Hi and thanks for checking out my fic! This is the first one I have decided to start uploading to this site. Anywho! I am not the best writer, and my writing styles fluctuate too much, but I love to write for fun so any advice or reviews are appreciated!

Warnings: This fic is rated M! Which means you must be 18+ to read.

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece, or any of its characters. (Even though I wish I did.)

It was a peaceful, warm day on the Thousand Sunny. The Strawhat Pirates had just left a beautiful summer island to restock and they were on there was on another adventure. The crew was going about their usual business. Robin was in the library, Nami in the girls bunk room working on her maps. Brook was in the Crow's nest on watch while he played a lively tune on his violin. Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy were playing a game of cards on the grassy deck. Franky was in his workshop going over some weapon plans. Sanji was organizing the food stock and lastly Zoro. He was leaning on the rail on the deck and meditating.

Zoro was just starting to fall asleep when he heard the kitchen door open then close. Foot steps came closer to him and he couldn't help but twitch. He kept his eyes closed and his positing firm, hoping that the crews cook would not bother him. He heard the familiar sound of Sanji lighting a cig and after a few moments he could smell the smokie menthol. Zoro started to mentally relax and zone out when a kick that he was totally unprepared of landed on his head, which threw him towards the front of the ship.

"Oi! What the fuck?! what that for you shitty fucking cook?" Zoro yelled and he rubbed his head with one hand, the other clutching one of his swords. Sanji drew a deep breath and looked at the swordsman.

"You left your weights all over the floor. I almost tripped. Pick them up." He said.

"Zoro growled as he stood up drawing two of his swords.

"Maybe if you watch where you're going you shitty love-cook maybe you wouldn't have almost landed face first on the ugly mug of yours!" Zoro yelled.

Sanji scoffs, sending Zoro the most annoying smirk he has every seen

"Get over yourself. The only one with an ugly mug is you. You probably wouldn't know beauty if it hit you in the face. Hmmm.. Let's test it out shall we?"

With that Sanji spins and sends a barrage of kicks towards the green haired man's head. Zoro quickly blocked most of the kicks with his swords but the last couple he had to actually doge.

Zoro was pissed. Why couldn't the cook ever just leave him alone! With a quick swipe, Zoro lunges and Sanji, swords barely missing their mark for Sanji's neck. Sanji bows backwards quickly, letting Zoro's swords fly over him. He quickly does a back bend lifting his left foot, and it smashes into Zoro's jaw. After that Zoro sees red.

"Fucking shitty cook. I should tie your precious legs up and then teach you a lesson about kicking people for dumb ass reasons."

Sanji pauses for a moment and whips his head to look at Zoro with a wide eye. A slight blush gracing his cheeks. Sanji sputters for a moment before saying, "Ha! I would like you see you try you green haired alien!"

Zoro could tell that the physical fight was over so the sheathes his swords and flashes the cook a cocky smile. "Phhf. You wish, ero-cook." Sanji clicks his tongue and stormed back into the kitchen. Zoro watches him leave with a curious look. His comment really seemed to bother the cook.

He needed to investigate more. With that, Zoro returns to his mediating spot and lays down for a quick nap before dinner.