The thud, thud, thud of heavy footsteps through muddy grass beat against the ground as a group of men clad in red, gold, and silver came thundering through a field. The sound of another group close behind echoed through the nearby area, causing the first group to increase their speed.
"Run Merlin!"
"Coming Sire!" Another spat, his speech coming out in ragged gasps.
Arthur spun around and waited until his servant had ran behind him, noticing how the black haired man was grasping a large wound on his side, red seeping through his brown coat. Arthur mentally shook his head; they needed to get that man in some armor one of these days. He raised his sword as one of the bandits came bursting through the trees, swinging the weapon towards his head as the bandit parried it and dove, Arthur countered that as well, and within moments disarmed the man and had slit his throat.
Gwaine, Lancelot, and Percival were battling their own bandits respectively, and Arthur quickly rushed forward to attack another man coming towards Merlin. Vaguely Arthur thought he heard a man trip behind him but he ignored it after he impaled the bandit in front of him. The Prince looked up and looked around, realizing that they were vastly outnumbered, four knights and a servant going against at least ten remaining men- now that the rest had came running at them. Percival was taking on three men and barely holding his own, Gwaine and Lancelot were standing back to back with four men attacking them on either side, there were two in front of Arthur and he was performing sparingly at best.
"Arthur!" The prince spun around just as he had stabbed one of the bandits attacking him in the stomach. He knew there was still a man behind him, but the only thing that captured his attention is Merlin sprawled out on the ground with a man sprinting at him with a club. Blindly Arthur swung his sword behind him and was vaguely aware of hearing a man fall and ran to beat the bandit to his servant. He skidded on his knees in front of Merlin, putting his arms and sword up to block the blow he knew was coming, he didn't realize he had clenched his eyes shut until he opened them after a few long moments when nothing his him. He heard the twang of a bow string and the bandit fell to the ground with a feathered arrow sticking out of his back- unlike the brass ones of Camelot. There was an unfamiliar yell of another man and a flurry of metal. Arthur saw a clean shaven man with shaggy black hair sitting atop a brown horse, burst through the trees sword in hand and disarmed two of the men attacking Gwaine and Lancelot. The man appeared slightly younger than Arthur, with a build similar to Merlin but a tad bit shorter in height. Another arrow came through the foliage and hit one of the men in the leg, Percival then sliced his throat and within seconds the remaining men had ran off.
"Damn Calormen bandits," the man muttered under his breath. He scanned the knights of Camelot before his eyes widened at seeing Merlin. Arthur spun around and saw his servant, face pale and shaking slightly, his limp hand was trying to stem the blood flow from the gash in his side but the red liquid was quickly soaking through his clothing. "Lucy! Your cordial!"
Another person appeared, this time a small girl atop a white horse with messy, long, light caramel colored hair. Her complexion was tan and her eyes sparked in curiosity and determination. She leapt off her horse and pulled a red glass bottle from her belt. Arthur jumped to his feet and stood in front of Merlin, arms spread wide, sword pointed at the girl whose head barely reached his shoulders. "Halt! Who are you!"
"Move aside!" The other man barked, jumping off his horse, landing neatly on his feet and raising his weapon at the Prince. "Put your sword down if you value your life. You will not harm my sister. She is trying to save your friend."
The man's head was forced upwards as another sword met his neck. Gwaine had his weapon planted firmly against the man's chin and the man sighed, letting his sword fall to the ground. "Please, if we were trying to do you harm, do you think we would have just saved your life?" As the man spoke the girl set down her bow on the grass.
Arthur glanced around and saw the girl was glaring at the group murderously, and he could have sworn he heard a rustle in the trees but he ignored it. The sound of Merlin groaning in discomfort snapped his back to his senses. "You said that," he jerked his head towards the glass container the girl was carrying, "will save him?"
"It will. Please we do not mean you any harm," the girl said loudly. "I am a healer of Narnia, and my brother is a knight. We want to help you."
Percival gave a low laugh. "Narnia? The magic country locked in a permanent winter? Your people are vicious killers."
The man's eyes flashed. "Narnia has been out of a winter for ten years and we are a peaceful people. Do you want us to save your friend's life or not? We will leave you if you wish. I would greatly appreciate it if you," he eyes Gwaine carefully, "would lower your sword."
Merlin coughed and Arthur glanced back just as his eyes began to shut. "Ar- Arthur- just please-"
Arthur dropped to his knees and brushed the hair out of the man's face. "Merlin look at me- look at me- do not do this your idiot. Who else will muck out the stables and clean my shoes?" Arthur's voice cracked slightly at the end. Merlin had nearly died so many times and yet every time something like this happened Arthur was more emotionally compromised than he would like to admit.
Lancelot was soon at Arthur's side and the girl soon after. Before he could do anything the girl had put a drop of the red liquid into Merlin's mouth and for a few seconds the servant went limp and didn't move. Arthur grasped the girl tightly by the shoulder and she winced slightly but showed no other signs of dicomfort. "What have you done to him? He's not"- Merlin gave a shuddering cough and Lancelot quickly helped the servant to sit up. Merlin looked around dizzily and Arthur quickly released the girl and instead turned to his servant.
"W'as going on? Arthur?"
The Prince pulled Merlin into a bone crushing hug, laughing manically. Gwaine was quickly rushing over as well just as Merlin felt around his torso for his wound. "It's gone!"
"My wound? It's completely gone!"
The knights turned around and starred at the two newcomers in awe. The man was grinning and pulling the girl to her feet as the girl fastened the cordial to her belt once again. The man slung an arm around her shoulders.
"How did you do that?" Arthur demanded. The pair shrugged.
"The cordial is magic." For a few moments the four were silent and Merlin was helped to his feel, albeit he staggered slightly. "He will still be weak, however," the man explained. "We welcome you to come to Narnia in order to heal yourselves and rest for as long as you need." The other knights were sporting various cuts and bruises, and the dark circles under their eyes were only the slightest hints at their exhaustion.
"What are your names?" The girl asked, a welcoming smile gracing her face.
"I'm Gwaine," he walked up and kissed Lucy on the hand, and the other man's tense expression and glare at Gwaine's didn't go unnoticed by anyone.
"My name is Percival," he bowed slightly, keeping his expression neutral. He turned to the two remaining members of their party.
The final knight, who was holding a decent sized cut on his arm smiled. "I am Lancelot."
"The three of them are all knights of Camelot. My name is Arthur, Prince of Camelot, and this is my servant, Merlin." The thought of calling himself Prince still sent a pang of guilt and sadness through him. Although his father may still be alive, for all intensive purposes Arthur was acting as King. He knew in his heart that his father was truly broken by his sister's betrayal, but he wanted him back more than anything. For so long Arthur had dreamed of becoming King, but now that he basically was there, is terrified him. How could he lead a country? He thought himself so young and so inexperienced. He was forever thankful that he had Agravaine and Leon and the rest of his knights to guide him, and of course he had Merlin, although he would never tell his servant that.
The two newcomers looked at each other for half a moment, and most would have missed the exchange but it wasn't lost on the Prince. "We know of Camelot's laws against magic, but please know that we mean you no harm and only wish to help you. My name is Edmund, a knight of Narnia, and this is my sister Lucy, a healer."
The man dipped into a well practiced, low bow in Arthur's direction, and the girl did a perfect curtsey. "Pleasure to meet you," Arthur's voice wavered at the image of how normal these two were, despite being from a well feared and magical land. "But I must ask, what are two Narnians doing out here? We aren't even in Narnia."
"I beg your pardon but we are in Narnia. I believe you are misinformed about Narnia's current state. It is no longer in an eternal winter and the White Witch was overthrown a little over ten years ago. Narnia is currently in a Golden Age, and a fairly peaceful one at that." The man informed them.
Gwaine's eyebrows furrowed. "And you do not mean us any harm?"
Lucy shook her head. "Not at all, we merely want to help."
Merlin leaned closer to Arthur. "You know, we could use this as an opportunity to learn more about magic."
"What are you talking about? That seems awfully dangerous, Merlin."
Lancelot came over and jumped into the conversation as well. "No I agree with Merlin, what better way to find out more about magic then to go into a magical country? Besides, I do not think these people are dangerous. They did save Merlin's life."
Arthur focused on the ground for many moments. Agravaine had suggested that he take a small force of knights out and look at the surrounding lands in order to see if any had relations to Morgana, to seek out potential allies, and identify threats. This Narnia seemed like the perfect haven for his sister. However if Morgana was there, then surely these two would have been informed about Arthur and been told to kill or capture him on site?
"If it makes you feel better," Edmund spoke up. "We will accompany you unarmed."
The four glanced at each other before settling their gaze on Arthur. Merlin and Lancelot gave him begging looks. "Just for one night, but yes please do walk unarmed." Arthur knew they would have to be careful, they could get in, talk to the monarchs, ask some questions about their armies, he knew it was not uncommon for conversation to turn to battle strategies when kings were present, and then they could leave the next morning and forget anything ever happened. "All of you," he turned to his knights and Merlin. "Do not to anything stupid, don't do anything that attracts too much attention, we are here to gather information, not make friends," he whispered. The others nodded.
The girl looked at Edmund, a small smile playing on her lips. "Um, Edmund, do you think that we should," Lucy gestured vaguely to the trees.
Edmund chuckled lowly before hollering, "Peace, Oreius! Please come out, but keep your weapons away."
A figure who Arthur thought was a horse emerged from its hiding place, but as it got closer they saw that it only had the body of a horse, and a head of a man. Arthur visibly paled and Edmund and Lucy thought he was going to pass out. Merlin roared into laughter. "Brilliant! A centaur!"
"A what?"
"Are you sure bringing this group into our country is wise, My Liege? Magic is deeply feared and punishable by death in Camelot."
"I think it will be fine, Oreius. Besides, we most likely could not enter their country; however there is nothing that says they cannot enter ours." Edmund walked closer to the group, hands raised, and his sword placed firmly in the sheath. "We only want to help, Oreius will not harm you."
"Arthur, are you alright?" Merlin asked.
The Prince didn't reply, and instead looked quite unsteady on his feet, and Percival moved to place a hand on his shoulder. "Sire, we can leave."
"No," he said firmly. "After what happened we need to be more informed about magic, the more we know, the better. However, no one knows about this, no one." He cleared his throat and looked anywhere but at the centaur. He thought he saw it grin. "Please, Edmund, Lucy, lead on."
Edmund's horse walked closer to the group, particularly Gwaine. "If you threaten him again, I will trample you. Is that understood?" Gwaine spun around and saw only the horse behind him.
"Edmund," Gwaine croaked. "Does your horse, by chance, talk?"
The horse whinnied and simultaneously Edmund laughed. "Yes. His name is Philip and on most days I cannot get him to shut up."
"I am merely doing my job and looking out for your safety. Aslan knows that keeps me up at night. Besides, you are much better company than the other horses who can hardly hold an intelligent conversation."
Edmund grinned. "Are you sure you're not being too harsh, Philip? Not many would say I'm the best source for intelligent conversation."
"That's probably because you have this knack for making most people want to strangle you the second you open your mouth." Edmund didn't reply.
The men from Camelot starred and listened to this exchange in various degrees of shock. Merlin and Lancelot were grinning ear to ear, Percival seemed confused and was glancing at Edmund strangely, and Arthur was getting paler and paler by the second. "It's alright," Lucy said brightly. "He's completely harmless, as long as you don't hurt Edmund that is, he is very protective of him."
Arthur cleared his throat yet couldn't find any words. Percival coughed. "Understood," he said meekly.
The walk through the woodland area was a short one, and within a few minutes of silence the group was at the base of a glorious town which reminded Arthur very much of Camelot. "I must warn you, almost all of the inhabitants of Narnia are magic. It is not uncommon for us to have visitors that are human from other countries, although all of the Narnians other than the monarchs are talking beasts, centaurs, fauns, dryads, or naiads."
Arthur placed a hand on his sword and Lucy rubbed his shoulder lightly. "Please do not be afraid, we do not mean to harm you. We think it would be beneficial to both of our countries if we could be on friendly terms with each other, we are bordered by the sea, and Camelot is a landlocked nation. It would provide better and faster trade routes for both of us if we could pass into each other's land without fear of harm." The group from Camelot starred at the girl incredulously. However as they continued to walk into the market and the magical beast populace increased steadily, as did the curious glanced of the Narnians, the girl continued to talk and keep their attention captured on her rather than the talking beasts, lest, she feared, the Camelot Prince passed out from shock.
After many minutes and the group was now at the base on a large staircase, leading up to a marble castle, did Arthur get the chance to speak. "I must say, I truly am surprised that you know so much about the alliances and the economy-"
"Because I am a girl you do not think that I should be properly informed?"
Edmund laughed. "Oh you've done it now."
Arthur tried his best to recover. "No, no, I have an advisor in Camelot who is a woman and is very knowledgeable about such things; I simply mean that you speak as if you have much weight behind your decisions, especially for one so young."
"I am not much younger than you, if my guess is correct."
"Well, how old are you?"
"Eighteen, and you?"
"Twenty Five next month."
Lucy hummed as she began ascending the stairs. Once the group go halfway up, the sound of trumpets pierced their ears. A man with the legs of a goat and torso and head of a man appeared in the archway leading into the open aired building. He was wearing a ruby red silk vest and silver scarf around his neck. "Hail King Edmund and Queen Lucy, and guests," Oreius spoke to him in hushed tones for a few moments before the creature looked utterly dumbstruck for many moments. "Prince and Knights of Camelot!"
Arthur's mouth fell open, as did the other Knights and Merlin's. "Excuse me, but did he say King and Queen? You failed to mention that!"
"Didn't you say you were siblings?"
Edmund cleared his throat. "Ah, yes. We are two of the Kings and Queens of Narnia, our sister Susan is also a Queen, and our brother Peter is the High King. None of us are married; our relationship is strictly that of siblings. Aslan, son of the Emperor Over the Sea, made it so. We do not question him, nor do we have reason to."
"Aslan? Who is Aslan?" Lancelot asked. Merlin raised an eyebrow.
"No, no I think I've heard of him. Isn't he," he paused and thought for a moment, "a lion? I thought he was merely legend."
Lucy shook her head, and the look of calm and peace that crossed her expression left Merlin in wonder. "No, he is very much real, I assure you. He created Narnia, and we look to him for guidance and strength. He is the one who truly defeated the White Witch, and saved Narnia from an eternal winter."
"How is it that she was overthrown?" Merlin asked. "I had thought she was unbeatable."
"Was she really a witch? She knew magic?"
Edmund smiled politely. "We will be more than happy to answer your questions later tonight, when there is more time to discuss them. Edmund turned to them once they reached the top of the stairs. "Now, our brother and sister are currently in court, however you are more than welcome to meet them tonight. We will hold a feast in honor of your visit. As for now, Lucy will show you all to the healing ward, where you can get cleaned up, then you will be escorted to your chambers for the night. A change of clothes will be provided if you so wish and someone will accompany you to the feast once it begins. If you have any concerns at all, please do not hesitate to ask, and I look forward to seeing you all tonight. You are our honored guests."
Once the Knights, Prince, and Servant had been led into the healing ward, and had been tended to by a handful of fauns and a centaur and had glimpsed a few talking birds, they were left in their chambers. It was more of a wing, than a chamber, each of the men had their own sleeping quarters, with a common room strictly for the guests. From floor to ceiling everything was marble, the sheets and bedding and curtains were a rich maroon and gold, not to different from the colors of Camelot, however everything was open and bright, and there was a window in nearly every room. A grand fireplace sat in the corner, which Arthur figured hadn't gotten much use because of the warm weather, and the group rested on plush armchairs made of some of the softest material Arthur had ever seen, even more comfortable than some of the furniture in Camelot. Arthur had seen so many things that left him speechless in the past hour that he could hardly think properly. Percival seemed just as wary as he did, however Merlin and Lancelot were right at home, perfectly content in the chairs, with the low murmur of talking beasts clearly audible from the courtyard below the nearby window. Gwaine appeared neither content, nor wary, although Arthur figured once he got some alcohol in him that man would be perfectly happy.
"Do you not find it odd, that four siblings are Kings and Queens, and were appointed by a lion?" Arthur finally broke the silence, and the statement alone nearly made him laugh.
"They said they would explain more tonight, I suppose will won't have much longer to wait, it appears the sun is setting now." Arthur glanced out the window and saw the golden sun dipping just below the glistening ocean. It truly was a beautiful site, one that he doubted anyone could grow accustomed to seeing every evening and morning.
Just as Merlin finished talking, there was a knock at the door and the same faun from before entered, carrying a bundle of clothing. "Good evening, your majesty," he bowed in Arthur's direction and greeted the other men. "I have a change of clothes for all of you, if you would so like to wear it in order to get out of your armor." The group accepted graciously, as they had been traveling for many days and the heavy, dirt and sweat covered armor was certainly getting a little aggravating.
"My name is Tumnus, advisor to the Kings and Queens. If you need anything at all throughout the night, I am the person to come to. Now I apologize as some of the clothing might be a little, erm," he glanced at Percival, "small. Or," he eyed Merlin carefully, "a tad bit big, but it is all we have for the time being."
"I'm sure it's perfect, mate," Gwaine said, grinning. Tumnus handed out the change of clothing and left, saying someone would be up to show them to the feast within half an hour. Soon the group had changed, and Arthur had expected to be itching at old, worn fabric all night, but in fact it was quite the opposite. The shirts were all made of silk and velvet, clearly some of the finest fabric offered in the kingdom, and the pants strictly of cotton. They all wore their own leather boots from Camelot, but they were well broken in and comfortable, so Arthur wasn't complaining. Arthur was given a cream colored satin undershirt, and a knee length maroon dress shirt made of velvet which was pleated at the ends. Gwaine was given something very similar but in silver and cerulean. Lancelot was given a long sleeved, collared satin dress shirt purple in color and dark grey dress pants, along with a silver scarf. Percival had a long sleeved silver undershirt with a formal olive green vest on top that seemed to shimmer if the light his it just right. Merlin was giddy at the thought of being able to dress up and attend a feast at all- and better than that a feast that he didn't have to serve food and drink at. He had been given a tan satin long sleeved shirt with a cherry colored vest with darker red stitching, and black dress pants. Arthur then spent some time digging through his bag looking for his crown, once Merlin reminded him, "you are a prince, you probably should be acting as one."
Soon enough the men were changed and ready, and not a moment too soon, for there was another lighter knock at the door. Merlin jumped up and answered it, thinking it would be another faun or centaur, but instead stood a beautiful woman in a periwinkle gown with a dark blue and emerald underskirt. She appeared about the same age as him, perhaps a year or two younger, but that may have just been on account of her beauty than actual age. Her chestnut hair curled around her shoulders and stopped just at the small of her back. When Arthur first saw her, his breath caught in his throat for half a second, as the girl reminded him slightly of a younger, more carefree version of Morgana. The woman's complexion was just as fair and lips just as red, only very unlike his sister, a slender golden crown sat atop her head.
"Good evening, I am Queen Susan and I will be showing you all down to the feast. I trust you have had a pleasant stay so far? Is there anything you need?"
"Uh," Merlin took a moment to regain his thought, because even he couldn't deny that the woman in front of him- Queen Susan- was stunning. "Yes. We have had a wonderful stay so far My Lady."
Susan smiled at him and stepped out of the way of the door, allowing the group to pass by and enter the hallway. Gwaine swooped forward first and Arthur almost smacked him. "The castle is breathtaking, My Lady, however it's beauty pales in comparison to you." As he kissed the Queen's hand and a bright blush spread across Susan's face Arthur had to resist the urge to strangle him. Percival however was doing everything in his power not to laugh. "I am Gwaine, Knight of Camelot."
Arthur quickly stepped up before Gwaine could advance any further. "I am Prince Arthur, of Camelot, My Lady. It is a pleasure to meet you."
"The pleasure is mine. It truly is an honor to have the opportunity to talk with nobility from your country, for many years we feared that we would never have this opportunity."
Arthur smiled tightly, still unsure of how he felt about all the pressure to befriend this completely magical land. "I feel the same, My Lady." He gestured to Merlin, standing behind him. "This is my manservant, Merlin. If you ever need to find me, he is the person to talk to." Merlin addressed Susan and bowed.
The group continued to walk down towards the Great Hall as introductions continued. "I am Percival, Knight of Camelot, My Lady. It is a pleasure to meet you. Your kingdom has been quite welcoming." Susan nearly had to strain her neck in order to look him in the eye.
"Thank you, Sir Percival. We try to be as kind to guests as possible, especially those who are a bit wary around magic. If any of you have any questions please do not be shy-" Gwaine opened his mouth and Arthur elbowed him in the gut- "we would be happy to help inform you in any way we can."
Finally Lancelot stepped forward, just as they were about to enter the Great Hall through the back doors. "My name is Lancelot, Knight of Camelot, My Lady." He also kissed Susan on the hand, although it was more out of formality than Gwaine's advances were.
The group stepped through a set of large oak doors into a smaller antechamber where three others were standing and waiting. Arthur recognized Edmund, although this time instead of wearing armor he had on a long sleeved silver, navy, and aqua silk top with white stitching and embroidery, along with silver dress pants and light leather books with intricate lacing. He also had a dark violet cloak that was nearly black in color clasped around his neck by a silver clasp of a lion's head. He also had a narrow crown perched atop his head which seemed to be made of silver leaves. Lucy had on a simple sienna dress with a glistening maroon underskirt. The sleeves hung loosely on her arms and the skirt flared around her ankles, giving Arthur the impression that the younger girl would be spending most of her night dancing than actually feasting. There was an even more delicate looking crown on her head, silver in color like Edmund's. The final figure stood half a foot taller than Edmund and was much broader in the shoulders and arms. He had shaggy blond hair which went down to his chin, and the beginnings of a stubble beard. His eyes looked over Arthur once, as if to analyze him for a threat, and Arthur immediately stood up straighter, not for fear of being seen as weak but for truly wanting to impress this man in front of him. He looked no older than Arthur but carried an air of authority to him, the same as his father. He wore an intricate shirt similar to Edmund's only it was rose and gold in color. He had on a light cloak which almost appeared to be made of liquid gold, which was also clasped by a small lion's head clip. Arthur also thought he saw the tip of a not so hidden dagger inside of his brown leather boots. Then a voice in the back of Arthur's head told him that perhaps this man wanted the weapon to be seen, for if he wanted it to be kept a secret surely it would be kept so. The golden crown he wore was perfectly polished and reminded Arthur greatly of his own, only it had more nature elements woven into the detailed design.
"I am High King Peter, The Magnificent. It is an honor to meet you, Prince Arthur." In most cases, Arthur would have seen this as a jab at his title. However, there was something about the group of four monarchs that let him feeling calm and relaxed, and not at all as tense as he normally would be at a function such as this. He knew he was merely trying to look for information about magic, but something about these people told him that there was no way anything they did would be purposefully evil. They all were so collected and regal, yet nothing about them appeared like a facade, like the ones his father's advisors always possessed.
Arthur stepped forward and shoot Peter's hand. "The honor is all mine. I graciously thank you for allowing us to rest and healing us," he cast Edmund and Lucy a quick look, "and for saving us. My servant owes you his life, and I fear what would have happened to the rest of us had you all not shown up."
Edmund nodded. "It was no trouble at all. I believe you would have done the same had the roles been reversed." Arthur opted not to say anything but Lucy continued t smile brightly at him.
"All of the guests will be taking beasts, you are the only other humans at the Cair currently," Lucy explained. "We just wanted to tell you this, so you wouldn't be alarmed." She looked as if this had been explained to guests time and time again, perhaps it had been, Arthur mused.
"Thank you for the warning, however I think we will be fine," Merlin said. Arthur glanced at him out of the corner of his eye but remained silent. He didn't know how Merlin and Lancelot were so relaxed in this kingdom, although it was very warm and welcoming it was so different from Camelot and the other kingdoms that Arthur had visited he doubted he would ever feel completely at ease in a place such as Narnia. However he was thankful Merlin had spoken up, he feared that he may not have been able to be so gracious towards the Narnian population had he been the one to answer.
"We will enter first and sit at our four thrones, and we have set up chairs between our own, so please feel free to sit wherever you like. Just wait for us to introduce you all before you come in," Peter explained and Arthur nodded.
A voice hollered from the other side of the door leading into the Great Hall, snapping Arthur and his Knights and Servant to attention. "Now I welcome High King Peter, the Magnificent, Emperor of the Lone Islands, Lord of Cair Paravel, and Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Lion," Peter looked down at his feet before entering. "Queen Susan the Gentle," Susan nodded warmly at the men before slipping from the room, a radiant smile on her face. "King Edmund, the Just, Duke of Lantern Waste, Count of the Western March, Knight of the Noble Order of the Table." Arthur could have sworn he saw the boy hiding a smirk as snuck out the door and into the Great Hall. "And Queen Lucy the Valiant," Lucy grinned at the group.
"You're up soon! Good luck!" She quickly exited and the group could hear the sounds of many magical beasts, fauns, and centaurs cheering in the other room.
"Now I would like to welcome our most honored guests, Prince and Regent of Camelot, Arthur Pendragon, Knights of Camelot, Sir Lancelot, Sir Percival, and Sir Gwaine, and Prince Arthur's servant, Merlin." Arthur focusing on his breathing as he pushed open the doors and was met with a hesitant, dull roar of a crowd.
A/N: First of all I have a few thank yous to give out- to OMGimprocrastinating for inspiration, because it was their Merlin/Narnia crossover stories that originally inspired me to write this. I highly recommend you go read them, because they are very well written and developed. Also to xYaar for her never ending patience and for bouncing ideas off for any and every story I've had and for simply being such a great friend and being so supportive. Seriously she is amazing; you should go check out her stories too.
Updates will be random although I will try to write regularly if I can. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated! Also a disclaimer: I do not own Chronicles of Narnia or Merlin; I am simply borrowing the characters and bending them to my will for a little bit.
I will try to include all of the characters equally, although I am warning you now I am very partial to Edmund's character, as you may have already noticed, so he will definitely be in the story quite a lot.