Hey! This is my first one hundred fanfiction! Please let me know what you think! And please be nice!

Chapter 1


"Octavia! Let's go! You're going to be late for your first day of high school!" Clarke calls into the kitchen of her three bedroom apartment.

It's the apartment that she got two years ago after she had gotten her new job. It paid her well enough that she was finally able to move out of the run-down Blake house, and buy a place that wasn't falling apart completely. Originally her and Octavia had wanted to stay in that house… for the first year at least. During that first year they were trapped under the illusion that Bellamy would come back. But after Aurora came along, and Clarke was still taking care of all of the kids on her own, they realized that he wouldn't come back.

As soon as they realized that Bellamy was gone for good, they started to slowly resent the house. The leaky sink that use to be so endearing started to hold the painful memories of Bellamy trying to fix it, while the two girls gave him an unbelievably hard time about what he was doing wrong. The house had just begun to fill up with painful memories, and they wanted out. So as soon as Clarke had enough money to buy a nice, new place… she did.

"It's not my fault that some idiot decided it was a good idea to have school start at the ungodly hour of seven thirty! In middle school I didn't have to be there until eight thirty! This is like some kind of torture! That's what this is torture!" She exclaims as she walks out with Aurora on her back and a waffle in her other hand.

"Pfft! You want to know what was torture? Having to watch the Wiggles over and over again while you're trying to study for your exit exam! Now that was torture!" Clarke tells her laughingly, reaching out to grab her daughter, picking her up with a small "oommf".

"I withdraw my previous statement," she says as she scoops up her backpack and her books.

"Darn right you do," She tells her. "Now let's go! I want to get some pictures before we go!"

"Oh my god Clarke! You are such a mom!" Octavia says as Clarke steer her out the door and lock it behind herself.

"I feel like you meant for that to be offensive, but seeing as how I am a mom, I will definitely take that as a compliment." Clarke tells her, as they walk towards the elevator. When they're about five feet away she puts Aurora down so she could push the button.

"You're a great mama, mama!" Aurora feels the need to finally speak up. Clarke laughs and shakes her head, grabbing her tiny little hand in the process.

"Plus, I told Jasper and Monty's parents that we'd pick them up today. I want a picture of all three of you, and I want to get to the school early enough that I won't be embarrassing you guys." Clarke tells her.

"Please, Clarke, you're legally my mom, so I have to legally find you embarrassing. It's the law." She tells her seriously with a nod of her head.

It was true. Clarke was legally her mom. After it got out that Bellamy had left, Child Protective Services was going to take Octavia away. So Clarke did the only thing that she could think of. She adopted her. She was over eighteen, it was perfectly legal, and since Clarke was technically the only family that she had left, the courts let her keep her. And that was that. She was a pregnant nineteen year old med student with a nine year old adoptive daughter. How hard could it be?

"So you're saying that it's completely legal for me to embarrass you whenever I want?" She asks her.

"Clarke, all moms are embarrassing, whether they're trying to be or not." She tells Clarke like she's trying to let her down easy.

"That is actually kind of hurtful O," Clarke tells her wiping away fake tears.

"You don't embarrass me mama!" Aurora tells her earnestly, with one of the sweetest smiles that she's ever seen.

"Aww, kiddo! That's so sweet!" Clarke exclaims pulling Aurora to her and allowing her to wrap her arms around her thighs. "You're going to regret saying that in three years. Just you watch!"

Octavia barks out a laugh as they step in to the lobby of our building. On the way out all three of them call out a greeting to the doorman.

"How ya doin' Mr. Kane?" Aurora asks him. She has that man wrapped around her little finger, 'cause every morning, when she said hello he would somehow produce a lollipop for her, and ever since she said that it wasn't fair that Octavia didn't get anything either, he would produce some obscure piece of candy for her too.

"Oh you know I am just feeling…" he produces a peach lollipop for her, "peachy this mourning! How about yourself?" Aurora just giggles, taking the lollipop and telling him that she's doing peachy too.

As the two Griffins and one Blake walk towards their car he calls out to them.

"Octavia!" He calls.

"What?" She calls back as she turns around.

"It's from France this time!" He tosses her a hard candy, not waiting for a response before he heads back inside.

"Oh! I've always wanted to go to France!" Octavia exclaims before shoving the candy into her mouth.

"Hey, don't forget that Aunt Raven is staying with you guys tonight okay? I'm working the night shift. And Uncle Miller is going to bring y'all dinner. Is that cool?"

"Yeah that's cool with me Clarke. It's been a while since I've seen Uncle Miller." Octavia says, barely glancing over from the view outside of the car.

"Yeah! It's cool! I love Uncle Miller and Aunt Raven!" Aurora says from her car seat, bouncing excitedly.

"Don't worry Rory," Octavia says, "we know how much you love them. You tell us every time you find out that they're coming over."

Clarke met Raven when they were sixteen. Clarke had been dating her boyfriend without knowing it. Raven had barged into the cafeteria when the two were eating lunch together. Marched right on up to Finn and kissed him. When both Clarke and Raven realized what had happened, they took turns slapping Finn and have been friends ever since. When Clarke found out that she was pregnant, Raven was the only person who stood behind her one hundred percent. There had been a time when she was so depressed about Bellamy leaving and having a kid that, she had thought about getting an abortion.

"Clarke what's wrong?" Raven's voice asks through the phone. She could hear Clarke crying and she got worried.

"I can't do this Raven!" Clarke tells her. "I can't do this on my own! I can't be a mother! Look what I have to go off of, you've met my mother she's horrid!"

"Clarke every thing is going to be fine. You'll ge-" Raven starts, only to be cut off by Clarke.

"No it's not! I can't have a baby and raise a nine year old! I'm only nineteen! I'm in school! What kind of home would I be bringing a baby into? Hmm? An awful one that's what! I can't support two kids at my age! And my mom hasn't talked to me since she found out that I was pregnant. Bellamy left with the typical, "I'm going to the store, we're out of milk," shtick!" Clarke rambles on to her.

"Clarke! You're not alone! You'll get through this!" Raven tells her softly.

"The only way that I can get through this is if I don't have to worry about a baby. I can't raise a baby like this." Clarke says, letting a sob escape at the end.

"Clarke what are you saying? Where are you?" Raven asks her, desperation seeping through her voice.

"I'm at the clinic Raven. I'm getting an abortion." She whispers.

"No! Clarke, listen to me! Don't do this okay? You and I both know that you'll never be able to live with yourself." She pleads with her. Not knowing if her words are getting through to her at all.

"But Raven I-"She starts but Raven cuts her off.

"No Clarke! This isn't what you believe in! You believe that every life counts! Okay? You're not alone, Clarke! I will be with you every step of the way. And if by the time that baby is here and you don't want it then we'll put her up for adoption. Okay? But you will not kill that baby? Okay?" Raven asks her. She waits for a response, but she doesn't get one.

"Okay?" She asks again.

"Okay." Clarke whispers back.

"Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry. Do you want me to come get you? We can go get some ice cream, and pick Octavia up from school." Raven tells her.

"Yes please, I don't think I can be alone right now." Clarke tells her brokenly.

She met Nathan Miller on the day that her daughter was born.

"Octavia! Aaagghhh! Octa-ahh!" Clarke called and groaned for Octavia.

"Clarke! What's happening?" She asks as she rushes to the blonde's side.

"I nee-agh! I need you to call 911! The baby's comi-aaaahaaa!" She cries out, grabbing onto Octavia's hand and squeezing, causing Octavia to yelp in surprise and pain.

"Please hurry!" And off Octavia goes, rushing to the phone that's hanging on the wall.

"Hello?" She says into the receiver. "I need help, my friend is hurt! She's screaming a lot, she says that it's time!... Yeah, she said that a baby's coming! Please help my friend!"

After she hangs up she rushes back to Clarke's side. And tries to get her to lie down.

"Come on Clarke! The lady on the phone said that I have to help you relax!" Octavia frantically told the writhing blonde. "Don't worry she said that help was on the way!"

"After help gets here I want you to call Raven okay? She's going to stay with you while I'm recovering." Clarke barely squeezes out to her before crying out again.

"Okay, Clarke. Okay." Octavia says.

They sit there for what feels like hours until they finally hear sirens approaching. Octavia tries her best not to panic when Clarke screams again but she's finally starting to break. When they hear the knock at they door, Octavia almost cries in relief as she sprints to open it.

"Hey, my name is Officer Miller and this is Officer Monroe, can you take us to your friend?" The male officer asks her she just nods and sprints back to where Clarke is laying down. She tries not to cry out when Clarke does but when she hears Clarke scream she starts to cry.

"Monroe, calm her down! Ma'am, I need to have a look, okay? I need to see if we have time to get you to the hospital." Officer Miller said, as soothingly as he could to Clarke. She couldn't answer so she just nodded her head, allowing him to look. It's then that she has never been more thankful for the muumuu that Raven got her as a joke a month ago.

"Okay Ma'am-" he starts again, but she interrupts him.

"Clarke! My name is Clarke!" She screams.

"Okay, Clarke," he says calmly, "it's time to push."

When the baby was finally out, Monroe gave Miller a pair of scissors that she had dosed in alcohol and he cut the cord. He cooed as the baby screamed, trying to calm her down before handing her to her mother.

"Clarke, I am happy to tell you that you have a beautiful baby girl." He said as she pulled the baby to her chest.

"She is so precious! Octavia! Come here!" She waited or the girl to approach before she spoke again. "What should we name her Octavia?"

"Really? I can name her?" Octavia asked excitedly.

"Of course you can. We're all a family now. Naming her should be a family ordeal." Clarke told her gently.

"Can we name her Aurora? Can we name her after mommy?" Octavia asked her, unsure of whether or not the answer would be positive.

"Of course we can sweetie. Let's call her Aurora Raven Griffin. How does that sound, hmm?"

"I love it!" She cried.

After that when Clarke was in the hospital, Miller and Monroe, stopped by everyday to say "hi" to Clarke and Aurora. Soon after that they had become great friends. Clarke even asked Miller to be Aurora's godfather.

"Thanks for picking us up Dr. Griffin," Jasper said as he climbed into the back to sit next to Aurora.

"Don't thank her yet Jas, she wants to take pictures." Octavia tells him swerving to face him.

"Aww! Dr. Griffin!" Monty whines as he climbs in after Jasper.

"Suck it up! And what have I told you boys about calling me Clarke? Dr, Griffin is my mother." Clarke reprimands them.

"Are we going to get this show on the road or what?" Jasper asks, tickling Aurora, making her giggle so much her face turned red.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going."

And that's the end of chapter 1! Please review and let me know what you think! More should be up soon!