"Bart wakes up with a small headache and thinks its no big deal and gets up and goes into the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Hey Bart, you ok?" Wally asked concerned. "Yeah im fine" Bart replied.

He pours himself a bowl of cereal and takes a seat on the couch./div

"What are you guys watching" he asked. "Looney tunes" Wally replied.

"Bart almost done with his breakfast puts the bowl on the table, runs to his bathroom, and starts puking in the toilet. Wally right behind him rubs him back until hes done, which was five minutes later, leans Bart against the wall, flushes the toilet and washes his hands.

"Then, he goes to Bart to take him to his bed but Bart groans because he didn't want to move. Then, Wally helped Bart to his bed and tells him he'll be right back and not to fall asleep while he's gone.

"When Wally came back he had a thermometer, Advil, a glass of water, and corn syrup and when he saw Bart trying to get up. Wally pushes Bart back into bed and told him to open his mouth so he could check his temperature, but Bart turned around and faced away from Wally and told him to leave him alone. "I'll leave you alone so you can rest... AFTER I check your temperature and give you medicine" Wally said."I'm not tired" Bart said.

"Alright the if you're not tired i'll go get you something to eat after you take the medicine and let me check your temperature. "Alright deal" Bart said smirking, Wally was proud of himself until Bart said, "you never said when I have to take the medicine" Bart said smiling.

"Ok you have 3 seconds to turn around or i'm getting Barry" Wally said "One...Two" Wally started to count.

"Ugh" Bart said as he turned around.

"Fine I turned around but I'm not opening my mouth" Bart said angrily.

"Wally sighed and tried to touch Bart's forehead but he dodged it.

"That's it I'm getting Barry" said Wally losing his patience.

"Go ahead" Bart said "I don't care you guys can't make me open my mouth.".

"Ok then just in case you don't try any bright ideas i'll text him" Wally said while texting Barry to meet him in impulses room at mount justice ASAP.

"Barry got there three seconds later asking what was so important. "He won't let me check his temperature, he won't eat, he won't sleep, or take any medicine and he's driving me crazy." Wally told Barry putting the things down then started pointing at Bart, who turned away from him again. "Wally can you give us a minute" Barry asked. "Sure" Wally responded. "Good luck""Wally said leaving the room.

Barry grabbed the thermometer and walked to the other side of the bed so he could face Bart. "What's wrong Bart?" he asked concerned, "Nothing I'm fine" Bart replied. "Bart you have 3 options

"1. Let me check you temperature and you could take the medicine and depending on what your temperature was determined the next step.

"2. Let me check your temperature and you could take the medicine then sleep or...

3. me check you temperature and you could take the medicine then eat, but remember this, whatever you choose you have to do right now not later, now." Barry said looking Bart it the eyes. "Well, what's it going to be option 1, 2 or 3.