Ok so I went looking for Harry Potter Haikyuu crossovers and only found two. Sadly those two weren't what I was looking for so I decided to write my own. This one will probably be HarryXSugawara. Who knows I might write another one with another pairing but for now I'm good. I have so many stories going at once I must be crazy but this was bugging me so I had to write it.

There will be future side pairings, for example Kageyama x Hinata (though HinataXKenma is cute to.) you can suggest some of your favourite Haikyuu pairings and I will consider using them.

WARNING THIS CONTAINS FUTURE SLASH and I do not own harry potter or Haikyuu!

Time seemed to freeze as he watched Sirius's form slowly fall towards the veil. His godfather had managed to dodge the spell that Bellatrix had sent towards him but lost his footing in the process and was now falling to what Harry was certain was his death.

Sirius had been the one person to truly care about Harry, no strings attached. Sure the man wasn't perfect but Harry wouldn't have him any other way. He knew that while Hermione was his friend her true loyalty lay with Dumbledore and the ministry, Hermione was unable to challenge authority. He didn't see Ron as such a close friend anymore after he'd turned his back on Harry in a fit of jealousy.

He'd always see Dumbledore as a grandfatherly figure but he had an unshakable feeling that Dumbledore had ulterior motives. Remus was like an uncle to him but he rarely saw the werewolf. He knew that losing Sirius would ruin so without even realising it his magic reacted.

Suddenly everything froze, as if someone had pressed paused on a remote. Harry was able to move as he turned around in confusion. "How much are you willing to sacrifice to save your godfather?" Harry whirled towards the voice and wondered how he had not caught sight of the figure earlier. They sat on top of the veil, swinging their legs slightly. Long hair flowed from their scalp and flowed gently around them in long waves. The woman's face, for it was obviously a woman, was elegant and beautiful. She had wide blue eyes that had a depth to them, soft plump lips, high cheek bones and long dark eyelashes. But at the same time, there was definitely something in-human about her.

He answered without even thinking about it. "Anything."

A searing pain struck him and then everything went blank.


"But Potter-sempai you said you'd teach us how to play volleyball." Harry let out a sigh as he ran a hand through his hair. The annoying midget had been following him around all day. It always made him happy when he found someone shorter than him, not that it was hard these days. The Japanese ministry had been appalled with the state he and his godfather had been in when they arrived. He'd been given nutrients potions to take every day in order to combat the lack of food he'd gotten at the Dursley's. It turns out he had inherited his father's height and therefore towered over the ginger before him.

"No, I never said that I'd teach you anything. I mentioned that I use to play a sport at my old school, but kid, I have no idea how to play volleyball." Honestly the kid was starting to get on his nerves. If he didn't have a slight weak spot for redheads, due to the fond memories of the Weasley family, he'd have snapped at the kid ages ago.

One of the boys seemed to see how close Harry was to snapping and tugged at the ginger's sleeve. "Come on Hinata-kun." In a last ditch effort to get Harry to help him the ginger, Hinata if he'd heard correctly, clapped his hands together and let out a loud "Please help us. We have a tournament coming up soon and if nothing changes we won't stand a chance." Harry heaved a sigh.

He hadn't had anything planned for the day but he'd have to tell Sirius his change of plans. He wasn't sure what it was that made him want to help Hinata, maybe it was the passion in Hinata's voice or maybe it was the fact that Harry had missed sport. "Fine I'll help you. When's the tournament?"

Hinata smiled blindingly up at him. "Thanks so much Potter-sempai! And the tournament is in a week." Harry bit back a groan of annoyance before once again running a hand through his hair. He studied the group of boys before him "Well it looks like we have a lot of work to do."


They'd only been practicing for an hour and Hinata and Harry were the only ones not panting. Harry looked at the all ready tired boys disapprovingly. They had only been doing light stretches and warm ups, they shouldn't be tired yet. Harry mentally added stamina to the ever growing list of the things he had to somehow help the boys improve with within the next week.

He had to admit that he hadn't had the chance to exercise much since he'd come to Japan and it felt good.

He didn't regret sacrificing his magic in order to save Sirius but he wished it hadn't hurt so badly. His magic had been closely tied to his soul and to have it so roughly torn off had nearly killed him. He hadn't eaten properly, hadn't responded to anything for just over a month. Sirius had moved them to Japan and under the watchful eyes of qualified medics he slowly began to recover.

It had been two months till he was healthy enough to leave the hospital. He still suffered from nightmares, flashbacks and was prone to periods of not talking or eating. He was constantly trying to find ways to distract himself from the gaping hole where his magic used to be.

Sirius was slowly recovering as well. He covered his pain with smiles and laughter while Harry coped by removing himself from his emotions completely. Harry had been enrolled to a local high school and would start attending next year. Sirius didn't expect that much from him but Harry knew attending was important.

He hadn't been to a muggle school in years and was severely behind. Since he himself could now be considered a squib most of what he'd learnt in Hogwarts was now useless to him. He was being home tutored and was slowly catching up to other people his age.

He pulled himself from his thoughts as he ordered the boys to run laps of the volleyball court they now stood on. Ignoring the groans the boys let out at the order he joined the boys in their jogging. Hinata matched Harry's pace so that they were jogging next to each other.

"So Potter-sempai, where do you go to school?" He shot Hinata an annoyed glance before answering with a short "I'm homeschooled." Hinata looked up at him with wide eyes "Really? That's so cool!" Finding the gingers energetic personality annoying Harry increased his pace.

After about twenty minutes of running he let the boys have a break. While the boys lay or sat panting on the court Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out what appeared to be a muggle cigarette. It was actually a magical cigarette and there were numerous differences between it and its muggle sibling. The main one being it did not cause harm, sickness or cancer in its users. It didn't have any of the side effects muggle cigarettes did so no bad breath or brown fingers for Harry.

The purpose of the magical cigarettes is that it releases small bursts of magic into the user. They had become quite popular with pureblood families but had originally been made for people like him, squibs, people who had temporarily or permanently lost their magic and people with very low levels magic.

The doctor he was seeing had prescribed him some. The hint of magic that he got when he used them was just the relief he needed. Unfortunately if he used them to often the magic could harm or overload his system so he was limited to one a fortnight. He'd been saving this one but he figured now was as good a time as ever.

Placing the cigarette between his lips he reached for his lighter. Whoever had designed the magic cigarettes made them appear exactly like muggle cigarettes, they even needed to be lit to be used. Just as he found the lighter in his pocket he felt the cigarette pulled from between his lips. "You know you really shouldn't smoke, it's bad for you."

He glared down at the midget who had the nerve to take his cigarette. He growled out a low "Give it back." Hinata glared back up at him "What are you going to do if I don't?" Harry felt his annoyance spike. Magical cigarettes were expensive and while Sirius had the black fortune Harry had lost the Potter fortune when he lost his magic. Sirius had more than enough money to support both of them but Harry had insisted on paying for the cigarettes himself.

"If you don't give it back I'll leave and then you'll be left to practice for the tournament by yourself." Hinata slumped slightly before he dejectedly held out the cigarette. Harry was quick to pluck it from the gingers fingers. He stuck the cigarette in his mouth and lit it.

Happily breathing in and feeling magic rush through him he relaxed. Breathing out the harmless smoke, which was only there to make the cigarette more like a muggle cigarette, he glanced down at Hinata. "Ok kid let's get this straight. I'll help you get ready for your tournament but you can't tell me what to do. I'm not here because I like you; I'm here because I have nothing better to do, and I hate being bored, capeesh?"

Hinata nodded, appearing slightly sad. Harry quickly squashed down the guilt that hit him at making the ginger look so sad. He took another drag of his cigarette before turning to the other boys who had been curiously watching the interaction. "Ok let's get started on practicing some serves."


When he arrived home he smoothly dodged his godfather's attempt to glomp him. Making his way towards the kitchen he dropped his bag in the doorway before starting to prepare dinner. Sirius made his way into the kitchen and asked a cheerful "So how was your day? Make any friends?"

Harry paused for a split second from where he was grabbing ingredients from the fridge. He let out a slightly harsh "I don't need friends." Sirius's cheerful facade slipped and his expression became serious (no pun intended) and slightly sad. "You know that's not true. Everyone needs friends, even you Pup."

Harry began to cut up some vegetables "Well you know how well that went last time." Sirius winced slightly at the thought of Hermione and Ron. They had yet to contact Harry, and after the fight the three had gotten into before Harry left Sirius doubted they ever would.

Letting out a sigh Sirius joined Harry in preparing dinner. His Godson might not realise it but he needed friends now more than ever. He understood that Harry was afraid to let anybody get close. It just made him sad seeing Harry close himself of and push away other people's attempts at becoming friends.

Sirius was the only one that Harry acted like himself in front of. Without even realising what he was doing Harry had built a high, stone wall around his heart. Deciding to change the subject Sirius gently said "I've been thinking of joining a local volleyball club. I mean it's not even close to Quidditch but it's the most popular sport in the area, and I need to keep in shape."

It was then that he noticed his godson had frozen. Straining his ears he could make out Harry's faint "Volleyball. Why is it always volleyball?"


One week later.

Harry wasn't sure why he went to watch the brat's tournament. He hadn't gone in with the team, mainly because he didn't see himself at part of the team. He had helped the brat's get prepared as well as he could but he couldn't help but think that they still had no chance.

Sure Hinata's jumping ability was amazing but he couldn't win the game by himself. His teammates were below average when it came to volleyball and they had no strategy. Comparing them to people who had been playing for years, had an actual coach and knew what they were doing, Hinata's team didn't stand a chance.

And yet he was here anyway.

He watched from the crowd as Hinata and his team made their way onto the courts. They stood out slightly due to how short all their members were. Harry frowned when he saw their opponents make their way onto the courts. He knew that Hinata's team were going against a strong opponent in their first game.

It was kind of amusing to watch Hinata be blindsided by the sheer size of the tournament. Hinata was pulled out of their opponent's way by two of his friends. Hinata's team barely reached the other teams shoulders and compared to them they looked like little kids.

He watched in slight concern as Hinata clutched his stomach and ran off to where Harry assumed the toilet was. He hoped Hinata got over his nerves quickly as he was the only way the team had a hope of winning. He was unable to hear what anyone on the court was actually saying but he could guess.

Hinata was back in a couple of minutes, seemingly over his nerves and the game started. He watched with slight annoyance but mostly sympathy as Hinata's team made mistake after mistake. He was surprised when the fact that they were losing didn't seem to dampen Hinata's mood at all. He knew he would have gotten at least slightly annoyed but Hinata smiled as bright as ever.

When Hinata got the chance to spike Harry thought that they were going to score a point. Unfortunately his spike was blocked by the other team. Harry was literally on the edge of his seat when the other team was on their match point. He let out a groan of annoyance when the setter mucked up but didn't take his eyes of the ball.

And suddenly Hinata was there and the spike he did was amazing. He winced slightly when Hinata was unable to land his jump and went crashing into the side of the court. Unfortunately Hinata's shot had landed just outside of the court.

Harry watched apprehensively as the other team's setter said something to Hinata through the net. Apparently whatever he said was bad because one of Hinata's friends had to hold the other back. The teams lined up and then the game was over.

He stayed for a couple of minutes before deciding there was really no reason for him to be there anymore. He was surprised to see Hinata and his two friends standing on the steps. He decided to walk past them and hope that they didn't notice him. Unfortunately Hinata turned around just as Harry was walking past.

The ginger spotted him immediately and let out an excited "Hari-sempai, did you come to see our game?" Harry stopped and turned to face Hinata. "No." Hinata smiled up at him, able to see through his blatant lie. After a seconds hesitation Harry let out a soft "But I did see your game and you guys did great." He patted Hinata on the head before turning and walking away.

Sorry for any punctuation or spelling mistakes and this will have slow updates.

EDIT; I changed grandson into godson, sorry if it caused any confusion.