Clubs were not here scene. Loud, boisterous, suffocatingly crowded and thick with the stench of month's old accumulated body fluids. Oh no. This was definitely not her scene.

And as much as she loved her fair share of shameless flirts as much as the next girl, the men here were just… not to her taste.

"Hey, did you ever realise that screw rhymes with me and you?"

Actually it just rhymes with you.

"No? How about this one: Hey somebody farted. Let's get out of here!"


"If you were a fruit, you'd be a fineapple."

This was getting ridiculous.

She contemplated all the ways to rid herself of the nuisance, but for the life of her she just couldn't come up with an outcome where his genitalia were still attached to his body.

"My, my, my. Quite the predicament."

"What was that sweet cheeks?"

"Please refrain from addressing me any further, unless you want your testicular appendage viciously rip-"

"Ahhh! Su-per! Found you at last. I got your drink."

Pardon? She felt a sudden heavy weight on her shoulder and before she could examine the new arrival, she felt the weight squeeze her shoulder slightly, bringing full awareness to the quiet whisper in her ear that asked for her name.

"Rrr-obin, where'd you run off to?"

"Ah…Sorry," bit confused by playing along anyhow, she lightly place a hand on the unfamiliar man next to her, eyes still trained ahead, "Just wanted a little air before being impolitely interrupted," and pointedly stared at the offender.

He got the hint and at the sight of retreat, Robin found great delight in which she shamelessly revelled in.

At the clearing of a throat , she recalled the existence her rescuer. Ah. Tall was the first word that came to mind. Seven feet, perhaps? Under further inspection she noticed he was also extremely well built, well if his unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt was anything to go by. Didn't exactly leave anything to the imagination now did it?

Squinting her eyes and ever so slightly tiptoeing, she tried to gain better sight to the face of the mysterious man. She couldn't tell if the lights of the club were distorting her vision, she could have sworn this young man had the most striking shade of blue hair. How interesting.

She figured she should stop being impolite and thank her saviour. It isn't nice to brazenly stare after all.

"Thank you for your help. I appreciate it."

"OW! How can I have abandoned a damsel in distress? Hahaha!"

His laugh was as strange as his looks. Still it was infectious, that and with this…pose she supposed she should call it, how could she not be entertained. He had rather nice arms too.

"Oh? Then may I know the name of my hero?"

He swiftly grabbed a hand of hers, bowing slightly.

"Franky, dear Robin…"

"Nico Robin"

"Dear Nico Robin" he spoke giving the captured hand a chaste kiss.

"You're a charming one, aren't you?"

"Is'not sarcasm I hope." She faked pondered while she walked past him, stealing the glass occupying his other hand.


"What? You brought my drink, did you not?" His pout, she found was absolutely adorable. She guessed she could afford him a drink.