A/N Hey, here's me new story! This was inspired by BelieveInYourDreamsForLife's challenge. I hope you guys like it! Oh, and Ezra is 12 in this.

But before you read, I'd like to thank Anonymous Prick 3 for beta-reading, and everyone who followed, favorited and commented on Sabine's Parents! You guys make my world go round!

Disclaimer – Star Wars Rebels isn't mine, but gosh, I wish it was!

"I need some food." Ezra thought, walking along the streets of Capital City. He stopped at a vender selling Yogans.

"Move along, Stumm. You ain't stealing from here today." The vender said, using the nickname all the venders gave Ezra.

"I just need to eat!" Ezra thought, but he didn't say anything. He rarely said anything. He just moved along and tried to find something else.

Something tugged in his mind, like music almost. This happened every once and a while, but this time it was stronger. Ezra had learned to trust the Music. He didn't trust much else.

He whirled around and saw a man in green. Green pants, green shirt, green armor. He looked like a tree. The Music was tugging, telling him to get closer.

"Who is this guy?" He thought. Suddenly, the man whirled around and starred Ezra right in the eyes. The Music got louder, but Ezra was so scared by the eye contact that he ran and hid behind a building.

He slumped against the side of the building, catching his breath. But the Music kept tugging. He decided to go along the rooftops and follow.

"Ok Music." He thought, "I'll follow this guy, but I'm still getting food later." He followed for a while, always keeping just out of sight. The only reason he was doing this was because the Music had helped him find food and shelter before.

Tree Man, as Ezra dubbed him, patted his blaster holster. A Lasat walked out from a doorway. Lasats were rare, but Ezra was more interested in the man.

He patted his holster again, and this time, a girl in colorful armor patted her holster, too. It seemed that Tree Man, Lasat, and Rainbow were all working together. Interesting.

The Music went down to a slight hum, so Ezra decided sit down for a while and catch his breath. A small explosion could be heard, just a few rooftops from where Ezra was sitting. The music started tugging again.

"Geez, would yah calm down today?" Ezra thought, running along the rooftops. He saw Lasat and Tree Man standing around some crates. Rainbow was nowhere to be found. Ezra looked closer and saw the marking for Yogans on one of the crates.

Without thinking twice, he jumped onto the speeder the crate was attached to and went backwards.

"Kid! Bring that back!" Tree Man yelled, but Ezra kept going. The Music screamed in his ear, just in time for Ezra to duck a punch thrown by Lasat.

Ezra drove though the street, faster than he ever had before. He felt the back of his speeder sway. He looked back and none other than Rainbow was standing on the crate. No, not 'the' crate, 'his' crate.

She started babbling about how it was a gutsy move, or something like that. Ezra turned hard left, knocking Rainbow off. He looked back to see her standing up and brushing dust off her armor.

"Good, I don't want to hurt anybody." He thought, concentrating on road in front of him. He finally made it to his home. Well, a tower . . . which he lived in . . . alone.

He parked the speeder in the bottom and pushed the crate up the stairs. The Music hummed in the back of his mind, and it almost sounded annoyed.

"What did you want me to do?" Talk to them?" He felt kind of stupid 'thinking' to the Music, but then again, he trusted it.

He made it to the top, and put the crate in a small room he called his kitchen. He walked through his 'living room' and out to the 'front porch'. He looked out over the fields of Lothal.

He stood there for a while before he heard a noise, and it wasn't the Music. It was a ship. An old ship, but a ship none the less. It landed about 30 yards from his tower. The ramp opened and to Ezra's surprise, out walked Tree Man, Lasat, Rainbow, a droid and a Twi'lek. The new people were quickly given the names Droid and Pilot.

Tree Man turned towards everyone else and seemed to be giving them orders. The Music hummed again, tugging him towards the people.

"Look!" Rainbow shouted, pointing up towards Ezra. All eyes were now on him. He felt them analyzing him, judging him. And he didn't like it, not one bit. He quickly ran inside and shut the door. He ran down the stairs, locked the doors down there and ran back up.

He ran to the 'living room' and moved his make-shift couch over. A small door was revealed, leading to his bedroom. He opened the door, pulled the couch back in front of it, closed the door, and sat on his bed.

His 'bed' was a sleeping bag, two very old pillows and a couple of blankets. He wrapped himself in the blankets and stared at the door, waiting for it to open at any second.

The Music got louder. It sounded annoyed, again. The louder the Music got, the closer those people came.

"Would yah cool it? You know I don't like other people!" Ezra thought/shouted at the Music. It didn't listen.

He heard the doors downstairs open, followed by footsteps on the stairs. He could hear someone pounding their fist on his crate of Yogans. The footsteps, confident footsteps, came closer and closer to his little room. Then he heard it. The couch had been moved.

"No, no, no, please no!" He thought desperately. He pulled the blankets tighter around himself. There was a creak. The door had been opened.

"Kid, you in here?" Tree Man said, coming through the door.

"No, no, go away!" Ezra thought tears forming in his eyes and running down his cheek. Tree Man walked further in, and stopped when he saw Ezra, who was trying to make himself as small as possible.

"Kid, are you ok?" Tree Man asked quietly, crouching down. Ezra was absolutely terrified and hid his face in the blankets.

"Kanan, did you find him?" Pilot looked into the small room and walked in.

"Yeah Hera, I found him." Tree Man, now identified as Kanan, said. Hera crouched down by him and reached a hand towards Ezra's face. Ezra closed his eyes, waiting for the pain of a slap.

But there was no pain, only a gentle touch on his cheek.

"Hun, what's wrong?" Hera asked in a quiet, soothing voice. Ezra was baffled. They weren't hurting him.

"Who are these people?"

A/N Hey guys! What did you think? Anyone who can tell me what Stumm means and what language it is gets a shoutout! Please leave comment, even if you didn't like it. Till next time!