Harry lunged forward. Daphne eyes widened in shock. Before she could react, Harry's hands were already around her waist. Harry bear tackled her to the floor. They wrestled on the floor for dominance. Lights and tables were smashed to the ground in the tussle.
Daphne made a desperate grab for her wand that she stashed away in her back pocket. But Harry was quicker and twisted her arm till she gave a high pitch squeak. Harry shoved her into a wall and pressed her against it.
"Let me go!" Daphne was kicking frantically. Harry was forced to hold her waist on the sides firmly. He then leaned in and pushed Daphne against the railing and interlocked her feet with his.
Harry could hear her heavy breathing. Her locks of golden hair were in disarray. In his anger Harry barely noticed how close they were.
Harry reached in front of her and unbuttoned her jeans.
"What are you doing?" Daphne voice wavered slightly.
"I have to make sure you aren't wearing a wire."
Daphne started squirming around Harry's iron grip lock. She started screaming and biting Harry every time he came a little too close.
Harry slammed one hand on the side of her face into the wall. Daphne gave a small moan and her resistance slackened. Harry bent Daphne forward and began to lower her jeans.
Daphne lunged backward and smashed her head into Harry's. One of Harry's hand lost grip of Daphne's waist. Harry opened his mouth to yell back but Daphne spit in his face before he could. Blinded, Harry second hand came loose. Daphne then took careful aim and kicked Harry in his groin area.
Harry howled in pain. Tears streaming from his face, Harry he could just make out Daphne making a mad dash to the door.
Harry was quicker. With one fluid motion the door was locked.
Daphne turned to face Harry. Both of them were out of breath.
Daphne held her hands up. "Look I-"
Harry teared at her. Leaping over overturned tables and chairs he screamed "Stupif-"
Harry felt a searing pain to his left. Daphne had conjured a table and sent it soaring at him. Harry's glasses were knocked. The world around him was a blur. He could just make out a golden blur sprinting towards him.
Harry managed to raise his wand hand at the blur.
Harry's spell made contact and Daphne's body banged against the locked door.
Even before Harry could relish in his feat, Daphne was already up. With no time to search for his glasses, Harry charged once again.
Daphne remained unfazed. "Silencio!"
Harry felt his windpipe constrict. The words refused to come out.
Nevertheless he charged on. He balled his fist ready plummet her.
Daphne waved her wand with a flourish. Harry tried at the last minute to dive around the trip jinx but failed. Harry's balanced was toppled over and went soaring past her. His head smashed into the door.
Harry groaned. Blood trickled down from his skull and smeared his face. Harry tried to get up but already ropes were being tied around him.
Daphne pushed Harry towards the ground and sat on him. He could feel her staggered breath on his neck.
"You know Harry I could kill you right now if I wanted to." She trailed her wand over Harry's body. Everywhere she touched pain radiated through Harry's body.
"So why don't you bitch!"
Daphne sighed. Harry felt her chest on his back. In any other situation Harry wouldn't have minded.
"Because I told you already Harry, I don't want to."
Harry opened his mouth to argue. "Yeah right bitc-"
Daphne smacked him on the back of his skull. "If I wanted you dead you would already be."
Daphne let those words sink for a while. "Still think that I'm out to kill you."
Harry shook his head. Besides he didn't have much choice. It was either this or get his head chopped off.
Daphne gripped on the ropes lassoed around Harry. "I'm gonna let you go now. If I even think you are gonna attack it will be the last thing you ever do." She tapped on his skull one more time. "Got it?"
She waved her wand again and Harry was released from his binds. She then placed his glasses back on for him.
Harry held one hand to support the side of his head, while Daphne examined the damage. "So what happened to everyone else on the train?"
Daphne's lips pursed up. "Well from what I know of everyone else on the train survived. But I don't know what happened to them after that."
Harry clenched his fists. He thought of friends. If anything happened to any of them he would never forgive himself.
Harry brushed off Daphne's hand and stood up. Gingerly he made his way to the window and opened it a crack.
"Expecto Protronum!"
A white whisp of smoke erupted from his wand. The shapeless mold of ash quickly changed into a stag.
"Call Lupin and Kingsley to come here now."
The stag gave a nod and charged away.
Harry gestured to one of the chairs that had been upturned in their fight. "You might as well sit. Might take a well."
Harry staggered against the wall. He was too tired to notice the plaster peel off and fall on his hair. All he wanted was for this day to end and for him to go back to Hogwarts. His gazed turned back to Daphne. She was awfully quiet all of a sudden. Surprising, considering how vicious she had been a couple of minutes ago.
Her face was covered in sweat and covered in dirt. Yet Harry still found her surprisingly attractive. She had an athletic figure. Her muscles were tone and you could easily see that she could pack a punch. She kept tucking away a strand of golden hair that kept on falling in front of her face. She didn't wear any makeup. Maybe that what was Harry found her attractive. It was as though she knew she was beautiful as herself. She didn't need anything else.
Harry craned his eyes lower. Harry couldn't help but appreciate her ample cleavage. He could just see the outline of her bra-
Harry looked up. Daphne's face was smug.
"My face is up here Harry."
Harry tugged on the sleeve of his shirt. "I know."
Daphne smiled again. "I don't mind you checking me out Harry. But don't think I don't notice."
Harry opened and closed his mouth. It didn't help that she was looking at him right through his eyes.
Harry rubbed the side of his head where he rammed against the door. "Where the heck did you learn fight like that?"
She gave a crooked grin. "My father would pit me against three of my older cousins when I was little. If I managed knock them all out, he would take me out for ice-cream."
Harry winced. "Seems like he was kinda fucked up."
Daphne shrugged. "So what you want about the man. But it's the reason I beat you."
For the second time Harry was left open mouthed.
"I don't-"
Before he could finish, small pop like sound could be heard. One by one the members of the Order Phoenix trudged into the room.
Harry was blinded by he could only assume to be Mrs. Weasly.
Tears were streaming down her face. "We thought you were dead. Ron and Ginny told me there was blood all over the floor- Mrs. Weasly noisily blew on her handkerchief. "And that they couldn't find you anywhere.
Harry didn't know what else to do but shake her comfortably on the back. "It's okay Mrs. Weasly I'm right here."
From the corner of his eye he spotted Lupin. Unlike Mrs. Weasly he wasn't sobbing uncontrollably. Instead he was grinning ear to ear like he couldn't believe for one second Harry could have died.
For the next couple of moments it seemed no one cared but congratulating Harry on taking out the Death Eaters single handedly. Tonks would change her hair color sporadic based on her moods. From sickish sea green to honey yellow. Even Daphne couldn't deny the similarity.
Finally it took Mad Eye Moody to break up the hullabaloo. He tapped his cane twice and suddenly the room went silent.
Moody raised his hand in the air. "Now I understand that we are all happy that Harry didn't kick the bucket but we have more pressing matters to attend to."
The entire mood of the crowd changed. Except Tonks who remained jubilant as ever. She looked like she was debating on screaming out 'constant vigilance!' but remained wary at Moody's cane.
Mad Eye Moody paced around the room. "The Ministry has given out a reward of ten thousand galleons for whoever captures you.
Harry opened his mouth to argue but Lupin thrust a copy of the Daily Prophet into his hands.
Harry's picture nearly took half of the page. It was one of his pictures taken at the end of the second task of the Triwizard Tournament. His hair was plastered across his face and he was shivering and coughing. It didn't help that Cedric was in the corner of the photo looking as though he did this stuff every day.
Harry folded the newspaper. "So what exactly did I do this time?"
Lupin gave a crooked smile. "Well the official report is that you killed in cold blood five respected officials from the Ministry of Magic."
"And what lame excuse did they give for coming on the train and beating the crap out of everyone."
Lupin cleared his throat. "Well they received a tip that someone was performing dark magic on the train."
"You mean besides them."
Lupin laughed. Even the dark circles under his eyes seemed to fade away for a moment.
"And that's not all. Guess who the headmaster of Hogwarts is."
Harry felt suddenly queasy.
"Snape is the headmaster." Daphne exclaimed.
Up till now she had been quiet. All eyes gazed at her. Everyone had been so happy to see Harry alive that they had barely even noticed her.
Lupin stepped forward. His hands twitched to where his wand was.
"Daphne what are you doing here?"
Daphne opened her mouth to make a snarky retort.
"She's with me." Harry answered before she could piss off everyone in the room.
"And-" Harry added when he saw Moody open his mouth. "If that's enough for me, then it should be enough for you guys."
Moody's magical eye circled around and examined the wreckage in the room.
"What have you been doing here?"
Harry shuffled his feet. "Just had a little practice session with Daphne."
Tonks winked at Harry. "Yeah we can see that all right."
Lupin gave a look at Tonks and immediately she quieted down.
"Harry what's the next course of action. What do we do now?"
Harry eyes widened. "Why are you asking me?"
Lupin's shoulders relaxed. "Isn't it obvious Harry. You can't go back to Hogwarts now." Lupin gestured to everyone in the room. "I think I speak for everyone in this room when I say this."
Lupin took a deep breath. "I think you should lead the Order of Phoenix."
Harry gazed back at everyone in the room. All of them had more experience than him. How could he lead any of them?
Harry felt someone come close to his side. He turned and saw Daphne by his side. She held his hand and gave a reassuring squeeze. Harry gave back a nervous smile.
"I accept. I will be your leader."