"Jack... I'm too scared to go to high school." Crutchie sighed. It was the night before the first day of school. Jack and Crutchie were sitting on the rooftop of Jack's apartment building, as they often did.

"Look, I know I make it out to be all bad, but you'll be fine. Just stick with me and the guys whenever you can. Just stay away from the Delanceys and you'll be fine." The older boy reminded his friend.

"Who are the Delancys again?" He knew the answer to this. But he wanted to be sure.

"The idiot jocks who can beat us up and still get away with it."

"That's what makes me nervous. I can't get beat up on my first day! I've got a crutch, for cryin' out loud! I can't get away too quick." Crutchie looked nervous. "I've heard stories about seniors beating up freshman all the time."

Jack looked over at his friend. "Don't worry about it, okay? I already asked if I could help you out for the first week or so till you get used to it. Somehow I managed to get the principal to agree. What can I say, I'm pretty persuasive!" He gave his friend a lopsided grin.

"Still... I dunno." Crutchie sighed. Jack stood up and offered his friend a hand.

"C'mon, it's getting late. I'll see you at the bus stop in the morning." He said, helping Crutchie to stand up.

"Alright... And you'll save me a seat on the bus?"

"Of course! I'm a good friend, aren't I?" He joked with another grin. Crutchie just rolled his eyes.

"See ya tomorrow, Jack..."

The next morning came all too quickly. Crutchie didn't sleep much the night before and was tired. Maybe a little too tired. When he got on the bus, it turned out that Jack hadn't been able to save him a seat because of all the kids on the bus. Poor Crutchie was so tired that he made the mistake of sitting in the back of the bus.

"'Ey, who's the little pipsqueak sitting in my seat?" Called a mean sounding voice. The voice came from a angry looking Oscar Delancey. Jack saw Oscar storming towards Crutchie and immediately began climbing over the seats of the bus to defend his friend. Oscar grabbed the front of Crutchie's t-shirt and lifted him up.

"Don't you know this seat is reserved for me? No freshman allowed!" He growled. Crutchie looked up at him, terrified. Where was Jack when he needed him?

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know... I-I'm new, I didn't meant to-" he stuttered. Oscar glared at him.

"Do ya need me to knock some sense into ya?" He threatened.

"Hey! Don't you dare!" Jack had pushed his way between the two of them.

"What do you want, Kelly?"

"Pick on someone your own size for once, huh? He didn't do nothing to you."

"Are you suggesting that I beat you up too? 'Cause if I need a reason, I've certainly got one." Oscar glared at him. Jack backed him further away from Crutchie.

"If you lay one finger on this kid..." He said with a steely glare. Oscar swallowed nervously. He wasn't used to being confronted, even by Jack Kelly.

"You'll regret standing up for this loser, Kelly, mark my words."

"Says who? You? And what's your proof? Because you're bigger than me? Yeah, we always need people who bully others for no reason." His sarcasm was biting in the last sentence.

A chorus of "Oooh!" went up in the crowded bus. All eyes were on Oscar to see his reaction. All eyes, that is, except for a girl with long curly brown hair. She was watching Jack with a look of astonishment on her face. She had seen Jack before, but never met him. Something was different about him, something good. What he had said and done for his friend would make a great article for the school newspaper...

Short start, I know, but it will get better!