on her tongue as she savored and swallowed. She finally opened her eyes to find his staring at her. His blue eyes were almost dark with passion, his nose nuzzling against hers, his breathing uneven.
"Emma…" He whispered in a raspy voice, his lips almost brushing hers.
Too much. Too much. It was too much. She had to get out.
"I have to go." She said in a strained voice before stepping away from him. She turned around and headed to the door, not looking at him, trying to maintain her resolve.
"Swan! Swan!" She head him call after her, but she was already out of the door and walking hastily, her heart beating furiously on her chest.