Set after 10x05 ("Fan Fiction"). So, naturally, SPOILERS!

My thoughts after watching "Fan Fiction":

After defeating Calliope, Dean admitted to Marie, "This has been educational – seeing the story from your perspective."

Sure, you could say he's learned not to judge seemingly crazy fans, because of Marie's bravery and understanding, but that has nothing to do with seeing the story from her perspective.

My opinion- This happened after getting a glimpse of Siobhan (as Dean) and Kristen (as Cas) together, and after hearing the song "I'll Just Wait Here Then". Maybe getting a glimpse of "Destiel" was "educational" for Dean. Perhaps it was something he never considered before, but now that it's been pointed out, the theory affects him.

Thus, this story was born.

Chapter 1: The Aftereffects of "Supernatural: The Musical"

It was odd seeing Marie's musical. Sure, Dean had known other people read about their lives. But truthfully, he'd never even gotten used to that. The idea, though, that people were so invested in their story that they imagined futures for them- it really weirded him out.

And yet… he couldn't stop thinking about it.

Some of Marie's ideas were dismissible, too ridiculous to even think about. The aliens and robots in the second act fell into the category. And Wincest? Dean shuddered. That idea just made him sick.

Still, Marie did seem to pick up on some things that he hadn't seen before. For instance, his childhood. He didn't think about his youngest years much, though he did have fond memories of before his mom had been killed. Looking back on it now, he was robbed of the childhood he should have had. His father was so focused on revenge that he forced Dean to grow up long before he was ready. As Marie put it, he "took away [their] own free will". Dean didn't blame his father for what he did, not really. He understood. But that didn't mean he wasn't a little angry about it. Somehow, it made him feel validated to know that Chuck's fans felt the same.

There was something else, too. "Destiel". It wasn't like Dean felt that way about Cas. He'd never even considered it. Knowing that people saw that between them, Dean realized he cared a lot more about the angel than he cared to admit. It had happened so gradually he hadn't noticed at first, but now Cas was as important to Dean as Sam was.

Of course, Marie didn't quite look at it that way. She'd thought they had… romantic feelings… for each other. That was most definitely false.

So after thinking about "Destiel" briefly, Dean shoved all thoughts of it away. Or tried to. They kept popping back up like popcorn. No matter what he did, Dean couldn't seem to shake the idea of "Destiel", and it was really frustrating.

It wasn't like the idea disgusted him. At least he and Cas weren't brothers. But they were both dudes. And Dean definitely wasn't gay.

Sam really wasn't helping. Apparently, Dean must have had a really interesting reaction when Sam was talking about "Destiel" back at the school, because the stupid moose wouldn't leave it alone. Some days Dean just wanted to strangle his brother. On their way back to the bunker, they got a call from Cas during a stretch of road where Sam was driving. Dean picked up on the first ring.


"Hello, Dean," came the deep voice on the other end.

"Who is it?" mouthed Sam.

"Cas," Dean mouthed back.

Sam's mouth split into a barely contained grin. Dean rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the phone.

"What do you want, Cas?"

"Sam told me you two were on a case. I wanted to be sure you were doing alright."

Dean huffed, insulted. "I'm fine, Cas. You don't need to check up on me."

Suddenly, he heard Sam whisper, "Destiel."

Dean gave his brother the death glare, but Sam was too busy laughing at him to care.

"Do you need any help?" Cas asked.

"NO," Dean hissed, trying to block out his brother's cackling. "We handled it."

"Are you sure-"

"BYE, Cas," He hung up abruptly.

"Sooo…" Sam asked, raising his eyebrows and grinning, "What did your boyfriend say?"

Dean decided to ignore him.

The next day, both brothers were busying themselves around the bunker, checking the inventory and whatnot. Dean took a break for lunch and asked Sam if he wanted a sandwich.

"What kind?" Sam inquired.


Sam choked on a laugh.

"What?" Dean demanded.

"I was just thinking about that friend of ours who loves PB&J. You know, Cas. The love of your life."

Sam lost it then, his shoulders shaking with the force of his laugh.

Dean felt his face heat up, and he stormed out of the room grouchily.

In the kitchen, he ended up making a BLT rather than a PB&J. He didn't make one for Sam.

As Dean was sitting down with the sandwich, his brother came by, having pulled himself together. But then he started laughing again.

"What is it this time?" Dean asked, eyes narrowed.

"You know who makes great BLTs?," Sam wheezed. "Cas!"

Dean sighed heavily, resigned to the fact that Sam wasn't about to let this go.

"I'm taking a nap," he growled, getting up and taking the sandwich with him.

"I raised you from Perdition," Sam began singing, "to be God's ammunition…"

"Goddamnit, Sam."

"…but now you need some rest, so I will do what's best," he continued, "and just wait here then!"

Yeah, Dean really wanted to kill him.



This story will be all Dean's POV.

It'll probably be ~15 chapters.

I'm going to update twice a week, every Monday and Thursday, like I did with "A Witch and Three Potions".