Here it is! The sequel to A Quest for McGarden. Hope you all like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail... which saddens me

Chapter 1: A Startling Discovery

Natsu, please be alright, Lucy thought as she looked out the window of the train she was watching. Normally she enjoyed the views on trains, she loved how the scenery looked as it whizzed by, but today she was too worried to really look at the scenery. Wendy had contacted her and told her that Natsu had been mind controlled by someone working for a council and they weren't sure if he would ever wake up again. Porlyusica had a theory that Lucy might be the key to wake him. So, naturally, Lucy got onto the next train home. Still, even though she got onto the next and quickest one, it would take several hours. Looking next to her she sighed, it seemed so weird not having the pink haired salamander next to her nearly puking. If he never woke up I don't know what I would do with my life. I've already lost my parents, I can't lose the one I love too, Lucy thought sadly. She had been begging whatever god would listen to please let Natsu be alright.

Once the train stopped she rushed over to the guild as fast she could. Natsu, I'm coming, Lucy thought as she ran. Each step was harder and harder, each one spiked her anxiety even more. What would she find once she got the guild? The last she heard from Wendy Levy still hadn't come back to the guild either. What if Levy was dead? What if she couldn't wake Natsu? There was too many what ifs and she was frankly freaking out. Finally she arrived in front of the guild hall. Fear and anxiousness made her stay in one spot, she couldn't bring herself to walk inside. What if Natsu was dead? What if Levy never came back? Or what if she was caught by the council again? She fell to her knees, panic overwhelming her. She must go in! If she didn't then Natsu was sure to never wake up! That thought alone was enough to make her get up and press forward.

Opening the guild doors she heard people's shouts of pledging to join the resistance. The resistance? Isn't that just an urban legend? I didn't actually think there was some group against the council, thought Lucy as she looked around. It would seem that it wasn't an urban legend and that there actually was a resistance. Why was Fairy Tail agreeing to this? What exactly had happened since she had gone on her job? Looking around she saw two girls at the front of the guild; one of the girls she didn't know, but the other one was none other than Levy McGarden. Relieved to see that her friend wasn't dead or taken by the council she ran toward her.

"Levy! Levy it's me!" Lucy yelled as she ran to give her best friend a hug. It wasn't exactly everyday,even in Fairy Tail, where your best friend came back from the dead.

"Lu-chan!" Levy said hugging her friend tightly. The two girls were thrilled to see that the other was okay. When they parted Levy decided to tell Lucy what was going on. "Natsu is in the infirmary, here let me take you to him, hopefully you can wake him up," Levy commented.

"Wait, before we go, what is this talk about a resistance?" Lucy asked confused.

"That's right, you've been gone on a job. Let me explain everything to you before we go in and see Natsu," Levy said before taking a deep breath and starting the story, "my suicide was faked because the council sent an assassin to try and kill me."

"WHAT?! WHY?!" Lucy asked alarmed. Were they just out to get Fairy Tail, and if so, why did it always have to be Levy they chose as their target?

"Because I am the leader of the resistance," Levy told her. Lucy looked at Levy shocked. How could she, her best friend, be the leader of the resistance without her knowing? How did she manage to keep it from all of them? "I started it when I was younger because I was brutally beaten and experimented on while in the council's care. They took me because I accidently killed my parents out of fear when I first got my powers. My parents were never nice people, they forced me to do things. I would take that though anyday over that the council did to me. It wasn't right what they did, I have scars to prove my story, and I'm not the only one. Tons of my members have scars a lot similar to mine on their own body. It is time we do something about it. Most of the Fairy Tail members have already said they will help me and my cause, will you?" Levy finally asked. She would love to have her best friend help her with something so important. Still, she wasn't going to force Lucy into anything she didn't want to do.

"I can't promise to help or anything till I know Natsu is safe. Plus this is a lot to take in. Did Natsu know?" Lucy asked curiously.

"He found out recently when looking into my suicide. I understand your concern, I would be the same way if it was Gajeel. Here, let me take you to him," Levy offered. Lucy nodded, it was now or never. Even though she was scared, Lucy had to see what kind of shape Natsu was in. Before they could actually go in and see how Natsu was Mira came running out. "Mira? What's wrong?" Levy asked concerned. Lucy was very concerned because Mira had just come from the same direction as the infirmary. Was something wrong with Natsu?

"It's Natsu," Mira said panting hard. What happened to her Natsu, Lucy wondered worriedly. "He's gone, I went back to check on him and he had just vanished. There was no window open or anything, it's like he was teleported out," Mira said looking worried and concerned.

"WHAT?!" Lucy screeched. Levy tried to calm her down but Lucy was now hyperventilating.

"What has the bunny girl so worked up?" Gajeel asked walking over to the three girls. Levy gave him a grateful smile.

"Lucy-san!" Wendy said running over to Lucy. Wendy then asked a calming spell that slowly made Lucy breathing go back to normal. I least I can think clearer now, but this doesn't change the fact that Natsu has suddenly gone missing, Lucy thought to herself.

"Thank you Wendy," Lucy said with a small grateful smile. How could this have happened? She was so close to seeing him again only to have him taken from her.

"So, what exactly happened?" Gajeel asked.

"Natsu has suddenly gone missing without a trace," Mira informed the iron dragon slayer. Wendy and Gajeel both looked shocked at the news. It didn't really sound possible.

"Let us take a look," Wendy offered as she went to the infirmary with Gajeel. Levy and Mira stayed back trying to comfort a distraught Lucy.

Upon entering the room they noticed that the room smelled of something familiar. Something that they both hadn't smelled in a while, but what? "Do you smell something familiar but you haven't smelled it in a long time so you forgot what it was?" Wendy asked Gajeel. If he felt the same maybe they could narrow it down and figure out what the smell was based on things they have both smelled.

"Yeah, I do, but what? I normally don't forget how a person smells, but I have this nagging feeling that this isn't human. Which doesn't make sense, what else could it be?" Gajeel mumbled aloud. The sky dragon slayer nodded completely understanding what the other was saying.

"It isn't an exceed, we both would have known that right away because we both have one. Plus, exceeds can't teleport, not that I know of at least," Wendy said thinking aloud.

"I don't think this is a common animal or anything because then we would have recognized it," Gajeel stated.

"Exceeds are kinda common now I guess," Wendy commented deep in thought. Where had she smelled something like this? This was going to drive her crazy. "We better figure this out soon or Lucy-san will be very sad that Natsu-san is gone," Wendy said worriedly.

"I know that. Plus, I still owe Salamander a beating so I can't have him dying on me now," Gajeel said with a smirk. Leave it to Gajeel to come up with that as a reason why he is helping someone, Wendy thought as she sweat dropped. If only Grandeeney was here, Wendy thought wistfully. Then it hit her, why she recognized the smell. Gajeel had been right, it wasn't human and it wasn't common.

"The scent, it's dragon!" Wendy said suddenly. Gajeel smelled again and had to agree, it was all fitting now. The question still remained, why had dragons taken Natsu away? Why only Natsu and not them as well? This seemed to be getting just as complicated as Levy's 'suicide'.

"I agree, we should tell the bunny girl and the others," Gajeel stated. The two stepped out to where the trio of girls were. "We think he was taken by dragons," Gajeel stated.

"DRAGONS?!" Lucy, Mira, and Levy all said together. That wasn't something you heard everyday.

"How is that even possible?" Lucy wondered aloud. Gajeel shrugged, not really caring as long as Levy was safe.

"We don't know, but we are certain it was a dragon," Wendy told Lucy. Lucy sighed, how was she to get Natsu back NOW?!

"I am so sorry Lucy, if I had been watching him maybe he wouldn't have been taken. It's my fault he was in there to begin with. I shouldn't have gotten you all involved," Levy said guiltily. This time it was Gajeel's turn to do some comforting. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head gently.

"No one blames you love, we just need to find him. I know you want to go but you can't, you have a war to wage. Please, let them find him and you focus on making the world a better place," Gajeel told her lovingly. This freaked the other people out a little, mainly because Gajeel wasn't the loving type. None of this decided to bring this up though for fear of invoking the wrath of Gajeel upon them.

"It was never your fault Levy, I don't blame you and I know Natsu wouldn't either. Everyone is so glad you are okay and you need to focus on taking over the council. I am going to focus on finding Natsu," Lucy said with a small, weak smile.

"What's this about Natsu being missing?" Gray asked walking up to the small group.

"Natsu just disappeared. I went to check on him and he was gone. Gajeel and Wendy say dragons took him," Mira explained to Gray.

"Well if Lucy is going to look for him, then so am I," Gray said. Lucy gave him a grateful smile, it would be easier having someone as powerful as Gray come along.

"I'll go too! I know dragons and have dragon slayer magic, so I will be useful," Wendy told them confidently. Both Gray and Lucy nodded thankful for the help.

"I would help, but I am going to help Levy," Gajeel told them. Understandable, Lucy thought.

"I am going to stay as well. No doubt Erza will need my help with training," Mira stated.

"I guess since Erza is helping with training she won't come. Oh well, it is nice to know that I will have help," Lucy said giving Gray and Wendy a weak smile.

"I will help you find where to look. I doubt it will take very long and the resistance can survive a little while without me," Levy said with a smile.

"Agent Queen seemed very effective," Wendy commented remembering her time meeting the agent. She had been very nice and spoke highly of Levy.

"She really is. Now come on Lu-chan, we need to find out where he may be. The quicker we find that the quicker we get to Natsu," Levy said.

"I will help as well," Mira said and with that the three girls went to Fairy Tail's resorce room.

"Dragons, who would have thought that after all this time of us looking for them, they would find us," Gajeel commented.

"It is kinda crazy, but why Natsu? I have a feeling there is more to thing than meets the eye," Gray said. The two dragon slayers couldn't agree more. But I don't really care, as long as I have a chance to see Grandeeney again, Wendy thought with a smile. First Levy went missing and now Natsu, well, there never was a dull moment in Fairy Tail.

Where exactly is Natsu? Can Levy, Mira, and Lucy find out where he may be? Find that out in the next chapter.

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