Guardian Witch

Rise of the Guardians

Chapter 7

Author's Note: Hoi! What's this? An update? Gahh! Sorry for the extreme writer's block. It was so bad, I wanted to quit this story entirely. But then, something stirred and I decided to try this again. I realized I've accumulated some reviews and follows for this story and I'm honestly quite surprised. I guess a little 'thank you' is in order.

( o w o) -[Thank youu~]

Anyway, concerning the reviews;

Some of you have pointed out that there are some holes in regards to The Guardians of Childhood and I apologize. I've honestly never read the novels and didn't really know about it until prior to brainstorming this story. So, what I know from the books are from wiki. I apologize if it irks people -I empathize with you I really do- but I hope you can excuse me for now. Though, I wouldn't mind a little insight here and there. /wink wink hint hint

Ok, I won't hold you for long. Enjoy! (maybe..?)

"How was your nap," Kira asked tauntingly, "Pitch Black?"

"Truthfully, it could've been better." Was all the Nightmare King could answer. "How did you do it?'

"Do what?" Kira asked even though she knew what he was referring to.

Pitch twitched at the shrill, mocking tone; he found it not at all amused to being played around like that. Especially by her. The Bogeyman turned to look at his old 'prison'. What was once his loyal nightmares had turned against him that day and trapped him a seemingly eternal slumber. Stuck in a place where he could neither awake nor control his dreams, the king of nightmares had fallen into his own nightmare. He could see the swirl of sand that once surrounded him had taken a new hostage. The figure was so completely covered, he couldn't even make out a distinct shape.

"And who is in that?"

"One question at a time!" The witch feigned exasperation. She waved her hands above her head in an airy manner, as if too much was asked of her and she had become sick. "One cannot so insistent for answers."

The man could only growl. Out of all the creatures and legends of evil, it was this one in particular that he couldn't stand the most. When he had first met the witch, he surely thought they would've gotten along well. Their sadistic natures were both to par and their sense of morale, or rather lack of, was pit bottom. But her annoying nature of superiority ranged higher than his. Honestly, just who did she think she was, thinking herself above the King of Nightmares.

"Someone woke up at the wrong side of the bed this morning." Kira cackled wildly.

"Enough!" Pitch bellowed. Kira silenced, but she continued to grin wildly. Oh, he definitely despised her.

"Clearly," Pitch breathed, "you're doing this for a reason. Freeing me. I still don't know how you did it."

"So you want me to talk now?" Kira smirked. Pitch only snarled in response. "Aha~ I'll tell you, don't get mad. Yes, I had a reason. And that reason was that I needed you alive."

"You're not going to tell me?"

"Oh I'll tell you. But I have to gather up the rest of my allies."

"You had others in mind? For what?"

"Like I said, I'm not telling you yet, be patient boy." Funny, he was older than she by a number a years, though he didn't look it. "I'm going to need my sisters for this. I've tried to ask them before freeing you. But they've both declined. However, if you're present, I'm sure they'll accept."

Another thing Pitch hated her for. She was never thorough, never quite as meticulous as he when it came to dark schemes. Careless and impulsive to her desires, he couldn't stand it.

"As for freeing you, it wasn't that hard. All I did was find a substitute and it let you go."

"A substitute?"

"Yes. Though, it has to be someone of 'equal' caliber to you, so I couldn't grab some random wandering spirit or human. And it also had to be someone who has a fear that exceeds yours."

"Then, who was it you substituted me for?"

Just when Pitch thought Kira's grin couldn't be anymore wider, the old witch smiled a smile that could possibly rip her face in two.

"Why, it seems that I found a certain candidate." Kira clapped her hands together gleefully. "He calls her 'Mother Nature'."

Her head hurt. Her arms hurt.

Everything. Hurt.

She hadn't asked for anything to change in her peaceful, non-existent life. Why then, were such things happening to her?

Natasha could hear voices, though they sounded very far away. Besides the numbing pain she felt everywhere in her body, she could feel that her arms were bound. There also seemed to be something wrapped around her eyes, that would explain why she couldn't see anything. Unintentionally, she let out a grunt of displeasure. The voices that seemed to be drawing closer stopped.

"... awake...?" The voices were clearer now.

"Do we... but..."

"What!? ... cottontail?"

"How about... shut up."

"... both of you... stop... swords... cut you."

This time, she snickered. The voices took notice of this and halted their discussion before ripping away her blindfold.

"Do continue your conversation, it was getting interesting." Natasha gave a lopsided smile.

"Sorry to disappoint you then, sheila, but show's over." The rabbit tapped the ground irately.

Natasha shifted around to sit up properly. The pain had begun to wash from her body and was more of an ache now, it was something she could deal with.

"I'm not one to be familiar with etiquette or manners or whatever, but I'm sure this is far from polite." Natasha drawled before looking at her arms. They had bounded her, but she was surprised to find them wrapped in clean bandages. "... What?"

"We wrapped your arms for you." The green fairy creature told her.

"What for?" She asked in a monotone voice.

"Uh... what else do you think?" The white haired boy cocked an eyebrow.

Natasha's eyebrow twitched in irritation. She knew, that maybe she had to feel a little appreciative for their actions. But years of living alone might have dulled that judgement. She did not count the occasional visits from Kira or the even rarer meetings with her second Baba Yaga sibling as company. She had not experienced kindness in a long while.



Kindness, was something she was not used to anymore.

And she did not appreciate it.

She felt annoyed, irritated, humiliated even. Her kidnappers, the opponents she had just been recently defeated by, were showing kindness to her; to her, they were pitying her. She gritted her teeth at this, her eyes flashing dangerously at the five figures in front of her. To say she was angry was an understatement, she was fuming.

"You dare," she seethed, "you dare to pity me?"

"Does it irritate you?" The big bearded man asked her in russian.

"Does it irritate me?" She said through gritted teeth. "Haven't you had enough by defeating me? Now you're mocking me? Not just by tying me up but by treating my wounds?"

"If it makes you feel better, I tried to stop them of such heresy." He deadpanned.

Natasha clicked her tongue in disgust.

"Surely, their lack of 'manners' aren't the first thing on your mind. Aren't you curious as to why you are brought here?" He raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you a little bit curious about why we came after you in the first place? Do you know who we are?

"I'm guessing it's important." She muttered. "In all honesty, I don't give a damn who you are. How about you just get this over with. Whatever you want me for, get it over with. I'm tired."

"We are the Guardians." The big man announced. "I am the Guardian of Wonder. You can call me North.

Natasha said nothing. Her eyes trailed to the other Guardians, eyeing a particular blue-hooded one for a second longer. So that's who I have to blame all those snowy winters for. She growled at the boy before turning her attention back to the legendary Saint Nicholas. She had to admit, he did seem a little more intimidating now that she knew who he was. But then again, she did manage to knock him out during the fight. However, there was no earth she could use to her advantage and he still had his swords fastened to his sides.

"And what is it that the legendary Guardians want with me? The youngest Baba Yaga?"

"How about you answer that for us?"

Jack began to shift uncomfortably, but quickly fixed himself. A stony glare hid his unsure interior. He watched as the girl's body gave a shiver, out of fear or anger, he didn't know.

"You dare," she seethed, "you dare to pity me?"

He shook at her icy tone, which was ironic considering that he was the personification of winter. He swore he heard her growl at him. No, it wasn't fear that he was feeling from this girl, but there was most definitely something off about her. That was it, he felt that there was something wrong with her being here. She most definitely didn't belong here.

"Enough with the Russian!" Bunny cut the two Russians off. He stomped towards the young witch, boomerang in hand, and pointed it towards her. "Where'd you take Mother Nature?"

The girl silenced and turned to look at Bunny. Her face showed on emotion, but her eyes shown that of curiosity. A flash of familiarity shown in her eyes before it was replaced with amusement. Though, Jack did get to see one of her eyes twitching in annoyance.

"Mother Nature?" She repeated the name. "He's still going on about that? How pathetic."

"He?" Bunny raised an eyebrow."

"Why, your precious moon of course." The girl gave a one-sided smile. "Hmm... so he keeps secrets from you?"

At the corner of Jack's eye, he could see Sandman puffing out smoke-like figures of sand from his ears, he looked at North and saw his entire figure tensing, Tooth became a little more jittery, and Bunny was... well...

"Watch that mouth of yours, sheila." He fumed. His eyes burned through hers. She only stared back with a sort of sadistic glee.

"I made the giant bunny angry." Her voice was monotonous, yet the way she eyed the rabbit told him she was openly mocking him.

"Bunny." North called the Easter Bunny. "Stand back."

Bunny reluctantly backed up. He had enough sense knowing that him blowing up wouldn't do him any good here. They couldn't let her play around with them so easily.

"Look," The witch sat up a little straighter, a bored expression plastered across her face, "this Mother Nature you're looking for. I have no idea what you're talking about, how about you go try my second sister?"

"Don't waste our time." Bunny crossed his arms.

"You're wasting mine, I'm just returning the favor."

"But you do know something related to the name 'Mother Nature', right?" Tooth asked the witch. The girl turned slowly to look at the fairy. Pale, lifeless eyes clashed with colorful, energetic ones. Tooth didn't seem to be disturbed by the young girl's careful stares towards her.

"Even if I did, there is no reason for me to tell you." The witch answered back. "If you want something from me, do me a favor and I'll repay you."

A disgruntled cough sounded from North. The Guardians turned to look at him, a stern expression plastered across his face, eyes shone of that of one with an idea. They all moved out of the room, making sure to close the door just a bit to prevent her from hearing them but to make sure she didn't try to escape.

"Right, so we might not have thought this through..." Tooth spoke.

"We seem to be pretty clueless as far as this storyline goes." Bunny muttered.

"What?" North quirked an eyebrow.

"I have no idea what I just said."

"That witch made you lose your mind huh, kangaroo?" Jack smirked.

"I'd shut my trap if I were you." Bunny threatened.

"Gentlemen, this is no time for fight." North told the two in the same jolly tone he had always used, though it was laced with a bit more seriousness in it this time. "We need answers..."

It then dawned on them of the lack of knowledge they currently knew. Where were they supposed to begin? Jack turned back to look at the girl. She seemed to be completely bored out of her mind.

If you want something from me, do me a favor and I'll repay you.

Bored, huh?

This is completely pointless. Natasha shifted uncomfortably on the floor. It could've helped them if they had tied her to a relaxing chair instead of just leaving her bound on the floor, maybe she would've been more cooperative with their 'interrogation'. Her eyes travelled around the room, she hadn't gotten a chance to study where she was due to the earlier distractions. It was a room decorated with christmas lights and ornaments, the wooden floors were covered with red rugs and the walls were covered in ice and lit with candles. The entire room was littered with toys, some were finished while others were still yet to be completed. Natasha looked out of the window, snow. She had suspected, but now she was sure, they brought her to the North Pole. It was Guardian of Wonder's workshop.

As annoying as this is, I'd rather be here than dealing with Kira. The witch let out a dejected sigh. As much as she hated her sister, she knew getting involved with the Guardians was another level of trouble for her. But this was a level at which she could tolerate. I swear, if Kira is involved with this, I'm going to kill her. You know what, this is most definitely her fault. It has to be.

"New plan!" Natasha jumped at the voice. She turned to the door to see the young Guardian burst into the room. He had a huge smile plastered across his face, contrast to the utterly confused looks the other Guardians had.
