Chapter 10

The Court of Miracles

Lucy finally took a good look at her surroundings, the broken bits of stained glass scattered on the table. What looked like newly forged glass lay beside it. It was the town below, on the day of the Festival Of Fools. She looked up to see more absolutely breathtaking pieces all around her. How had she not noticed them before? She felt her mouth open to a silent "Oh." As she took in the glass, almost all of them were of Paris and every single one of them was stunning.

"Did you make all of these?" Lucy asked before she could think any better of it. Natsu's only response was to shrug sheepishly, his hand moving to the back of his head to ruffle his hair.

"He sure did!" Happy chirped proudly which only earned him a scowl from Natsu, although everyone could tell Natsu didn't really mean anything by the action. Lucy giggled at the ridiculous group.

"Well, they're amazing, Natsu." Lucy said as she looked up to him. "You should be proud of them."

Natsu shrugged again, "You really think so?" he asked and Lucy nodded, smiling. "Thanks, they're not all finished but soon enough I guess."

"Well I can't wait to see them." Lucy told him honestly, she couldn't figure out why but she knew that she'd be seeing more of Natsu in her future and that thought was comforting.

Natsu beamed at Lucy, his canines showing in his brilliant smile. Lucy felt her cheeks grow warm and had to turn her head so he wouldn't see. Lucy's eyes went back to one of the stained glass pieces. This one was of the canal, the blue glass layered together so perfectly.

"Can I look at them a little closer?" Lucy asked, hoping the answer would be yes. Although a part of her felt silly for asking, the other part of her understood that it was the right thing to do. If she had left her pages out from the novel she was working on or just from one of her drabbles, she would hope that people would ask before reading. Art is art and sometimes it's meant to stay with the artist alone.

"Sure." Natsu said, his mouth going dry as he listened to Lucy's heartbeat pick up, it had started when he smiled at her. He didn't understand why, but it made his body hum in satisfaction none the less. Natsu watched as Lucy got up and moved closer to one of his pieces. Her movements naturally graceful and her skirt billowing out slightly as she turned to look at a different design.

Natsu suddenly wished that he could figure out how to convince the blonde to stay with him. Her company made him feel normal, almost human and he desperately wished he could be just that.

Natsu's gaze shifted to the floor, he strained his ears to listen. His sensitive hearing picking up the guard's voice from earlier and who Natsu assumed was Lucy's friend. His eyes flicked back up to Lucy, she was now looking at one of his uncompleted works. He put his attention back to the voices below, eavesdropping on their conversation.

Every muscle in Natsu's body tensed, he froze in complete and utter terror. It couldn't be true. It couldn't. Silently Natsu begged for the guard below to attempt to strike, to prove it was just a tactic to get Lucy's friend off guard. But then he heard it, the quiet sobs of the guard as he apologized over and over again to the gypsy.

Natsu did not know much of the outside world, there was only so much is Master allowed him to learn and his gargoyle friends were only slightly more apart of the world than he was and even then, that was only because they've lived for so long watching from above the cathedral.

Natsu looked over to his companions, they had noticed the change in his mood and Natsu could clearly tell they had no idea why. Their hearing wasn't nearly as good as his.

"We need to get you out of here, Lucy. You and your friend. It's not safe. My master, he'll be back soon and the priest may not be there to protect you." Natsu spoke although his voice sounded foreign, even to him. He was out of it, a part of him scared for his new friend's life. The other, terrified that if he was brought up by such a cruel man, what did that make him? He already had the appearance of a monster, did being raised by a different kind make him one?

As if sensing his sudden despair, Lucy came up next to Natsu, her brows furrowed.

"Come with me, Natsu. To the court of miracles, you'll be safe there." Lucy asked, almost pleading.

Natsu quickly shook his head, he couldn't leave, he just couldn't. "Let's go find your friend, I'll get you out safely, I promise."

Before Lucy could protest further, Natsu took her hand and lead her down the staircase. Happy tried to follow after them but Lily stopped him. "Why?" Happy asked, "She was making him happy, he needs to convince her to stay."

Carla shook her head, "Don't be stupid, tomcat, he needs to leave with her. Not trap her here with him."

"But he's not…" Happy looked down, unable to finish his sentence.

"We wouldn't be able to go with him." Happy said solemnly.

"No, we wouldn't but Natsu would be better off, and if he ever got the chance to visit, he would." Pantherlily said, his paw resting on Happy's shoulder as tears came to the cat's eyes.

Happy wiped the tears away and nodded. "It won't be easy to convince him."

"He'll have to come to the decision on his own, we just need to make sure he knows we support it." Lily said as Carla nodded in agreement.

Erza's mind was blank, her heart broken but also mending as she held Jellal in her arms. His wet cheek resting on her shoulder, her arms wrapped around him and him desperately clutching at her.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Erza." Jellal whispered.

The Earth seemed to still as Erza's mind worked to process everything. She thought about the fact that Jellal could be lying, could just be telling her all of this in order to lure her and Lucy into a trap, but the raw, honest, emotion he was showing made her believe otherwise. Jellal was never a good liar, especially not to her.

She looked down and saw the blood on his neck dripping down. She untangled herself from Jellal, which proved to be somewhat difficult, and looks at the cut. Her fingers pushing into it slightly, trying to stop the blood flow.

"I'm sorry I cut you." Erza spoke softly.

Jellal shook his head and looked at her with red eyes "Don't be, I deserve far worse."

The utter defeat and hatred in his tone made Erza want to smack Jellal. He used to be so full of life, so hopeful, brave, and kind. Now he was this and Erza wondered if any part if the Jellal she knew before, the Jellal she fell in love with survived.

Before she could dwell more on her thoughts, the sound of footsteps made her head snap up and Jellal to stiffen. He turned his body and held his arm out protectively, his hand grabbing a dagger in his boot that Erza didn't even realize was there.

As soon as Natsu and Lucy came into view, Jellal's grasp on his weapon loosened. He stood and helped Erza to her feet, wiping away the evidence of his despair before turning around and facing the two newcomers.

Although Lucy tensed when she saw the guard, one look from Erza made her relax.

"Have you found a way out?" Erza asked

Before Lucy could respond, Natsu chimed in, his gaze returning to the blue haired man every so often. "I know one, I hope you aren't afraid of heights. You need to leave now."

"The guards are everywhere, I've already scouted-" Erza began but Jellal cut her off.

"I'll create a distraction." Jellal's eyes met Natsu's aware of the tension in the boy's shoulders and that it was because of him. He felt Erza's hand grasp his forearm tightly. It took all of his will power to pry his arm from her grasp.

"Come with us." Erza spoke gently, no one but Jellal heard her and he only shook his head in response. As much as he wanted to stay with Erza, he not only didn't deserve to but he had a mission of his own to continue. He needed to right as many wrongs as he could and prevent Zeref from destroying any more lives until Jellal could find a way to defeat him.

"Be safe, Erza." With those words Jellal slipped from her side and began towards the great doors. He stopped and turned slightly to Natsu. "You won't have long but I'll get you every second I can. Be quick. Thank you."

Erza stared as Jellal left her sight, a part of her beginning to feel like a lost child once more, just as she was all of those years ago. She didn't realize her name was being called until she felt Lucy's fingers intertwine with hers. Erza tore her gaze away from the direction Jellal had disappeared and met chocolate brown eyes.

"We need to get going, Erza. Are you alright?" Lucy asked, her voice laced with worry.

Erza nodded, "I'm fine. Let's get moving." Erza's armour hardened once more, stuffing the lonely child away into the smallest box she could find and hiding it.

The pink haired boy lead the way for the gypsies, through corridors that clearly no one used or even knew were there with how many cobwebs were in them. They went up old wooden stairs that creaked fair to often for Erza's comfort but if it meant freedom, she would take the risk.

Natsu constantly checked back behind him to make sure Lucy and her friend were there, he kept his senses on high alert for his master. His master was like the shadows in the dark, you didn't think they could be there but they were and his master always showed up at the worst of times.

When they reached the top, Natsu helped both of the girls climb out onto the roof of Notre Dame. The shark intake of breath from Lucy made his heart flip. He looked at her as she stared out at the sunset, the view truly was breathtaking. Even her scary friend was at a loss for words at the sight. As much as Natsu wanted to let Lucy enjoy the moment, they needed to get out before his master returned.

"This way" Natsu's voice was hoarse, full of an emotion not even he understood. He lead the women over to any alleyway that harbored no way out of Notre Dame unless you were coming from above and that would be impossible to get down from, unless you were him.

"I can only take one at a time, you'll have to silent."

Both of the women nodded their heads, Natsu took a deep breath trying to prepare himself for their horrified, disgusted reactions even though he knew there was no way he could. Without stalling any longer, he let the muscles in his back loosen and the tight wound up muscles relax as his wings unfurled. Both of the gypsies gasped and Natsu couldn't bring himself to look at them. He only opened his arms.

"Hold on tight and don't scream." His voice was tight. He didn't even look at the redhead's face as he held her waist firmly and stepped over the edge. He only used his wings to make an almost silent landing. He wasn't the best with them still, after all he never got to practice and he never much cared to anyway. There was no where he could go.

The redhead surprised him, she was indeed silent, not a sound escaped her until her feet were firmly on solid ground again.

"Thank you for your help." She bowed her head slightly, Natsu still avoided looking her in the eye, sure there was disgust hidden in their depths.

He climbed back up most of the way, only using his wings to carry him up over the edge. His shoulders slumped as he landed, hearing Lucy's heart rate quicken at the sight of him.

Natsu held his arms out again quietly and for some reason the sight caused Lucy's heart to ache. He wouldn't even look at her and she wondered where the new avoidance came from. She stepped into his arms and placed a hand on his cheek.

"Natsu" She whispered, as she gently guided his face up so she could look into his green eyes. It took him awhile but eventually he looked at her and the utter sadness that was in them made Lucy want to hug Natsu for eternity. He had done so much for them, they were strangers and were the cause of some of his suffering from today. He had forgiven them both so easily and was now helping them escape.

"If you change your mind, I promise there is a place for you in Fairy Tail." Lucy removed a necklace around her neck, the leather chord connected to what resembled a dream catcher. "if ever you're in need, just remember that when you wear this band, you hold the city in your hand." Lucy put the necks around Natsu's head, her finger brushing over the scar at the base of his neck that she didn't seem to notice before.

"Are you sure you won't come with me?" Lucy asked, her eyes hopeful but all Natsu could think about was how close she was and how crazy his own heart was going. She still seemed so unafraid of him.

Snapping out of his thoughts, he shook his head. "I'm never going out there again, not after what happened today. Besides, I belong here." Natsu said quietly.

"Well then I'll come visit you." Lucy decided.

"But there's guards-" Natsu argued.

"I'll come after sunset." Lucy countered.

"It's too dangerous." Natsu tried again.

"Don't you go doubting me, I can take handle myself." Lucy winked at him and his cheeks grew just slightly pink.

"Come on, your friend is waiting." Natsu mumbled, trying to hide his blush.

Lucy stepped back into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. Natsu held Lucy tightly against him and he walked to the edge. "Don't be afraid." He said.

"Like I would be-" Before Lucy could finish her sentence she was clutching onto Natsu almost to tightly as they began their decent. She sucked in a breath and tried to keep herself from screaming as she squeezed Natsu tighter. Natsu held her firmly as he spread his wings to ease their landing.

She held onto him for another ten seconds after her feet touched the ground, her eyes closed still until she slowly peaked one eye open. The second she realized she was on solid ground again she breathed the biggest sigh of relief.

She hugged Natsu before letting him go and kissed him on his cheek. "Thank you, Natsu. I'll see you soon."

The gypsies disappeared and Natsu was left staring blankly ahead of him, his face as red as the other gypsy's hair.

Well, this chapter was over 2000 words! I'm sorry again for the delay, I wish I could say I will have a more frequent updating schedule but the only thing I will promise is that I won't be abandoning this story or The Demon Inside.

I hope you enjoyed it! And THANK YOU to all of the absolutely wonderful reviews. If it weren't for those, I would end up leaving this fic to the dust.