Annabeth came back to a mess.

The tables were disheveled, chairs were facing the wrong way, her desk had blueprints for some kind of engine that she had not even the lightest of how it worked or what it did, the tools in the workshop were in the wrong place, the sample tiles she had left were gone, and oh yeah.

There was an unfinished automaton thing in the corner.

"Oh hey Annabeth," Leo stood in the doorway with a mug of black coffee that read TEAM LEO in messy black print. "didn't realize you were coming back today." he half smiled.

Annabeth was trying not to scream at him. She took in a deep breath trying to calm herself.

"What did you do to my shop?" her voice dripping with anger and constraint. "And why is there an automaton in my shop?!" She was pissed.

"Woah, calm down I just put it to some use. Honestly most of the machines were covered in dust when was the last time you used them? They were just begging for some use."

"Answer my questions Valdez."

Note to self, never anger a certain blonde.

"Well, if you must know, I used my time as substitute teacher productively. I worked on whatever was due at my workshop, avoiding any order with celestial bronze of course, fixed some things up, and worked on the lion Gabby"

"You named a metal lion Gabby? just how long is Gabby going to take?"

"Five? Six more months...If Aria keeps helping me it might only take four and a half."

"Wait a minute, you're letting Aria help. My own students building some death trap? What if it exploded or something?" Leo scowled at her, just because a few of you inventions don't work out doesn't mean you're no good.

"She wanted to help, besides she wore safety glasses."

"Safety glasses don't prevent fiery combustion of machine parts." Annabeth walked into the shop and started organizing all of the tools. Why were the drill bits with the nails? What are we savages?

"Well than...I would've protected her she would've been alright." she slammed the drawer closed.

"Well, can you take it out of my shop I don't want it collecting dust because you won't find the time to finish it."

"You mean our shop" Leo smirked as Annabeth turned around with a face of confusion and dreadfulness.

"What do you mean?" she narrowed her eyes onto the short latino.

"You're looking at Mr. Valdez, the new metal works teacher."