In the Canada where a horrible blizzard was going on, where the white snow was flying in the air and covering the ground and making the cold air unbearable. A bright yellow light appeared far away and disappered, a young woman stood and looked around her.

The young woman had long brown hair in a side ponytail, she had a single sea green colored gem necklace around her neck, she also wore a long white nightgown and held a pink blanket bundle in her arms. The bundle was making a noise, almost like a cry.

"Shh, it's okay baby girl. Mommy will take you to a safe place." The young woman started to walk foward in the blizzard, she beared the coldness as she held onto the small baby girl in a single blanket.

Many cold walks later, the young woman was breathing hard and the air coming out of her mouth was visable to see. She looked tired and cold, but she continue to walk with the small baby in her arms. The woman stopped and fell down to her knees, she shivered at the cold and closed her eyes. Wanting the darkness to take over her and let her sleep but she felt a warmth light against her skin, she opened her eyes a little and saw her baby glowing in a pale yellow light.

The woman smiled down at the baby as the child giggled.

"Thank you." The woman stood back up and walked foward, as she walked ahead, she saw lights ahead. The woman gave a smile.

"We're here, we are at the border of Canada!" She looked down at her baby and kissed her on the forehead. "We're here."

She walked faster towards the light but saw a shadow in front of her.

"Excuse me mam, are you lost?" The shadow sounded like a man, the woman gave a nod.

"Yes, I'm with a baby and we need to get to the border!" She said outloud, she tried to get a good look at the shadow but couldn't because of the blizzard.

"Mam, you need to get inside. You'll get sick." The shadow walked foward to her, the woman saw a mark on his arm and backed away from him.

"You're not human." The shadow gave a grin and ran towards her, the woman held her hand up and the snow started to float in the air, the snow twisted and turned into a single snowman. The snowman attacked the shadow as the woman ran past them, the shadow hit it with a black hand punch.

The woman started to get afraid and held onto her baby tighter as she ran, she raised her hand again and started to make more snowmen to protect her, the shadow kept destroying as he walked to her.

The woman saw the building up ahead her and kept running and making snowmen, she closed her eyes and prayed.

Please, please let us through!

The woman saw fences and started to smile a little.

"We're almost there!" She ran and ran with her cold, frostbitten feet. She started to feel tired but the adrenaline in her kept her awake in her legs and heart.

We are here baby girl!

She was about to yell out for help but felt a sharp pain in her stomach, her eyes went wide, she slowed down and stopped. She looked down and saw blood dripping out of her body, she looked up at the snow filled sky and fell. The baby fell out of her arms and onto the snow, the shadow appeared from behind the baby and walked towards her with a dagger in his hands.

The woman looked up and saw the shadow, the baby started to whimper. The woman found a sticked covered in snow, she held it up and it turned into a sharp dagger.

"May the heavenly God above bless this wooden dagger." The woman pray and threw it at the shadow, the shadow was crying out in pain and turned into black ash. The woman gave a grin and crawled toward the baby and held her in her arms.

"Shh, it's okay baby girl. We are going to be there, I'm going to get you to safety." The woman started to crawl on the snow covered ground with the small baby in her arms. She winced in pain and blood started to make a trail of her crawling, the woman finally touched the cold metal of the fence. She gave a grin and chuckled.

"" The woman covered her body to keep the baby warm, the baby held onto her mother's bloody gown. The woman smiled a little at her baby. "It's okay...I'"

The woman slowly took off the gem necklace and put it on her baby girl, she smiled as she saw her baby wearing the necklace.

"This will protect you, from demons and darkness. Don't ever take it off and promise me that you will live, for me." She kissed her daughter's forehead and held onto her as her eyes closed and she saw darkness circling around her.

Finally, I...can...die...but...not...alone...