A/N: Hi guys almost through with my exams, three more to go before major exams. So I had this little thing and thought I'd share with you guys. hope you like it.

Summary: 'Fondness was there, love?...just a step away. But he hesitated... now was she lost to him forever? hmm...' Sesshomaru/ Kagome pairing, AU fanfic. First try at a 100 word drabble, be kind. Characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi as always, ugh.


by liany

Entry 1: No other plans

"Thank you so much for your help. We would have had to cancel our anniversary dinner without you." said the beautiful woman to the youngster. The young demon's silver hair wiped with the short nod he gave.

"We'll try and be back as soon as possible." the man assured holding the coat open for his wife.

"This Sesshomaru had no other plans for the night. Take as much as you need." he inclined his head respectfully to his father's dear friends. The woman smiled warmly, waving her goodbye. Sesshomaru closed the door and proceeded to the kitchen.

Words till now:100

Date 28.05.2015