A/N: Hello and welcome to my first Twilight/HP crossover. Let's all pretend the two stories took place at about the same time. My story takes place right after Deathly Hallows (excluding the Epilogue) and before the events of Twilight. I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters.

"You wanted to see us, Kingsley?" Hermione inquired as her, Harry and Ron stepped into the Minister of Magic's office. The man looked absolutely exhausted with dark bags under his eyes. Hermione understood. Kingsley was trying to bring order into the Wizarding World again which was hard enough without every Ministry officer trying to chime in with their opinions in what needs to change.

"How is everything, Kingsley?" Harry asked. Hermione felt bad for her best friend too; as bad as it was for her and Ron, it was twice as bad for Harry. He didn't get a moment of peace since the Battle; there were media reporters at every corner.

"I'm sure you three have heard of the rumors dealing with the dark wizard accusations," Kingsley Shacklebolt started. Hermione nodded along with the two guys. Currently there were accusations flying everywhere about Ministry officials being affiliated with dark wizards.

"Are you saying the rumors could be true?" Hermione asked concerned.

"I'm saying we cannot root out any possibilities," Kingsley replied.

"How can we help?" Harry asked.

"No, Harry, you three have done enough as it is. If there are any death eaters still working within the Ministry, I know they will come after you three first chance they get," Kingsley said.

"We took down an army of death eaters Kingsley, we can handle a few more," Ron said trying to sound confident. Hermione could see through it of-course, poor Ron was terrified inside. And after Fred's death, it had been hard for him to go back to the Burrow. She and Ron had called a relationship off; there was too much going on in their lives right now.

"That is what I wanted to talk to you about. I don't want you three anywhere near the Wizarding World these next few months." Kingsley told them.

"Wait, what are you saying?" Hermione asked though she had already suspected it.

"I have arranged places for you to stay until things cool down a bit," Kingsley replied. Hermione thought as much. She was talking about this just the other day with McGonagall who also thought they should go into hiding.

"You can't be serious!" Ron exclaimed.

"You want us to leave?" Harry asked. Hermione understood his concern, there was no denying she wanted to leave but there was so much to be done. Hogwarts needed to be repaired, there were Death Eaters on the loose, there were people in need of reassurance, there was just an endless amount of work to do and leaving now seemed cowardly.

Kingsley seemed to have known what her thoughts were, "You three have really done enough. It's time to rest a little, alright? Enjoy your youth while you still have it."

Harry gave a chuckle, "Kingsley, I think we lost that a long time ago." Hermione agreed completely.

"No matter, I'm sending you three into hiding," when Ron started to speak, Kingsley beat him to it. "No arguments. It is final."

Hermione thought it over; maybe it will be a nice change to get away for a little while. And it wasn't like the Minister was giving them a choice. "Where are you planning on sending us?" she asked.

"I'm sending you three to three different locations, all in the United States."

Oh, she had always wanted to go to the United States. Her parents had planned on it but they had never gotten the chance to; she's always been busy. Especially with all the chaos that happened every year at Hogwarts. Thinking about her parents these days only saddened her. She hadn't fixed their memories yet, not with danger still lurking. "Why to different locations?" she asked, trying to divert her mind.

"I thought it would be better to keep you separated for a while. Too many wizards at one place might cause disruptions."

"Disruptions?" Harry asked, "What do you mean?"

"The places I'm sending you have other magical creatures; some of whom may not like too many wizards in their domain."

"What other magical creatures?" Hermione asked, curious. "Will it be safe?"

"So you agree to go?"

Hermione looked to her sides to her two best friends, both of whom were waiting for her to decide. She smiled inwardly, she loved them both to death, she really did. And stepping away from all this for a few months could do them a lot of good. And anyways, they were both dying to get away from here as it was. "I think we should," she said. They nodded in agreement, relieved.

Kingsley gave a small smile, "Thank you." he said. He started assigning the places where they would be staying. Harry: a small town in Georgia where there is a clan of old fashioned sorcerers. If that news frightened Harry, he didn't show it. Ron: a city in the state of Idaho with dragon trainers who also farm potatoes.

Ron's response was: "What?! What will I do, sit and eat potatoes all day? They aren't even good to eat." They pretty much ignored him.

"And Hermione, you will be staying in a small town in Washington named Forks with a squib named Charlie Swan. There is a coven of Draekanae there, though they like to call themselves "vampires". Don't worry though, they only drink animal blood. And also a tribe of shape-shifting wolves who call themselves "werewolves".

"Bloody hell, Kingsley, don't send her off to a circus!" Ron exclaimed.

Hermione shook her head. "Language, Ronald."

"What kind of name is Forks for a city anyway?"

Harry smiled. "Let it go, mate."

"It's perfectly safe," Kingsley said to her, "You have handled much worse, my dear."

They talked everything out. The three of them will have their fireplaces connected by a private floo network and will keep in touch. They could also meet up at the American Wizarding World. There was a passageway there from the city of Portland which was near Forks.

Hermione set her story set. Kingsley informed her that Charlie Swan had a daughter about her age named Bella and that they looked very much alike. Hermione would pretend to be Bella Swan so the neighbors don't ask too many questions. This was actually kind of exciting. She had never seen Draekanae up close before, especially not ones who drink animal blood.

Kingsley scheduled for them to meet him the day after and the Golden Trio went off to pack whatever little belonging they have. Hermione charmed the boys' bags like she had done with her beaded purse to hold whatever they put in them.

"Thanks, 'Mione!" Harry said, giving her a hug. "Be careful, alright?"

"You too, Harry," she told him.

She went and gave Ron a hug too, "Stay safe. Merlin knows how you two would survive without me," she teased.

They both smiled. They said their goodbyes and the boys left.

Hermione inwardly sighed. A new chapter begins.