It's been a while since I wrote a chapter fic. I took a break from writing fanfic to write an actual book. Which I did. And it is currently in the editing process while I find an agent, but that's another matter that's going to take some time. What I was going to do was start on another book but while many ideas were there, motivation was not.

However, things have begun to look up. I got a new, much better job. My mood and emotions have improved something like twenty fold. Plus, I've come back to read fanfiction, and what horrendously addictive pairing do I happen to discover? Balcifer.

If you're looking for someone to blame, point at L. Alex Greene who has drool worthy Balcifer fics (MOST OF THEM INCOMPLETE) that are absolutely to die for. So I thought I'd take a crack at one. A Balcifer modern universe AU that'll probably include detailed smut. There's a lot of firsts for me, people.

Anyway, I have no idea where this is going to go. Right now, I'm writing from inspiration (while I'm bored at work) so it'll go however it goes. Hopefully it'll be another 40 chapter epic. We'll see.

If you skipped all of this to jump to the story, don't feel guilty. No one blames you. I hope you like it!

"Shots! Shots! Shots!"

"No. No shots."

"Shots! Shots!"

"Gabriel, I'm serious."

"Shots! Shots! Shots! Sh-!"

Lucifer swiftly downed the vodka, causing his little brother to squeal in utter delight. He clapped while Lu made a face and slammed the glass down. "Good job, champ!"

"That was awful."

"It's whipped cream flavored. C'mon. Gets better with time. Shots! Shots!" His hand banged on the table with his rhythm.

The elder groaned at Gabriel's enthusiasm. Considering his brother was still sober and not an excited drunk, it was a completely unwarranted celebration. "Why are you trying to get me hammered?" he asked flatly, hoping to diffuse everything before it really got going.

"Because you never come out with me," Gabriel happily answered, not even trying to deny his attempts at getting Lucifer drunk. "We need to party tonight, man. We never do this."

"Don't you have work in the morning?"

"I'm not the one getting drunk tonight. C'mon, Lucy. Knock it back."

Lu shook his head, making another sour face partly at the idea of drinking that stuff again and partly at his age old nickname. "If I knock anything back, it has to taste better than this shit."

Gabriel clapped him on the back and motioned towards the bar for something different to head their way. Whatever he was going to order had to be better than what they just had.

Lu decided to take the opportunity to awkwardly glance around the bar. It had been years since he went out drinking like this so the feeling of misplacement was swelling higher in his chest with every sickly sweet shot Gabe put in front of him. At least the place wasn't terrible, but that was only because the music hadn't started yet. Then surely the headache would follow. God, when did he get so old?

"All right." Gabriel's voice brought him back for the moment as someone approached their table. "Tell the nice man what you want."

Lu looked up to him with something akin to pleading in his eyes. "I don't want to be wrecked in the morning."

"Better make it rum, then," Gabe teased. "Rum makes for a happy Lu." A little more horny than happy really, which gave him pause seeing as his brother knew that.

While the bartender sauntered away with their order, Lu huffed. "Whatever happens, I'm going home alone tonight." Gabriel isn't above getting his friends hammered and laid if he had a mind for it.

"Not with the drinks you've had. Someone's gotta drive-"

"You know what I mean," Lu nearly growled. "What game are you up to this time?"

"Nothing." Gabe looked appalled at the mere suggestion for a quick second before switching back to that smirking face. "I just want you to enjoy your night out with us, Lu. That's all. Stop being so paranoid." One had to always be paranoid when dealing with Gabriel. Then the younger brother suddenly turned and screamed across the bar, making Lu flinch. "Mikey!"

Michael turned at the sound of his name from his perch near the DJ, flirting with a few girls gathered nearby. A smile practically jumped on his face as he waved back, saying something to his gaggle of potential lovers before taking a few long strides back to his family. "Hey, Lu. Drunk yet?"

"I had one shot so far," the other answered him so meekly that it even sounded pathetic to his own ears. God, five years ago he would have destroyed this bar.

"That's a yes," Gabe cut in. "Of course our lightweight is drunk."

Mikey laughed and swung his leg over the back of a stool to sit with them. "Music's about to start," he laughed at his twin, doing a little shimmy on the barstool. "Wanna dance?"

Lu made a play at considering it. "Do I want to dance to club music with my brothers? Hmm." That vodka was enough to make the lights a little blurry for a brief moment, not that he was about to mention that. He didn't want to mix drinks, but he definitely didn't want to go out there in the hot, sweaty dance floor where those damn kids will probably start gyrating against him. Though, he didn't really see many people much younger than him out in the crowd tonight, but his reasoning still stood.

"You'll have fun," Mikey laughed, nudging his arm. "God knows you-"

Whatever he said was drowned out as the music suddenly started up with a mad rush. Several patrons abandoned their drinks or just ran out to dance with liquor in hand as the house lights dimmed and lasers and strobes began. Geez, the place was trying to be a club.

Gabriel's hand smacked down on the table, and Lu hardly even heard it. "That's my song!" he screamed faintly, making Michael's smile grow.

"C'mon!" The twin nudged at Lu again. "One song!"

Just then, thankfully, mercifully, the bartender sat down a glass of straight rum in front of Lu. The guy left before he could be thanked, but Lu still raised his glass to show off his new excuse.

Gabe screamed again, "You can drink later!" There was a hint of irony here seeing as he was screaming about shots not two minutes ago, but Lu didn't feel like putting in the effort to voice it. Instead, he took a sip of his new drink, half ass ignoring them.

It worked a bit. "C'mon," Mikey screamed over to Gabriel. "He'll see us having fun and follow us!"

Gabriel blinked to him, paused, then screamed, "What?"

"He'll see us having fun and-!"

Lu leaned closer to Gabriel. "He's telling you to go fucking dance!"

"Fuck who?"

Michael laughed and grabbed his little brother's arm to drag him away from the table. He followed along easily enough to prove that he had been playing them.

While it wasn't necessarily quiet, Lu still leaned an arm over the table while cradling his drink in the other hand, enjoying not being pestered about having fun since he left his place a few hours ago. Gabriel and Michael blended into the crowd so easily that he lost the pair a few times while watching over them. Nothing overrated was really happening tonight – not to mention they were both grown men who could more than handle themselves – and they seemed to really be having fun. Lu idly wondered if they did this every weekend.

He slipped at the rum again, letting it burn slow and sweet through his throat, until a voice spoke in his ear, "Wanna dance?" Same words, but it definitely wasn't Michael this time.

Lu turned to see a man he didn't know leaning down to his ear. With the darkness, numbing music, and alcohol in his veins, he had missed this guy's approach. However, he also somehow missed when the other man put one arm on the table and the other on Lu's chair, nearly trapping him in. That smirk didn't look as malicious, though. Predatory, sure. Lu blinked up at the blonde hair and blue eyes before coming back around to the question and he leaned closer to talk. "Maybe about five years ago!"

A different smile bloomed across the blonde's face, one that was more genuine and less predatory that all around looked better on him. "If you're too old for dancing, I should be in the ground right now!"

Lu smiled, too, noticing a hint of some sort of accent and not missing the way the other man's eyes looked him up and down with that same grin before nodding to the dance floor. Lu glanced out there himself – spotting Gabriel having what looked like the time of his life, which is basically how he looked all the time – before looking back to the blonde. Shamelessly, he looked him over, too. Black v-neck that fit him a bit too well, jeans, and leather boots. That was it, that was the whole ensemble, and he looked practically delicious in it. He also knew it.

Mikey and Gabe would drag him out to the dance floor one way or another. He might as well do it on his own terms. With one last glance to the handsome blonde, Lu took another gulp of his rum for luck before standing. Those blue eyes sparkled in the dull lights, but the man turned and led the way all the same, half surprising Lu when he lightly grabbed his wrist.

Jesus, he was a teenager again. Getting picked up by a guy at a bar? What was he thinking? But now they were well into the throng of people and the blonde was turning back to him with that same smirk. He didn't even look to be up to any good, but it wasn't like Lu was stopping him or anything either. When was the last time he even danced? He doesn't dance. This is ridiculous.

But the other man pulled him closer by the wrist and they were suddenly dancing, still being pulled along by the blonde's lead. Not that Lu minded right now. While the other man danced and worried away at getting the strawberry blonde as close as possible – like his game wasn't obvious – Lu took the brief moment to really study him the best he could under these damned strobe lights. He was tanned, though it looked less artificial and more like a working man's tan, and pretty built. Not heavy stocked, but the muscles were clear enough on his lean frame. The half sleeve tattoo on his left arm only seemed to accent that, of what Lu could see of it. Then there was another tattoo wisping up the man's neck on his right side and Lu had to pause and wonder just what those looked like with this man's shirt off. He also had crow's feet and a few notable wrinkles, but they certainly didn't hurt his looks in the least. If anything, he looked even more handsome with them and, likely, he knew that, too. He seemed to know exactly how good he looked.

From the way their hips were beginning to brush together, it was also clear that the mystery blonde had no intentions of going home alone tonight, either. While that was an intriguing thought to fantasize about later, it was best to not lead him on too much.

Lu moved closer to the blonde, stopping just shy of his ear and neck and that increasingly tantalizing tattoo. The man took the opportunity to brush closer. "I don't think we're after the same things tonight!" Lu yelled over the music, smiling despite himself at how much the guy was trying anyway. It was almost flattering.

"Oh?" He sounded amused over the pulsing beats. "And what are you after?"

Lu felt the blonde's hands begin to trace his ribs, but he let the guy do it. Instead, he glanced out to the dance floor, assuming he'd see a brother or two instead of just a crowd of people while he tried to think of an answer. Why on Earth had he come out tonight, anyway? "Just a little fun!"

He was close enough that Lu felt a smile against his cheek. They were practically belly rubbing and, if the guy kept up, they'd be grinding in no time. That wouldn't be good, considering how attractive he was. "I'm plenty fun!" the mystery blonde answered, snapping Lu back to the moment and out of that daydream.

"I wasn't after that much fun!" he answered back, laughing at their stupid conversation and this stupid dancing and his stupid brothers for doing this whole thing.

The man pulled back to face Lu head on. "What's too much?" he asked over the music, still close enough to hear one another, still close enough for Lu to smell cologne and bourbon and maybe shampoo or sweat or whatever it was that made looking this guy in his impossibly blue eyes a little bit dizzying. This. This was already starting to be too much, then Lu made the mistake of letting his body lead his thoughts and glanced down to the man's lips.

He wasn't taken by surprise or anything. The other man closed the distance nice and slow, even drawing his hand to the back of Lu's neck right before, as if asking to see if this was welcome. Apparently, it was. Lu's mind worried over how to push the guy off without making himself seem ungrateful, while his hands traveled over the man's chest and his lips returned the kiss a bit too hungrily. He blamed the rum. The rum that he drank hardly half a glass of. It was definitely the rum and not the way this man – who, by the way, was still a complete and total stranger – ran his fingers through his hair and gently grabbed at him to keep him in place. It suddenly occurred to him just how long it's been, then the man opened his mouth to his and all thought stopped for a moment, the music pounding in his ears as a dull, far off bass.

He couldn't hear it – he couldn't really hear anything – but the man's chest rumbled something that could have easily been a growl or moan and that was way too much fun for one night. Lu peeled himself away from this ridiculously attractive hound and he was loathe to admit that it was almost physically painful to do so. The other man let him, giving a big smile to Lu who just focused on catching his breath and not getting too caught up in those eyes again. "I should probably find my brothers!" The other man's smile grew, shoulders gently shaking in a little laugh. Lu composed himself again. "Thanks!"And now he felt like an idiot.

"It was my complete and utter pleasure!" he replied with that gorgeous fuck-me grin. "What's your name?"

It was Lu's turn to smirk. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you!" And with that, he began to back away from the man who still gently held on to his arm and kept holding on until Lu was out of reach. They watched each other before Lu finally turned away from him, grin now permanently etched in place. That was so stupid. Dancing at a fucking bar with a fucking stranger who he just fucking made out with. He couldn't help but smile.

Mikey was already leaning against their table with yet another woman standing next to him. That was good. Maybe his brothers didn't catch sight of the mystery man. Michael did point at him, though. "That's Lu, my brother!" he told the brunette girl in far too few clothes who innocently waved back while mouthing a "hi."

Lu waved, too, still feeling stupidly giddy before someone clapped him on the shoulder, startling him. For a brief moment, he could have sworn it was the man again, but it was only Gabriel. His little brother turned out to be far worse as he leaned up towards Lu's ear and asked, "Who was the blonde guy?"

And that is chapter one. I don't know where this is going to go. I have some ideas, but I guess we'll all wait and see what happens. I'm used to having everything planned out for chapter fics, but this is kind of exciting. There'll be more in a few days, don't fret.

If you liked it, leave a review! :)