A/N: I'm putting this up early because I will be out of town for an extended time starting early tomorrow. I will be online, if you want to chat. In this last chapter, Iris and Barry hope to move past all the pain of the past, but it will not be easy. Once they realized this, they decide to trust in their love and their future. Then later, Barry tries to explain the speed force and what it means to both of them. I hope you enjoy this final chapter. Read on!
Chapter 5: A Part of Me
The Gideon chamber, moments later:
Iris found her voice then read the byline out loud: "Iris West-Allen, Thursday, April 25, 2024."
Barry released a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "It's true; it's really true."
Iris shook her head. "I don't know what to say." She moved closer trying to read it. "After an extreme street battle with the Reverse-Flash, our own Scarlet Speedster disappeared in an explosion of light. The cause of the fight is currently unknown." Still unbelieving, and with so many questions, she turns to him. "But how can that be? I thought he was gone. What does it mean?"
"I truly have no idea. It seems as though Eobard and I are mortal enemies. We fight each other through timelines, the future, the past and who knows where else." He thought about it. "He said that he and I," he hesitated.
"What, what did he say?" Then she stopped him. "No, don't answer that; don't say another word. We should leave." She suddenly felt trapped, the same as when Eddie told her about the article, maybe even more so. The future was still the same. They were destined to marry. But something else about the article terrified her. He disappeared but where did he go?
Barry was thinking that he shouldn't have done this; just another stupid mistake when he came to her. He hated himself.
They exited the chamber, each unsure what to say. Once out in the hall, Iris felt horrible. Barry apparently still believed all of it, and a part of her did too, but it just seemed so inevitable, as if she didn't have a choice. Then she glanced at him; he looked genuinely upset.
"Barry, I'm sorry; I guess I'm just not ready to accept it; not really."
"It's alright," he said hung his head.
Iris felt awful. "I do love you, Barry." Her eyes watered.
He tried to smile. "I love you too." He watched her face then he touched her cheek.
"But is it enough, our love, is it enough?" She had to know.
"It is enough; I believe it; don't you?" He had to know.
"You and I have survived so many things." She touched his hand on her cheek. "I do believe we will get there, but it will take time."
"Time," he murmured. He needed reassurance and so did she. He pulled her close in his arms.
She relaxed against him, feeling safe and secure but was it actually enough?
A week later, March 1st, 2016:
Moving day for Iris had finally arrived. Joe and Barry were there helping her. The building was quite old. But it was nicely renovated: with neutral colors on the walls; open concept; granite in the kitchen; stainless steel appliances; with wood floors; and a balcony off the living room.
Iris didn't have any furniture yet, just a bedroom set. The rest would come later. Barry said he would help her find some older pieces; he knew her tastes ran in a different era; he knew just the place. She was very grateful for his help.
Barry took her news about the move fairly well in fact he seemed excited she was moving into her own place. He was proud of her and couldn't wait to spend time with her alone.
Iris watched him carry boxes into the apartment. Grinning at him, she knew the reason he was excited, and she had to admit that she wanted to be alone with him too. They did need to talk about a lot of things.
Joe wasn't blind. Soon they were almost done. She ordered pizza for them, and they ate it in relative silence. Then Joe decided it was time to go.
"Come here honey," Joe said and gave her a hug. "I'm very proud of you, and I love you very much."
"I love you too, Dad." She kissed his cheek and sent him on his way. "I'll call you later."
"Bye, Barry."
"Bye, Dad!" They both smiled. He felt very blessed to have both of them in his life.
Iris shut the door and leaned against it. She watched him for a minute. He was staring at her and it didn't take a genius to know what he was thinking. He grinned and slowly walked over to her.
She felt rooted to the spot, unable to move, to breathe or to even think. "I need to … unpack."
"Later, much later," he whispered, and then he pulled her to him and kissed her passionately.
"I can't believe this is happening," she whispered between kisses. She was thrilled and excited that he still wanted her after everything they'd been through.
His kisses rained down her throat. The idea of them together like this still made her pause and think about what had come before. Barry pulled away and he read her like a book. He understood so he slowed down just a little so she could think. He was always ready, but this was all so new to her, being together like this. He, of course, had a different mindset. In his mind, they were always meant to be. He took her hand and walked over to the balcony and opened the door.
"If you want, we can talk for a while?" Barry suggested hoping to cool off a little.
"Sure, we can talk," she replied and followed him outside. He was right beside her. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. "Barry?"
He turned to her. "Yeah, what is it?"
"You're an amazing man; you do know that, don't you?"
He shrugged, and turned back to the view.
"I know you want me; I want you too, but our relationship is new and," she started.
"Iris, I understand completely." But he couldn't resist coming closer. "We don't have to make love; it doesn't define our relationship, but it's important that we share our feelings and making love is as natural as breathing." He pulled her to him. "And loving you the way that I do, it just feels right."
"It does, doesn't it." She couldn't deny it. She stroked his shoulder then down his arms. "So warm," she whispered touching him. "Were you always this warm?"
"No, my body does tend to be a few degrees above normal, especially after a run."
"That's fascinating, and the other night at the hotel when you vibrated during sex; was that normal, or did you plan it?"
He chuckled. "Let's go inside and I'll explain a few things."
In the bedroom with boxes all around them, he sat down beside her. He then told her about his body, how it works when he runs, the vibrating, the speed, and finally, that she was connected to the speed force. Then he reminded her about the sparks during his coma and when she found out the truth about him.
"But how can all of this be?" Iris was stunned by all of this, especially about her connection to the speed force.
He tried to explain, but she didn't get it. "Iris when I run really fast, especially when I'm saving you, my speed increases to the point that I can change the time continuum, and that's when the timeline changed that first time. I wasn't expecting it; it just happened."
"I see, so when you were saving me, my Dad and everyone else in Central City, you broke the time continuum, and after that, things were entirely different between us?" Just the idea of it made her sad, a little angry and very, very worried about their future; just more to think about.
"Yes, that's when it happened." She looked upset. "And it could happen again," he sadly stated. Now they were both upset.
"Oh, no; then we could … lose each other again?" Iris was terrified of that happening. She couldn't think it. They'd come so far.
He was worried too, so he pulled her close in his arms. "Don't worry about it."
She pulled away. "But you're not sure, and if it happens and you have no control over it," she couldn't finish.
"Iris, one thing I know about the speed force. No matter where I am, inside or not, you are always with me. I won't lose my way as long as you are there waiting for me."
Her eyes lit up. "I can see it in your eyes. You believe it; don't you?"
"Yes, I do," he replied firmly. He stroked her cheek softly. "You're a part of me Iris; I can't explain it, but I know it's true."
Iris shook her head trying to adjust to what he told her. "A part of you," she whispered, believing it to be true. Then she raised her tear-filled eyes to his face. "I love you, Barry, don't ever forget it," she whispered softly.
"I love you too, Iris," he whispered back and then he was kissing her sweetly. After a few minutes, he pulled away then he had a question for her. "Iris, I was wondering."
"What were you wondering?"
"I know you have your doubts about the article and I don't blame you. I'm not really sure why Eobard told Eddie about it. I guess he wanted to hurt us in some way," Barry thoughtfully said.
"I think you're right. I was deeply hurt and I know now that you were too. He didn't care about Eddie at all. It was us he wanted to hurt." She watched him and she had a feeling. "When you first saw it, you were worried, weren't you?"
"You read my mind. At first, I was stunned and because you were still with Eddie, and I found out that he proposed, I was doubtful," he sadly confessed.
"And when we saw it again, what did you think?" She asked.
"I was relieved because I still had hope for us; do you?" Hope and love shined through in his eyes.
"Yeah, I do," she whispered, meaning it, then giggled after realizing what she said.
He smiled as well, so relieved to hear it. "I do too. Come here." Then he pulled her close in his arms. He leaned down and they kissed unable to get close enough.
All too soon, they were clutching each other close. Clothes were removed quickly and then they were back in each other's arms, speaking love words of devotion and no matter if they were parted, they would find their way back to each other.
"Barry, I need you," she whispered, pulling him closer. Still terribly worried about them and their future, she clutched him to her tightly.
"Iris, it will be alright," Barry murmured hoping to reassure her.
"I'm so afraid for both of us," she whispered about to cry. She did have faith in their love and they would work it out in time. All they needed was time.
Iris couldn't think of anything else because he covered her mouth with his own, kissing her deeply. She returned his kisses with a terrible need to know he was there beside her, and not somewhere far away or if they would even know each other at all. While his lips continued to kiss her, he pulled her tight against him hoping to reassure her in this one way.
Moments later, her breathing was short and labored when he left her lips and traveled down her body. She was willing and waiting, wanting to cherish each and every moment with him. His lips found what he sought. Her nipples were tight and firm and he tasted them first one and then the other.
Iris couldn't remain still for too long, and then her hands were in his hair stroking him, down his shoulders and arms. Her body lifted wanting him desperately to finish it so that they could reach that goal only they could share.
"Barry, please," she choked out begging for it. "Come here," she murmured and pulled him close to kiss him like she was starving for him, which was definitely true. She returned his lovemaking just as eagerly as he did. Her hands roamed over the hard muscles of his arms and down his belly to touch that part of him that was ready for her.
He stroked her soft belly and then he kissed her thrusting his tongue inside her mouth and she moaned needing to feel him inside her so desperately. His long legs moved between hers and then he was inside her and then they stopped for a moment, enjoying their closeness. She opened her eyes and met his and then she arched upward to meet his movements and then it began.
He took his time loving her going deeper and deeper and Iris could feel herself coming. "Oh yes," she cried out. He leaned down and kissed her, his tongue swirling in rhythm with his hips.
"You feel so good," Barry managed to say. Long minutes later, he cried out as she climaxed strongly and he followed her to the highest peak and over. He collapsed on top of her breathing in short gasps. Moments later, he was kissing her throat, her ear, her cheek, and then her mouth.
She kissed him back loving him so very much it felt like pain sometimes. Once she could breathe again, she whispered, "You're mine, Barry Allen, forever and ever."
He smiled and pulled away. Pushing her hair away from her face, he said, "And you're mine too."
He lay back against the pillow, pulling her with him. They lay together with their legs entwined, each thinking that they would always remember this moment … forever.
Morning came; the sun was up and Barry was still there which pleased her immensely. Sighing, she pulled him closer. She actually needed him in her life and couldn't imagine him gone or somewhere he couldn't return to her. The idea terrified her; then she thought about the article. Where did he go; how did he disappear? She shook her head dislodging those disturbing thoughts.
Barry slowly awakened and realized Iris was awake. "What time is it?"
"A little after six," she replied. "I have to get ready for work in a little while."
"Me too," he whispered, but instead of getting up, he pulled her close and kissed her forehead. "This is nice."
She smiled against his chest. "Yes, it is."
"Iris?" He had to know.
"What is it?"
"I know you need to have your own space and I support you 100%, but," he hesitated.
"You want us to live together," she finished for him, and it wasn't a question.
"Would it be so bad?" He asked whining just a little.
She shook her head. "Barry, we can enjoy each other's company and still have our independence. There's nothing wrong with that." He was silent. "Look, having a place of my own, you can understand, can't you? I mean, you moved out so why can't I have this time to myself? You know, I just need to think things through and clear my head. You understand, don't you?" He seemed to stiffen. "I love you, you know, and that won't ever change." She stroked his chest.
He closed his eyes and stroked her hair. "I know you do and, it's just, I miss you when I'm not with you."
"I feel the same way. But we'll see each other at STAR Labs; at the precinct; at CCPN; at the house; on the rooftop at Jitters, hopefully, and," she rambled but then he stopped her with a kiss. She kissed him back, and then he moved on top of her. He was ready for her; she could feel it.
His kisses moved down her throat. "Barry, we have to get ready to go," she whispered, but she didn't sound like she meant it.
"In a minute," he murmured as his kisses continued down her body.
"In a minute," she whispered on a sigh and then her back arched ready and willing.
The end!
Song Inspiration: Always, Toni Braxton.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this last chapter. Having them enter the chamber together felt right so there it is. But with hints from the producers of alternate universes and a possible different Earth, well it found its way into this story. I guess I'll always worry about them. Once they're married with children, then all of us can relax! *We can only hope* Thank you for reading! Reviews/kudos is love guys!
On another note: Stay tuned for the 'Westallen Smut Week' which starts this Monday. Each day for seven straight days will have a different prompt. Unfortunately, I won't be posting this story to FFN, far too explicit. But I will post it here and at my Livejournal community. Each part will run about 1,000-1,500 words. Check out my profile for more details. Thanks again and keep reading! Bye for now! :D