
I do not own the Avengers in any way.

Pietro entered the living room of Avengers tower. He was confused when he didn't see Madison in the kitchen like every morning.

Nathaniel was lying on the floor playing with his toys as Natasha watched him.

"Where's Madison?" Pietro asked her.

"In bed with a migraine", she told him.

Pietro frowned.

Madison rarely ever got sick.

"It happens when she over works herself", Clint added.

Pietro grabbed some orange juice and an ice pack. He made his way to her room. He didn't even bother knocking. He entered the nearly completely dark room. He could hear the sound of Ed Sheeran coming from her iHome. He turned it off and set the stuff down on her nightstand. He crawled in bed with her and Madison settled herself into his side. "Moy bednyy kolibri", Pietro murmured. He placed a kiss on her forehead.

Madison's hand tightened in Pietro's shirt and she whimpered.

Pietro stroked her hair and said, "Shh…I'm here, moy kolibri".

Madison mumbled something.

"Say that again moy kolibri", he told her.

"Sing. To. Me", she said.

Pietro shifted so he was lying on his side facing her.

She burrowed into his side and set her head in his neck.

Pietro wrapped his arms around her and began to softly sing a lullaby in Russian. He had sung it to Wanda when she didn't feel good as a child. Before Pietro knew it, he found his eyelids starting to close. He fell asleep holding Madison in his arms.

Madison awoke around 6 p.m. She found that she was burning up and wondered why. She opened her eyes and found Pietro asleep in her bed. She shot up, which caused Pietro to roll off the bed. Madison peeked over the side. "Are you okay?" she asked him.

The silver-haired speedster was rubbing his head.

"I'm sorry", she said, "I'm not used to waking up with people in my bed". Madison threw off the covers and noticed the small bottle of orange juice and melted ice pack on her nightstand. She grabbed the orange juice as Pietro climbed back onto the bed.

Pietro settled himself in her lap.

She ran her fingers through his silver locks. "Thank you for taking care of me", she told him.

"You never told me you get migraines", he said.

"I'd forgotten. It's been so long since I've had one", Madison said.

"You shouldn't over work yourself", Pietro told her.

"I promise to take it easy from now on", she said, "But I'll always have you to take care of me". Madison leaned down and placed her lips on Pietro in an upside down kiss.

They broke apart when Madison's stomach growled.

She pecked Pietro on the lips again before getting out of the bed. She threw her hair up into a messy ponytail as she slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. She pulled Pietro's hoodie on and noticed he was smiling at her. "What?" she asked him.

"You look good in my clothes", he told her.

Madison blushed and said, "C'mon Roadrunner, I'm hungry".

Pietro got off the bed and said, "Lead the way, moy kolibri".

Moy bednyy kolibri - My poor hummingbird