
Luffy...what's wrong?

Hands reach out and grasp his shoulder, his arm and he jerks away retracting further into himself. He knows his crew is just trying to help him, he knows they mean well but he can't find the words to tell them that physical contact only triggers the anxiety more. His heart palpitates desperately in his chest and he is shaking but the worst thing of all is that he can't breathe, suffocating on his own sudden panic.

Luffy, it's just us...?

He gasps and shudders, tears forming in his eyes for a reason even he doesn't understand and he suddenly feels...weak. It's a feeling he's not accustomed to and a fresh wave of terror rolls over him.

I think he's having a panic attack, don't touch him yet.

HisNakama retrace their steps a little, he hears them shuffling back to give him space but he feels so alone with them not nearby. He can't see because tears cloud his vision. Bright lights zoom in and out of the fog. He feels faint.

It's okay captain, we're right here, we'll protect you.

He clings to the comforting words like a lifeline because he feels so terrified and confused. He has no idea why he abruptly felt like this and all his willpower goes into wishing this torture would just stop.

Luffy, it's okay...

Eventually the unwavering fear trickles off him like sweat, his eyes focus and he is left simply shaking like a leaf. He takes a deep breath to try and regain control over his body but it quivers when he releases it. His legs feel like jelly.


He sees his friends tentatively approach him again, silently asking with their eyes if they can help. He gives a weak nod.

They hesitantly brush his hair out of his eyes, still unsure of if he might shy away from the touch. So he takes the initiative and stumbles forward, throwing his arms around their necks, glad they're still with him and haven't abandoned him. They hug him tight and whisper soothing words - not asking questions he can't answer for which he is grateful - and gently lead him to his hammock. Once he's laying down, they take his hands to tell him they're still there, place his treasured hat beside him for comfort and in low voices tell him about promised adventures. Brook plays a soft lullaby on the violin. Exhausted from his emotions, Luffy gently falls asleep again.

Only then do his crew give each other the disturbed looks they've been hiding, asking what the hell has made their unshakeable captain into a shell of his former self.

A/N: I was reading a lot of angst and suddenly thought this up. I have anxiety which I struggle with daily so I do know what I'm writing about. It's just hard putting the emotions I feel when I rarely have a panic attack into words. I hope you can understand where I'm coming from.

Panic attacks come on suddenly without warning so it's reasonable that Luffy could get them after Ace's death though they don't have to be related to something traumatic.

In any case, I wrote this at half eleven so excuse my ramblings.

And please review, you have no idea what it means to me ;)