Here we are again! Also just to let you know I will be doing your guy's requests and they will be apart of the normal oneshots but if I find a fear I like better your request will be under a title called 'Special Chapter' because sometimes there are multiple fears I like for a certain letter so that way I can do the fear I like but also fulfill your request. I hope that makes sense lol.

Anyway here's more Wally!Whump and before I start I just want to say this is FANFICTION so that means its not canon. I don't want to hear crap from people because my stories don't follow the comics/tv show exactly alright! Got it? Good.

I own nothing.


Ecophobia- Fear of home

The team noticed after awhile of knowing Wally, that he seemed to almost avoid going home. Now obviously they didn't mind spending time with each other, they enjoyed it a lot but this was different; Wally would do whatever it took to stay at the mountain. And if they were unavailable he would go to Flash, who always gave into his nephew's requests. Finally the teens decided to ask him about it, it was a Friday evening and the whole team was watching Robin and Wally race each other in Mario Kart Wii. The four teens exchanged a look before Megan spoke up.

"Uhm Wally. Can we ask you something?" She asked just as he passed the finish line. He turned his attention to her.

"Sure, what's up?" He smiled as Robin threw a mini temper tantrum at losing...again.

"Well...uhm..." She looked towards the others for help.

Kaldur spoke up, "Well, Wally we've noticed something lately and were just curious about it."

"What is it?" Wally asked confused.

"We noticed you avoid going home." Artemis said bluntly.

They definitely took notice when Wally tensed up. He looked down shamefully, "Oh..." He looked up again and smiled sheepishly, "Sorry about that, things are just kinda tense at home."

"Avoiding the issue won't help." Kaldur said kindly.

Wally scoffed, "Maybe not but it's better than trying to deal with it. Nothing I do would help anyway."

Megan gently asked, "What do you mean? What kind of troubles are taking place?"

Wally shrugged nonchalantly, "It's not a big deal, my parents just kinda fight sometimes. And I-I'm not a fan of yelling so yea I get away. But I don't have many places to go so I just wait until they fall asleep to go home."

Robin then did something no one really expected at that moment...he smacked Wally upside the head.

"Ow!" Wally rubbed the sore spot, "What the heck dude!?"

Robin narrowed his eyes and Wally immediately shut his mouth, sensing danger in his very near future.

"Why didn't you tell me that KF? You could've stayed with us until things got worked out. You know B and Agent A wouldn't mind and heck bluejay misses you too, you're practically family anyway." He crossed his arms angrily.

"I would've but dude this is my problem, not yours." Wally said.

"It's not yours either." Conner piped in.

"Huh?" Wally asked confused by the clone's statement.

"Your parents are's their problem not yours." He clarified.

"Wally, you are not responsible for your parents' issues. Let them work it out for themselves." Kaldur said.

"It's decided!" Robin shouted grabbing Wally's arm, "You're staying at my place until further notice!"

Wally gave a sideways smile, "You sure B won't mind?"

"He won't." A deep voice answered from behind them. Batman stood behind them observing the entire scene, he turned, "Agent A expects you for dinner in two hours...both of you." Wally and Robin could see the faint smirk on his face and instantly relaxed when they realized he had been planning to make Wally stay with them for awhile now. Batman walked to the zeta tubes teleporting to Gotham.

"Well I guess it's official." Wally said chuckling.

Megan then said, "Wally if there's anything wrong you should always come to us."

Artemis agreed, "Yea Baywatch don't hide things from us."

Kaldur also commented, "Yes anytime you need someone."

"Promise us Wally." Conner gently demanded.

Wally genuinely smiled at them, "I promise and guys...uhm thanks you know for being there and everything. It helps." Wally slightly blushed.

Robin nudged him, "Of course dude. Anytime."

Wally smiled once again at all his friends, he was so thankful to have them. They didn't even realize how important they were to him, and Wally didn't know what he would do without even a single person. He needed all five of his teammates, all five of his friends, and all five of his family members.

Well I hope you liked it! Not exactly a fear per say but still a hurt/comfort type of situation.

Next is 'F'!

