Thanks for all the reviews, follows and favourites guys! It really motivates me to continue this story and if you want to know, you can vote for who Kuroko should end up with in the review section.
Kuroko felt uncomfortable as she walked through the hallways, she felt eyes on her from every direction. Like hungry tigers ready to pounce on a defenceless rabbit. 'Did Momoi-san go over board with the make-up?' Kuroko thought uneasily, she never stood out this much before. Kuroko entered the classroom and walked to her desk quietly, using her misdirection which didn't work. 'Why isn't my misdirection working today?'
As lunch rolled by, Kuroko and Momoi were eating their bentos on the rooftop. "Momoi-san, wearing make-up is uncomfortable and it is attracting too much attention." She said straightforwardly while Momoi was silently screaming on the inside from Kuroko's new appearance. "But Tetsu-chan! Wearing make-up changed you completely and you use make-up when you have fallen in love!" Kuroko paused and thought of her ex-boyfriend, Hanamiya Makoto. It seemed that she still had lingering feelings for him.
"A-Are you thinking of... Hanamiya-senpai?" Momoi said hesitantly, not wanting to hurt Kuroko's feelings. Kuroko nodded and continued to eat, "I want to get over him soon or else I'll become sad again..." They continued to eat until they heard two muffled voices coming from the other side of the rooftop which was covered by a small wall.
"I wonder what they're doing?" Momoi questioned curiously while Kuroko nodded as she drank from her vanilla milkshake. "Isn't that Miyamoto-san from our class?" As they walked closer, they were able to hear what they were talking about.
"D-do you know w-who I am?"
"You're Miyamoto Akari from my class and one of the managers of the basketball team, am I correct?"
"T-Thank g-goodness! A-Actually the reason why I called you up here, A-Akash-kun is that I loved y-you since you did the speech at the entrance ceremony on the first day of school..."
"I-Is this a confession?!" Momoi exclaimed as Kuroko and her continue to watch the tense brunette confess her love to one of the members of the basketball team, Akashi Seijūrō. 'You wear make-up when you have fallen in love!' Momoi's words resounded in Kuroko's mind as she watch the redhead reject the girl.
"I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way." Akashi said straightforwardly while the girl was shocked by the immediate answer. Miyamoto hesitantly showed a smile full of grief before bowing and leaving the rooftop full of tears. Akashi stood motionless before turning to the direction of the two eavesdropping girls. "Come out." He demanded while Momoi awkwardly laughed and Kuroko bowed in a 45 degree angle. "We're sorry for eavesdropping on your confession, Akashi-kun." Momoi apologetically stared at Akashi before imitating what Kuroko was doing. "I'm sorry Akashi-kun! Please forgive us."
"No. It's okay but don't do it again, eavesdropping on other people's conversations is not a good habit to get into." Akashi showed a small smile before leaving the rooftop. "It's just like Akashi-kun! Always caring for others like a mum would be for a child."
"Tetsu-chan?" Momoi said to Kuroko who had been silent since Akashi began talking. 'What's this warm fuzzy feeling inside my chest?' Kuroko thought with an unpleasant smile on her pale face. 'Is this the feeling for a brother?'
Kuroko was sitting at her desk finishing the last of her homework when she heard a knock on her window. Knowing who it was, she unlocked it and let the person inside. It was Aomine Daiki, her other childhood friend besides Momoi. "What are you doing here Aomine-kun?" Kuroko said bluntly while Aomine laughed it off and wrapped a arm around her petite body. "Is that how you treat a person who came to visit you?" He said while Kuroko shrugged him off her shoulder and continued with her homework.
"I need to give you something Tetsu." Aomine suddenly said seriously which caught Kuroko's attention. "Sakurai Ryo from the Middle school next door saw you walking home and asked me for your number so I gave it to him." Kuroko glared at Aomine with murderous aura around her. "I don't remember giving you permission to freely give out my phone number or sprout nonsense." Aomine easily avoided her deadly glare before climbing out of the window.
"It seemed like it took him a lot of courage to ask for it." Was the last thing he said before jumping off the window. Kuroko stared at the newly added number on her phone before sending a text.
To Sakurai-san,
Aomine-kun told me that it took you a lot of courage to ask for my number.
I'm not sure why you would like my number
but I hope we get along.
From Kuroko Tetsuna.
After sending it, she heard another ring from her phone. Kuroko looked at what it might be and it was a reply from the said person.
To Kuroko-san,
I'm g-glad that y-you took t-the time to w-write me a m-message.
I-I'm S-Sakurai Ryo, nice to meet you t-too, Kuroko-san.
I h-hope to get to k-know you b-better.
From Sakurai-san.
She smiled at the sincere text before closing her phone and getting ready to sleep. Kuroko had a good feeling about this Sakurai person but she couldn't take the redhead, Akashi Seijūrō out of her mind.
That was the first chapter to our Kuroko's love experience. Do you think that she will fall for Sakurai and what was that warm fuzzy feeling she gets from Akashi? Is it just ordinary love one would feel for a brother?
Anyways, thanks for reading this and if you have a question, I will try my best to answer them so review it below.
Kuroko X ? Tally:
Akashi: 0
Midorima: 0
Kise: 0
Aomine: 0
Murasakibara: 0
Sakurai: 0
Others: 0