Trigger Warning: Swearing and mention of child abuse. First ever Fanfic so hope you enjoy.

Everyone was still enjoying the celebrations at Granny's. Henry, Snow and Ruby sat at the booth nearest the door while David, Regina and Robin (who was holding Rowland in his arms) stood around them.

Henry started to wonder about his mom and if hook had caught up to her

"Do you think Hook will convince my mom that this is where she belongs"

Snow then replied "I'm sure everything will be fine don't worry to much"

"Hopefully the book will help her remember that this is our home" Henry said

David then saw Hook about to enter the diner through the window.

"You can ask him yourself"

Everyone around the booth turned to see Hook coming through the door but what they saw next was a shock for all..

As Hook entered the diner, it became clear he was not alone. In fact he was holding the upper arm of a teenage girl around 15 years old. She had long blonde hair which hung loosely around the girls shoulders. It was clear to everyone who this girl was. It was Emma.

"LET GO OF ME, YOU'RE HURTING ME" she screamed trying to fight her way free. Then realised that everyone in the room was staring at her, she shut up immediately.

"Emma?" Snow asked shocked

"How do you know my name" she asked, obviously annoyed. But decided to ignore any answer she got and turned to the pirate, she put on an innocent face and said sweetly.

"If you let me go and i promise I won't run"

How could Hook resist, after all this was still the woman he loved just a smaller version. He let go of her arm. However the second he did Emma turned on her heel and when straight for the exit. Just as she got there Granny and Leroy jumped in the way.

"You're not going anywhere sister" Leroy said, trying to sound like he had some authority, but his voice betrayed him where he was still in shock.

Henry was freaked out at the sight of her teenage mother, trying to decide if it was cool or just plain freaky. When she tried to run he jumped up and went to stand next to his other mom, as he had no idea what he was meant to do.

Hook then grabbed Emma's upper arm. To make sure she wouldn't try and run in the other direction.

Regina was the first to speak

"How on earth did this happen"

As Hook began to explain to everyone, that whilst talking to Emma they had seen that burst of magic and headed straight towards it, Emma continued to see everyone staring at her and was starting to get annoyed. She then made eye contact with Snow and immediately looked away. She didn't understand why she looked away, so many emotions started spinning round in her head. Snow saw the discomfort in her daughters eyes and turned her attention back to Hook. Hook continued to explain that, it had become obvious to Emma and Hook as they ran towards the magic that the wicked witch had succeeded with opening a portal to the past.

At this point Emma was getting very annoyed with all the eyes on her. She looked round the room and saw Archie staring at her with his mouth still open in shock.

This took Emma over the edge, she interrupted Hooks explanation and shouted loud enough for the whole diner to hear.

"Take a picture, it would last longer"

At that point everyone turned their attention to Hook as he concluded that, without hesitation Emma used her magic towards the portal to try and close it but it struck her back and turned her into her past self.

Just as Hook was finishing his story he was hit with a hard blow to his stomach. Emma had decided to take advantage of the fact no one was looking at her, and make a run for it, she knew she had to be fast enough to reach the fire exit at the other end of the diner. So with her free hand she went for it punching Hook in the stomach, managing to get her arm free.

However as she started to run, David grabbed her by the waist with her kicking and screaming and sat her in the booth next to Snow blocking her exit. As Emma calmed she turned to David with a smirk on her face and said.

"If i shout rape, i could have the police here in a second"

With that David simply retorted

"I am the police"

Emma was in shock, she then made it so her voice could only be heard by David and Snow and said

"How are you here you were behind me, i was making good time as well, there is no way you could of caught me"

Snow and David shared a confusing look

"Emma what was the last thing you remember, before you found yourself here" David said quietly, Emma gave him an evil eye before simply stating

"I have nothing left to say unless a lawyers present"

Snow turned to Emma and said

"You are not under arrest Emma, we just need to understand how you got here"

With that Emma let out a sigh and told them how she was living on the streets and had no money. She went to steal food because she was hungry but as she left the shop two cops in a cop car chased her down the road, she had sneaked down some alleyways. She had thought that with David saying he was the police that he was one of the ones chasing her. With this Emma turned to David and looked at him smugly.

"Are you gonna arrest me then" She held out her arms as if ready to be hand cuffed and continued "the way i see it is you have two options you can arrest me and get grief from child services for locking up a starving child or get grief because you let a thief get away with stealing. Your choice. You loose either way"

Snow looked at Emma and knew she would have to beat her at her own game.

"I don't think he will get grief from child services because the fact you're stealing in the first place means that you ran away and you don't want them to find you"

Emma shrugged and shrank in her seat. Snow looked at David with a smug grin but it was gone in a split second and replaced with worry for her daughter. It was silent for a moment. But Snow and David seemed to notice how Emma seemed hot as she kept fanning herself with her hand. Snow offered to take her jacket but that only made Emma cling to it more.

David was clearly getting annoyed

"Emma you are acting ridiculous take the jacket off before you start burning up"

Emma looked at him

"If i take my jacket off will you not call my social worker"

With this David nodded. Emma let out a deep sigh and slowly peeled off her jacket to reveal bruises up and down at her arms.

Everyone was horrified at what they saw. Emma just looked down and avoided their gaze. She tried to lighten the mood by saying

"I'm just really clumsy, always falling over" She forced a little laugh

David looked at her, anger boiling deep inside him, knowing this wasn't from tripping over. Someone had hurt his baby girl.

"You don't get a bruise shaped like a handprint, from being clumsy" he said.

Emma continued to look at the floor. When she finally looked up she realised the whole diner was still watching her. They couldn't hear what was being said but they stood there watching the woman they have come to know and trust look young and vulnerable. Emma shrank in her seat even more at the sight of all these eyes looking back at her. David could see how uncomfortable she was. So he told everyone to carry on as before and the party started up again at the princes request. It was like she wasn't even there.

David turned back to his family and said

"Right we need to get this sorted out"

Emma looked at him and a deviant smile spread across her lips as she sat up, noticing how when the party carried on the exits had become un blocked.

"Why don't you take a seat and we can sort this out"

David almost fell for it, but just as he went to sit down he realised that the only thing keeping Emma from running was him standing in her way. So David looked at her and stated

"I'm not falling for that"

"You can't stay standing there forever" Emma smugly replied.

She was right, he just needed to figure out a way to keep Emma there long enough to talk to her and convince her that fairy tales are real and she is part of one. He came up with an idea. He didn't like the idea but he knew it was the only way to keep her there. David leaned over and whispered something in Henrys ear, then gave him the car keys to the sheriff's car, Henry rushed off. He then turned back to Emma and said.

"I don't need to stand here all day, you will stay here and we will sort this out" Henry rushed back into the diner and came right up to David, with his hands behind is back "and here's how" David finished

Emma looked at David then at Henry.

"Him, he's a kid, what's he gonna do" Emma said almost laughing, however as said it she pointed to Henry. David grabbed what Henry had behind his back and in one swift move hand cuffed Emma to the table leg. Both Henry and David had a smile on there face as they both took a seat opposite Snow and Emma at the booth.