Hey guys. So here's the start of the sequel of Fast Lane. I know it's a bit short but it's just at the start. I hope you will like it. Enjoy.
My name is Jane Rizzoli. I am thirty-three years old and born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. That's also were I am currently living and working.
I am a Homicide Detective and work with my friends and colleagues Detective Barry Frost and Sergeant Detective Vince Korsak on difficult murder cases.
Almost a year ago a new member joined our team. Dr. Maura Isles, Chief Medical Examiner of the commonwealth Massachusetts.
She's smart and a stickler for details.
An real enrichment for our team.
And she's my wife.
I met her by an accident as running in the morning. We bumped into each other and from the very first second we had a special connection. The problem was that I was about to go undercover. That was why I couldn't tell her at the beginning who I really am.
A rough start for our relationship, but we made it.
We got married one and a half months ago. It was a beautiful wedding. And since one and a half months we are in San Pedro in Belize. Sadly today's our last day here.
Maura lies fast asleep on her belly. She where's nothing but a white sheet over her middle.
I let my fingertips brush over her sun-kissed skin. I lip my lips follow my fingers and she moves a little, signing content and smiling. I skid up and kiss her bare shoulder.
The smile in her lips grows wider before she opens her hazel eyes.
I kiss her at her neck and she moans a little. Not because of arousal but because of contentedness. "Hi," she mumbles.
I kiss her shoulder again and inhale her smell that is just her. I let my free hand roam over her back. "Hi," I whisper back.
She waggles a little with her butt and closes her eyes again. "What time is it?"
I brush her skin with my lips and close my eyes too. "Too late to be still in bed and too soon to go back to Boston."
She starts to roll her hips a little.
I think since we got married our sex drive got intense. We barely can keep our hands to ourselves.
"Jane, we have to stop." she whispers.
I snicker amused. "I barely have started."
Maura turns on her back and I raise an eyebrow at that sight. Erected nipples are screaming for my attention.
I whimper as she places her index finger under my chin and forces me to look up into her eyes.
"Up here are my eyes, Jane" she says with a small smile.
"I know," I reply. "And I love your eyes." I drop my eyes back to her breasts. "But I also love these two."
She runs her hands through my messy hair. "I know. And I love that you love them, but my whole body is sore. We barely managed to leave this bed since we are here. And now I need a little break."
I sigh and lean my head down to kiss her gently. I know that she is more than right but it's just so hard to keep my hands all by myself. I break the kiss when oxygen is necessary and frown. "Do we really have to go back to Boston?"
She smiles softly at me and takes a deep breath. "I am afraid that we have to. In two days you and I have to be back at work."
I turn up my nose. "We could accept a job offer here. Me a Detective of the San Pedro Police, solving murders while I slurp a cocktail and you could perform autopsies in a super sexy scrub. For example you could wear ... a bikini top and hot pants."
Maura chuckles and wraps her arms around my neck. "You have an pervert fantasy."
I smirk and lean my head down once more. "And in each of them you are the star."
She let her hand wander over my bare back and smirks mischievously. "I hope so."
I suppress a growl and have to regulate my breathing. But as soon as I look into her face my efforts are in vain. I still can't believe that someone like Maura has chosen someone like me. That she decided that she want to spend the rest of her life with me. Before we met, I was broken. I was unsettled and lonely. I didn't believe that I could feel whole again. But Maura was able to do something that none of my previous lovers were able to do. She makes me feel like a completely new human being.
I run my thumb over her cheekbones and furrow my eyebrows. "I love you. You know that, don't you?"
She furrows her eyebrows too and cups my face with both of her hands. "Of course I know that, Jane. And I love you. But as much as I love you ... I really have to use the bathroom now."
I grunt and roll onto my back.
She smiles broadly and kisses my lips before she gets out of the bed.
I smile as well and sigh deeply as I follow her with my eyes.
I'm standing in the hallway on the third floor and can hear the chaos already. It's an chaos that I'm living for, a chaos others pay a high price for. I never had an other goal than to become a Detective. A Homicide Detective, to be more precise.
That's what I am since a couple of years. I am adamant, accurate and final. I am steadfast in my job. I am a cop with heart and soul. This is who I am, this is what I'm living for.
I close my eyes and enjoy the smell of old sweat and probably older coffee. I enjoy the curses of the suspects and the crackles in the radios of the patrolmen.
Now I am home, now I am where I should be.
I smile to myself and enter the bullpen of my department.
Frost spots me first and jumps up to his feet. "Hey," he exclaims. "Look at who's finally here."
Korsak twists around and almost spills his coffee. "Jane!"
I smile broadly at the two men. God, how much I missed them. "Hey, guys."
Korsak places his mug on his desk and hugs me tightly. He almost breaks my ribs. "It's good to see you."
I laugh and choke for air. "It's good to see you too." I croak. Jesus, he's almost worse than Ma.
Frost smiles broadly and hugs me as well. "Welcome back, Jane."
I match his smile and pat his back. "Thanks," I whisper.
I am dressed in a grey suit and a white dress shirt. I feel stronger than usual because of the golden badge on the right of my belt and the weight of my Glock on the left of my belt. I glance at my desk and smile because it's empty.
"That's our wedding gift to you," Korsak states.
I look at him and grin. "That you cleaned up my desk?"
Frost rolls his eyes and sits back down on his chair. "Your welcome."
I chuckle and put my jacket over the back of my chair before I sit down on it. "Okay, what do we have for today?"
Korsak holds up an file. "It's a slow day. We have nothing to do than our paper work."
I stare at my empty desk and frown. "Was murder on honeymoon too?" Frost nods his head. "Yes. By the way, you look well rested. And you almost my skin color."
I chuckle again. "Not even close."
He smirks and looks back at his desk.
Korsak shakes amused his head. "No, it wasn't on vacation. We catched a few cases but it wasn't something extraordinary. The really tricky cases just waited for you to come back."
"If this is true," I reply as I log in into my computer. "I go straight back to San Pedro and live there for the rest of my life."
Korsak chuckles. "How was your honeymoon?" he asks as he sips his coffee.
I back in my chair and nod my head. "Well, it was relaxing. Exactly what Maura and I needed after this god damn undercover operation. I wanted to stay in San Pedro but Maura had the opinion that we need to go back to work again."
Frost grunts as he stifles a laugh.
I furl my eyebrows and glare at him. I open my mouth to ask him what's wrong with him as suddenly hell breaks loose.
Several Detectives and patrolmen run out of the bullpen.
Korsak furls his eyebrows and glances questioningly at us.
I furl my eyebrows as well and am about to get up.
"Rizzoli," Cavanaugh says with an very serious face as he comes into the bullpen. "Follow me." he commands. "And welcome back."
Yeah, welcome back, my ass. I get up from the chair and follow my Lieutenant into his office. What the ... I am not long enough in the building that I could have something wrong or stupid.
Frost and Korsak follow us without being asked.
I arrive with Korsak and Frost in Korsak's unmarked car at a apartment building. This is a great Welcome back gift. A cop killing right at my first day back.
I already have an headache that starts in the back of my head and I don't need overeager cops on the crime scene who rather contaminate the crime scene than helping us. But that's exactly the current situation. Too many cops at one crime scene. I mean, I can understand them all. We all want to help as soon as one of us got killed. Either in the line of fire or on their way home. It's like someone killed one of our sisters or brothers. And absolutely no one should mess with the family of a cop.
I glance at Korsak and he seems to understand what I am trying to say.
He separates from us and talks to a few of officers.
I take a deep breath and put on a pair of gloves. I glance over my shoulder and smile as I see Maura in her light blue dress coming towards to us.
"Hey, Doc. " I greet her in my normal manner.
A smile plays around her lips. "Hello. Where is Korsak?"
Frost chuckles as he sees my puzzled face.
My jaw hits the ground and I furrow my eyebrows. "Really?"
She tries to hide her amused smile, in vain.
I shake my head with a small smile and look up at the building. I have absolutely no idea who lives here and who got murdered. The only thing that Cavanaugh has told us is that the victim was one of us.
"Do we know who the victim is," Maura asks. Cavanaugh probably has talked to her too.
Frost and I shake our heads.
She takes a deep breath and put on a pair of gloves.
I wish I could take a look behind her forehead to see what she is thinking. Perhaps the same than us.
Please don't let it be someone we know.
We enter the building and the entrance hall is filled with horrified cops.
Suddenly, everyone's eyes are on the three of us.
I clench my teeth and mumble several excuses as my shoulder bump in someone else's as I climb the stairs up to the first floor.
"Are you okay?" my wife whispers.
I have put on my professional mask and nod my head. In my outside I play it cool, but on the inside of me is a war raging. I slow my steps as soon as I see Eric Parr standing at the wide opened apartment door. He's talking to another Detective.
As soon as our eyes meet, he stops talking.
I frown slightly and enter the said apartment. It's an apartment like mine was before I met Maura. Everything in here screams I am single and I don't mind.
A open beer stands on the kitchen counter, it's barely touched.
Well, if the victim hadn't had a serious drinking problem, I doubt that he or she will died this morning. But what is the line of a certain Doctor? Jane, I can't confirm that until I have performed the autopsy. I already roll my eyes even though not a single is exchanged since we're in this apartment.
I discover an wallet near the beer bottle. It's open.
I check the pockets of it and frown. "It wasn't a robbery. The money's still in the wallet. Looks like five hundred bucks in there. A lot of cash for a cop." I say out loud. I am about to check the victim's ID.
"Jane," Frost calls out.
I frown and follow the source of his voice. I enter the bedroom and walk to the walk-in closet. "What is it?"
He looks over his shoulder and frowns deeply. "Do you and Maura also own a safe in your closet?"
I furl my eyebrows. I am a little confused about his question. "Should I be worried now?"
He stands up and takes a deep breath. "Well, I do own a safe too."
"Congrats." I reply. I am still confused.
He doesn't smile or laugh. "But the only things I store in it are the family jewels that I've inherited from my grandfather, my wallet and my gun. But not something like that."
The frown on my forehead deepens with every second. I don't want to know what he stores in his damn safe. We are here to investigate a murder of a cop. "Yeah, that sounds similar to the contents of our safe. But why are we talking about that?"
He steps aside and points at the open safe. "Because, no matter how often I open the door of my safe, I never find stuff like that in it."
As soon as I see the contents in this safe my jaw hits the floor an I almost let the wallet slip out of my hands. "Holy shit," I whisper and step closer. I can see three white rectangled packages sealed in foil and a couple wad of cash. "Even in my safe isn't stuff like that. I thought we're here because of a dead cop and not because of a drug dealer."
"Is there a difference? Dead is dead." Frost states.
I glance at him and frown. "Of course there's no difference. It's just ... I hate black sheeps in our own row." I finally check the victim's ID. "Lisa Flanagan." I pause and stare ahead of me. I furl my eyebrows. "Lisa Flanagan. The name sounds familiar."
He nods his head in agreement.
"It should, Detective Rizzoli." Parr says as he joins us.
I glance at him with an puzzled expression.
"Detective Lisa Flanagan was a member if DCU during your little undercover operation. She was in the sight of Internal Affairs just like John Dillinger. She was one of my prime suspects."
I exhale annoyed through my mouth and I clench my teeth.