Note: Barely edited, like the others. Haha. Sorry! Please enjoy!

"It's just a game, isn't it?"

As they reached Clover Town, they immediately saw Master Makarov, standing there like he was waiting for them all day.

"Huh? Why is Gramps here?" Natsu asked, clueless as ever. The blond man saw Gray snickering and Lucy smiling.

Laxus hit the back of his head. "It's a thought projection." He rolled his eyes as Natsu made an understanding face. A scene caught Laxus' eyes, though. It was Levy. She was holding a piece of paper again. Laxus remembered that she was also looking at that before.

"Laxus," he heard a whisper. He turned around and saw Mira. She was pointing at Levy. He frowned when he saw the blue-haired looking at the paper seriously. Mira asked him, "What's that?"

"It's a paper, Mira - " he cut himself off suddenly. Then, he realized that Mira wasn't pointing at the paper. Under Levy's sleeve, there was a bracelet made of paper. The usual gold paper that the spy needs to wear.

"But, Laxus, there's nothing written there," Mira informed him. Laxus smirked slightly.

"So, we eliminate her?"

"Laxus, we should still be careful. When we find her at the last mission, we'll do it."

"Okay, everyone!" Makarov chirped happily, stopping Laxus to speak any more. "Now run back to Magnolia! You need to make it in 45 minutes. Remember, you will earn a clue about the spy if you win."

"Again?" Evergreen asked, bewildered at the fact that they needed to run again.

"The Old Man is trying to let us guess who's the spy in this mission," Laxus grumbled quietly.

"Ready... start!"

"Let's go!" Natsu shouted excitedly.

Gajeel, Gray, and Erza started running. Evergreen and Bixlow were followig closely behind them. Wendy and Levy were walking together.

Lucy panted and then told the other members, "You guys go ahead. I'm too tired." Natsu frowned and walked closer to her.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. You only have 45 minutes."


Mira saw Natsu give an apologetic grin to Lucy. She heard Laxus calling for her and she knew that was her cue to start running. She ran with a slow pace then she looked over her shoulder. She saw Lucy sitting on the large boulder, not making a move to run or at least walk.

'Is she planning to stay behind?'

"Laxus," she started. The blond man turned his head, catching Lucy on a large rock in his sight. "Lucy's not it. She's off the hook."

"Yeah," he breathed out. Mira was catching up to his pace as they ran side by side. "If she's willing to stay there, she must not be the spy."

"Yeah. I agree," Mira replied to him, nodding her head in agreement to his statement.

They stayed quiet after that, catching a new pace slowly. After a few minutes, they were in the lead with Erza and Gajeel following behind them. She could hear Gray and Natsu bickering again but she guessed Erza was too focused in running than scolding the two. She looked back. There were still no sights of Lucy catching up with them.

In her own opinion, Lucy wasn't the spy. If she was, she'd definitely be running with them since the winners would get hints about the spy. 'That's it!' A thought suddenly came to her mind. Master Makarov told her and Laxus earlier everyone were spies. But only one was the real spy and that person knew everything what was going on.

Even if Lucy wasn't the real spy, Mira figured that the blonde woman would still know that she's a spy, though she's a fake. Then that means, Lucy must think she's the only spy. 'If she thinks she's the spy, then she'd think that the clues would be about her,' Mira logically thought.

"Wait, Mira," a voice stopped her train of thoughts. She looked up to her left amd saw Laxus frowning. With that, she immediately knew that they were both on the same page. They were thinking about the same thing.

"She's not off the hook," Laxus stated. She nodded firmly, thinking the same thing.

Mira thought to herself, 'If Lucy's not the real spy, I'll personally eliminate her.' But of course, she'd never tell anyone about her plan.

"Master?" A sweet voice called out as the door to his office opened. He looked up from the papers that the Council sent and saw Mira standing there with Laxus beside her.

"Ah, come in. Sit down," he started. Mira nodded as they both walked forward and sat on the chairs in front of Makarov's desk. He placed the paper and his pen away and looked at the two.

"You two... will be joining today's race."

"Eh?" Mira said in surprise.

Laxus was also shocked. Makarov grinned widely. He loved surprising his 'children' and the looks on their faces when they're told they're the spy were interesting and it amused him. He nodded, assuring Mira that she heard right.

"Yes. But today, everyone's a spy."

The statement caught the two of them off-guard, with Makarov succeeding in surprising another one of his 'children'. His grin never seemed to fade away. He saw Laxus frowning and Mira looking at the ceiling as though she was thinking of something.

"So how does that work?" Laxus asked him gruffly, crossing his arms as he leaned back on his chair.

"Well, I've already told everyone they're a spy, but only one person among them knows the truth. And that person also knows that there are two people who know that there's a real spy."

"And, who is it?" Laxus asked again.

Makarov leaned forward, a triumphant smile on his face. "That's for me to know and for you to figure out."

Laxus let out a curse under his breath. Makarov knew it was because he was making his grandson think logically and all those things that the blond man hated. He turned to his right and saw Mira and smiling with excitement.

"Suspense!" She squealed, quite enthusiastic about it.

"If you figure out who it is, you must help them out. If they win, they get five million and you two get two million each and you can participate in next week's game again," Makarov explained, making hand gestures from time to time to make his point clearer to the two.

"If that person loses...?" Mira trailed off, ending her statement with a question.

Makarov hummed. He looked at the wall first before looking again at the both of them. He answered, "Both of you will lose too and the others will continue to finish the game."

"So basically, he wins, we win. He loses, we lose," Laxus pointed out. Makarov nodded and he smiled.

The old man saw Mira looking at Laxus, probably waiting for him to say something. After a while, his grandson stood up, pointing a finger at him while he was smirking confidently.

"Make sure to prepare that nine million for the three of us."

It's been an hour since Laxus and Mira left his office already. The two made a pact to have an alliance from the start of the game. That way, they can talk more often and they can figure out who's the spy.

Makarov smiled to himself. 'To think this only started as a game to kill time.'

This would be a game that would remain in his memory. It'll be a race he'll never forget. And he highly doubted that someone would be able to forget today's race.

Everyone would be thinking to theirselves that they're a spy while only one person knows everything happening. It'll be the race of the year. If people lost in this game, it would surely have an impact on them since he led them to think they were a spy wherein they were only fooling themselves and they were just making the real spy laugh inside.

Just by thinking about it made him excited to see the race later.

Evergreen was growing suspicious of Erza. Was she the spy? She noticed Erza wasn't paying that much attention to anyone else. Even when Gray and Natsu were bickering, the Titania didn't bother to scold them or to make them shut up. Instead, she was just there, running along with them.

Well, she wasn't the spy. If she was, she would've told Laxus earlier when he asked her. She was a loyal member of the Rajinshuu and if Laxus wanted to know if she's the spy, she'd tell him the truth even if she was the spy - but she's not. She was just told by the Master that she's participating in today's game. That was that.

In fact, she, too, was curious who could be the spy. But she's assuming it's Erza. The redhead had been too serious in this race. She wasn't that serious in other races. Now, she's getting really suspicious of her.

If Erza was the spy, Evergreen wouldn't hesitate to tell the other woman later that she failed in her acting. Evergreen didn't buy her acting. She never knew that Erza would have a hard time in acting. Huh, well, she's not the real fairy, anyway. Evergreen is the real fairy.

Even if Erza wasn't the spy, she promised to eliminate the Titania and be the real Fairy.

Bixlow felt confused. Everyone was acting different. Not that different but if you paid really close attention to what they're doing, one would notice it. 'Like how Gray's been too quiet,' the man thought as he gave the other man a glance.

He was quite surprised when the Master announced to everyone that there was a spy. Normally, when the race has a spy, the Master just keeps quiet and he lets everyone know by themselves that there's a spy. And if no one figures out that there's a spy, it's the members' fault.

Yesterday, when the Master told him to meet up with him, he was really surprised. Bixlow wasn't really the type to go to the guild at nine o'clock in the evening. He thought it would be related to the game the next day and he was correct. Makarov had told him he was participating, along with Evergreen.

The Master hadn't said anything about a spy. When he did announce it, Bixlow wanted to laugh at his guild mates. They were too obvious. He recognized it all as an act. It was then that he realized there was something off. Something else was happening unlike the other spy races. He couldn't point out what was that something but he knew something was different.

And he was sure he wasn't the only one who noticed that the Master kept looking at Mira and Erza back and forth. The Master might've been discreet about it but for him, it was obvious. He might not know who, but he was sure someone else would've seen that. He wasn't the only one who got eyes. Earlier, he was twitching to ask the people around him. But he realized only now that keeping quiet about it was the best thing.

Then, his mind drifted off to think about who was the spy. Hell, everyone was acting different. How would he know who was the spy? There was someone who had been on his mind since the announcement about having a spy.

'Cosplayer's not it,' he told himself. Yes, he was sure it wasn't the little blonde. Of all the members, Lucy was the only one who was acting the same. And when she told Natsu to get going and leave her there, it only confirmed his suspicions. It wasn't her.

'If she was the spy, she'd be running here with us. That means, she doesn't care about the hints.'


"Hey, guys. You think Lucy's the spy?" Gray suddenly asked while running.

From his left eye, he saw Natsu looking at him. Then, the Dragon Slayer said, "You think it's her?"

"I was just asking." Gray shrugged. 'If he doesn't wants to answer, who cares?' He wasn't suspicious of the girl. He only wanted to know if there was anyone who was suspicious of Lucy. It was a good chance to ask everyone else since Lucy wasn't with them.

And what would Lucy be doing there back at Clover Town? Lying down and catching her breath? When they get back to Magnolia, the Master would still ask her to come back to the guild.

"Erza, what do you think of this race?" He asked when he caught up with the woman's pace. Erza looked at him. She was giving him a look he

"It's amusing, if you ask me," was Erza's reply to him. He raised a brow. 'Amusing? How so?' He thought, wanting to ask her that out loud. Instead, he didn't answer.

No one will ever forget this race.

That's what he knew.

Twenty minutes later


Natsu groaned. Tired, he sat down at the floor. He quietly watched Makarov. The latter was looking at them curiously.

Master asked them, "But... where's Lucy?"

His ears twitched at the mention of his partner. Before anyone else could answer, he did it himself. "She stayed back there."

Master looked even more confused, especially when Levy and Erza nodded their heads. He was gonna say that it was the truth and no one agtacked her while they were running but sadly, he was interrupted by a cheerful voice that seemed so familiar to him. He knew that voice anywhere.

"What do you mean stayed?"

"L-Lucy?!" His sensitive ears heard Mira's stammering query. He couldn't believe it. Was Lucy really there? He turned his head around and there was really Lucy Heartfilia, his very own best friend.

"Ah, Lucy! I was wondering where you went," Makarov said, grinning. Natsu turned to him, a deep frown appearing on his face.

"But Lucy... didn't you stay at Clover Town?" Erza asked, bemused at the realization that Lucy might've arrived before them.

Lucy walked closer to them. She scratched her cheek shyly then she smiled. "I took a fifteen-minute break then I took a different route."

"Ahh," the others said in understanding. Natsu unconsciously narrowed his eyes. A different route? He really wanted to ask her but someone stopped him.

"And, Lucy is the only winner!"

"Eh?! What?!" Even the people around them shouted unceremoniously. All of the Fairy Tail hunters were shocked. Natsu had his eyes wide and his mouth was open.

"Lucy arrived in 41 minutes and 58 seconds. Mira came in with second place but you arrived in 47 minutes and 21 seconds," Makarov explained calmly.

Natsu groaned. He probably used all his energy in running. Yet, he didn't win. If he offered to stay with Lucy, he'd be at least second place. But no, he was too greedy to win as the spy rather than staying with a friend. He almost didn't care about Lucy being left behind. He became too confident about winning the mission. And his overconfidence led him to losing.

He sighed. Lucy was quite the competition. Especially when she had her spirits. Then again, everyone was his competition. He needed to take things more seriously this time. And he knew the next mission would be the last.

He watched as Lucy walked over to the Master and he gave her a paper. Then, he saw them talking. At some point, Lucy had her eyebrows furrowed while the Master was making small hand gestures to the girl. He must've been only explaining something to her. Natsu couldn't hear them, though. Was there a soundproof barrier?

"The last mission is finally here!" The Master shouted excitedly when Lucy made her way back. He was too moody to cheer or be happy.

'One thing is for sure. I'll kill them all.'

"The whole town of Magnolia is your playing field today! But be sure not to make too much damage," Makarov had added the last part in a frantic and worried tone. He laughed loudly then he said, "Now, find a hiding spot if you don't want the spy to find you!"

After that, the eleven of them all ran off.


Laxus and Mira weren't really trying their best to hide themselves. In fact, they were hardly hiding. With all the confidence they had, they were standing at the highest building in Magnolia and looking for their enemies. They knew no one would dare come to them and attack them just like that so they just planned to look for the other participants.

Mira squinted her eyes when she saw a shadow in a nearby street. Then she caught a familiar foot. She couldn't think as to who it might be, though. She didn't tell Laxus about the suspicious person first. Instead of doing that, she kept on watching that area for any movements.

"Mira, what do you think is the mission?"

"Uhh, the usual 'rip-the-name-tag''?" She answered with uncertainty with her tone. She crossed her arms and raised a brow. "Why?"

"The Old Man didn't really say that and he gave us no mission. He just told us to hide, if we didn't want the spy to look for us," Laxus explained to her, his voice gruff.

Mira turned around and started to watch the street again. She shrugged as she said, "Maybe that's it." 'Now don't bother me because I'm watching someone.' She saw another shadow. The white-haired woman took a step forward and leaned her body, getting a closer look.

"It's Erza and Wendy," she heard from Laxus. She didn't mind it as she figured out Laxus have noticed them too. What she didn't know, though, that there were two of them.

"Let's go?" Mira urged him.

Laxus groaned. "Not now."

She shrugged her shoulders, continuing to watch the two that Laxus claimed it was Erza and Wendy. All of a sudden, the two came out of the street. Laxus was right. It really was Erza and Wendy. One thing caught her attention though. They were holding hands. She sensed Laxus walking near her but her eyes were glued to the pair. Both of Erza and Wendy's hands were holding the other party's hands tightly.

'Are they making an alliance?'' Mira thought, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Laxus clicked his tongue in annoyance beside her. "They're a team now. Wendy bumped into Titania and Erza proposed they make an alliance," he explained to her, which she was grateful for. If Laxus didn't hear that coversation, they wouldn't know what those two are planning.

Suddenly, Master Makarov's thought projection appeared in front of them.


Lucy was inside Kardia Cathedral, looking everywhere. She had searched high and low but couldn't find anything.

"Where is it?" She whined quietly as she looked at the wall, her hands feeling the hard concrete. She whispered to herself, "Laxus and Mira-san are just above this Cathedral so I need to hurry."

Her hand suddenly came across a rough place on the wall. With her nail, she scratched the wall and a paper fell to the ground. She grinned. Then, she picked up the paper and looked at it.

[ There's a bracelet that the spy is wearing ]

"Ah, this is great," she mumbled to herself with a smile. Slowly, and taking quiet steps, she peeked outside the Cathedral. She made sure there was no one in the area before stepping outside. She looked at the top of the Cathedral, looking for Mira and Laxus.

The two were standing at the roof of the building, talking to each other. Shaking her head, she walked away from the Cathedral, looking for more of those papers.

Tantrum Zone: Bam! Here's the last mission! Wasn't Levy wearing a bracelet? Yieee, who could be the spy? I'm also sorry if the divisions of the chapters are confusing you.

FOLLOW! Learn who's the spy.

REVIEW! Tell me who's your guess!

FAVE! It'll be a good story!

- Annie