Hey everyone! I'm not quite sure where this is going, but here's the first chapter. I have changed settings, but I thought it was something different and different is always good. I put the boys in Oklahoma, which I know some about and so that'll help as I'm from here. The place I mention are real places, but the names have been changed to characters from MI. Hope you like it :)B



I watched the clouds go by as I flew away from everything I ever knew. Life in New York was all I thought I wanted, till last week. Last week, I had a father, a mother, family. Last week, I was Alexander Lightwood, the oldest son who would take over the empire, marry a blue blooded woman and have little blue blooded kids. Now...I was Alec, the eighteen year old who used to be that other guy. Now…I was the disowned Lightwood that wasn't straight. Now...I had one of those army bags that go on your arm full of most of the clothes I could cram into it. I was also able to get my laptop, my usb cords to charge my Ipad, and some photos of my sister and brothers.

I didn't really know who this Lightwood was going to be. All I knew was I had to get as far away as I could afford from the people who thought I needed to be fixed. My sister, Isabelle tried to come with me, hell even Jace, my best friend. They had careers already up in the city though, so I made them stay. They did convince me to close my eyes and pick a spot on the map, helping me to get where I was heading. Imagine my surprise when fate gave me Oklahoma City. What the hell is there for me in Oklahoma City? Jace laughed at me while Izzy looked up things that I could do for work. I had my bartending license as soon as I became legal and helped out our friend Jordan at his bar, so Izzy found a gay bar that was hiring as well as a few others.

I had already called some of the places and ended up getting a gig at Dollhouse. Dollhouse was a burlesque club in some part of the city called Bricktown. Jace and Izzy had also help fund me a place for about three months and I silently thanked whoever that my siblings were hot and successful in the modeling area of the entertainment industry. I had a loft downtown by the club so I could walk, which was fine. I walked everywhere in New York anyway. I ended up drifting off and waking up once we were landing. I grabbed my army bag and then walked out of the plane and out to find a cab to my new home. I sat the bag down and put on my sunglasses once landing.

One thing I was glad of, looking at how the weather was for June and July. We had heard about the heat, but to actually experience it was worse. I hailed the cab and told him the address for the Double Deuce Apartments and then watched the buildings pass by. When we pulled up, I gave the driver a 50 and then got out, waving at the doorman. When I walked in, I went up to the second floor and found my apartment. I didn't expect it to be furnished when I got in and found a note tacked to the wall.

"One last gift for our favorite brother. Love you, Alec.

-Izzy, Jace, Clary, and Simon"

I could feel the tears and shook my head, trying to leave them where they needed to be. I found my dresser and began to unpack my things. After getting my things where I wanted, I looked around. My siblings and friends even stocked the food for me. I can't believe the four people I cared about most did this. I found the bathroom, that was stocked with towels and my favorite things. As I walked into the living area, I found a new phone.

"It's on me.-Jace"

That's all that was written on there. I knew what that meant. It already had a number, which was on the note, and it was on his bill so I wasn't paying. I turned it on to see it needed to charge a bit and so plugged it in and then made my way to take a shower before meeting with the head of tending at the club. I was actually kind of excited to work there. I made quick work of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked to my room. I pulled out a pair of black pants, a blue shirt and a black vest before adding my vans and walking the three or four blocks to the club. I walked in through the front, knowing it wasn't quite open, and found a tender stocking the bar.

"Hey, I'm looking for Kyle."

He turned and smiled. "Found him, you Alec?"

I nodded and took his hand. "Yes, Sir."

He chuckled. "No sir calling here. You'll be with Magnus tonight. He's my second and so you'll learn a great deal. Since it's Wednesday, we're not all that busy. Here's your schedule. You'll train for about two weeks just to get the routine down, so no tips. You will get paid more though."

I nodded and took the paper, looking over my shifts. I stuck the paper in my back pocket and then listened as he took me through the storage and the bar. He also took me backstage to meet the stage manager, who was nice. Some of the girls were here also, doing some last minute rehearsal before going on. When we made our way back to the bar, another tender was there.

"Hey, Magnus. Here's your trainee."

He turned and I swallowed a bit, trying to hide the instant attraction. That was going to be a big problem for me. He was wearing a black fedora, a tight red shirt that showed what looked to be a good torso, glitter under his eye, eyeliner, and a bunch of jewelry. He smiled and a twinkle lit up his eye as he held out his jeweled hand.

"Nice to meet ya, darling."

I held out my hand and shook his. "You too."

Kyle left us after talking with Magnus for a short while and then I sat on the stool while he told me about the money. I tried to pay attention, but it was hard. He was just so damn goodlooking. I didn't think I would ever go for an Asian, but hell...I didn't really know what I'd go for.

"Where you from, darling?"

I let out a sigh and smiled. "New York."

I saw his eye widen a bit and he nodded. "Why come here? Most of us try to get there."

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. "Let fate decide and it decided here. Not much for me back there anymore. How long have you been here?"

He smiled, taking out a water for us. "Three years. Also from New York, actually. Needed a change."

I nod and then get up to help him get ready. At about nine, another tender comes in named Alaric. He seems alright, I guess. I stay on register while they mix drinks. Magnus pulled me out to help when it got a bit slow to see what I could handle. It wasn't too bad, not as busy as New York, but busy. They girls were great and the crowd loved them. It got crowded as the night went on, but I figured that the weekends would be lines around corners. I was so thankful when I heard the last call announcement. I was exhausted. As the last person left, the wait staff picked up the glasses left at tables and then I was on washing duty. It was fine with me because that meant I could have a small distance from Magnus, who smelled heavenly.

"How was the night?"

I looked up and smiled at Kyle, who had sat on one of the stools. "It was alright. I took care of the cash.

He nodded. "Good. Magnus said you did well."

I smiled and put up the last pint glass in it's spot.

"Well, I'm off darlings. Alec, see you tomorrow. Have a good vacay Kyle."

We waved as Magnus took off and I dried my hands.

"Have a good night, Alec."

"You as well." I stated as I followed Kyle out.

I made my way down the street, actually liking my walk. Bricktown was actually kind of cool. It was a night scene location and apparently the basketball team played near here. I got to my building and did the code, heading to the elevator.


I turned as the door opened to see Magnus heading over. "That's me."

He smiled and got into the box with me, pushing the number 3 after I pushed the 2.

"You live here?"

I smiled. "My siblings paid for it till I could get up and going. They're big in the entertainment stuff in NYC."

"Ahh." He stated. "Well, good night, darling."

I just nodded and walked out when the door opened, hoping to everything I could figure out how to calm myself enough to be able to work with that man. I opened my door and heard a ringing so I walked to my phone and answered, seeing it was Izzy.

"Hey. Thanks for everything here. Tell Jace and them too."

"No problem. How was the first night?"

I walked into the kitchen and took out some blackberries and sprinkled sugar as I answered her.

"Alright. My trainer's hot, so that'll be a problem."

I heard a squeal and then she replied. "What's he look like?"

I sat down and popped a berry in my mouth before I answered. "Asian and glittery. He wears makeup and leather. Jewelry also. His eyes, I couldn't really tell because he wears cat eye contacts. Iz, he's something. He moved here from NYC about three years ago. What are the odds?"

I got up and put the berry bowl in the sink after rinsing it and then headed to my room to strip for bed.

"Huh, well...you've always believed in fate, Alec. Maybe that's really what this is. Just try not to molest him or anything at work."

I laughed as I put on my green plaid pajama pants and laid on my bed. "I'll try. I should sleep. I work from now till Sunday. Goodnight, sister."

"'Night brother."

I hung up the phone and sit it back on the charger before rolling over and letting sleep claim me.

I woke up to the sun hitting my face and cursed myself for forgetting to shut the curtain. I got up and but on some shorts to make my morning jog, grabbing my phone on the way out. I put the earbuds in and turned on my music app as I got out of the building, taking off to the left. Since I didn't know the area well yet, I stayed pretty close to the loft so I wouldn't get lost. The morning here was quite different than NYC. It was a lot quieter, but still busy. I waved to some of the people that waved as they went by and then made my way to my building again.

When I got to the doorman, I waved as he opened the door and took the stairs this time to my door. I got in and sat the keys and phone down, heading to take a shower. I sighed as the water hit me, letting the tension leave me as I washed off. I wrapped a towel around me as I stepped out of the shower, heading in to see what I could make for food. I opened the cupboard to see some cereal and then ate a bowl, leaning against the counter. After I ate, I went to my room and put on some jeans and a tee, slipping into some flip flops and walking back out. I wanted to get a feel for the area and saw some shops and stuff. I didn't usually do shopping, but I knew I'd go crazy here. I didn't do TV, never did really. I did read though, and spar. I had done all forms of defense since I was little and really hated that I didn't have anywhere I knew of to let out that frustration. Jace told me loads of times I just needed to get laid.

I walked down to the elevator and silently swore when it opened and Magnus was in the box.

"Morning, Alec."

I smiled. "Morning, Magnus."

I leaned against the wall and crossed my feet, trying not to be awkward.

"Where you headed?"

I turned to him and shrugged. "Don't really know. I was hoping to find a bookstore or a boxing gym somewhere."

He smiled. "There's an MMA gym pretty close. I could drive you if you need a lift."

I smiled. "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

I walked out with him and he led me to the garage where his car was. Or what I thought was a car, but was actually a Harley. I just stopped and looked at the bright blue Harley that looked like it had glitter in the paint. I watched as he walked over and then turned back to me.

"You coming?"

I shook my head, getting the dirty thought to leave and walked over. "Yes. I just thought it was a car."

I watched his face get a little upset. "What, don't wanna ride bitch with a queer."

My eyes got wide, figuring out he got the wrong idea. "It's not that, at all. Complete opposite, really. I just haven't ridden on one."

Oh my, this wasn't going to help me knowing he was gay. I was in deep shit. Magnus studied me for a minute and then handed me the extra helmet out of the bag.


He climbed on as I strapped my helmet and then he helped me on, taking me to where ever this MMA gym was.

And Chapter 1. Please let me know what your thoughts are on this on as I'm kind of excited about this since it's kind of different. Hope to hear from you guys and until later! :)B