A/N: Hey again y'all! Here I am with my second maze runner fanfiction. I recently read an amazing fanfic called "Everybody wants to rule the world" by Calla Mae, so a HUGE shout-out to her. Y'all should check out her story as well, it's incredible. And that has inspired me to write this. If anyone reading this has read my other story, you'll know that I like writing stories about OCs. Also, if you ARE reading this now, I want to thank you for it. I stink at summaries, and if you deemed my story worthy of reading, even after the ridiculous summary I wrote, I sincerely thank you.

Right then… ON WITH THE STORY!

Dis.: All characters except my OCs belong to the one and only James Dashner.



"Extraordinary, isn't she?" Ava Paige said, as she leaned over the girl. Clad in white sheets of the hospital beds, the girl seemed to be sleeping. It looked so peaceful; one could never guess what was about to happen to her.

"A freak, that's what she is. She's just lucky that we need her responses. Otherwise she'd be lying dead in a gutter somewhere." Jansen shot back. Paige fixed him with a cold look. She turned away and peered at the girl again.

"Her and the other boy… they're like nothing I've ever seen before." She said. She reached out and stroked the girl's forehead. "What happened to her was truly sad. No one deserved it…"

Jansen sneered. "It serves her right. I don't even know why we're sending her. She won't last more than five minutes in the maze. If I didn't know better, I'd say the boys themselves will throw her out, once they realize what she can do."

Paige shook her head. "We sent the other boy as well. They didn't harm him. They shouldn't harm her either. Besides, she's such a sweet child; I don't think they'll have the heart to kill her."

"It doesn't matter. She's crazy, and it'll take them moments to realize that. The other boy may have been a freak too, but he wasn't crazy."

Paige sighed, knowing for a fact that this conversation would lead nowhere. "Is she ready for the swipe?" She asked the head doctor, who gave her a tired look.

"I don't see the need ma'am. With all due respect, she's already so… unhinged." He said after a while, as though he was searching for the right word. "The swipe won't really add anything."

Paige shook her head. "We cannot take any chances. If she is to go into Group A, she will face the swipe, just like the rest." Her tone was one of finality and order. The doctor knew better than to argue, and he hurriedly started making the preparations.

Casting one last look at the sleeping girl, Paige headed out, followed by Jansen.

Now all they needed to do was wait and see…


A/N: SO? How was it?

Um, okay, I realize y'all can't say much after just the prologue, but due to that reason, I'll put up two chapters today!

Please review! Reviews make me very happy, and they also motivate me to write more! Every kind of review is not only welcome, but also appreciated!

A fellow Glader.