Pan walked into her home and Trunks followed in. Exhausted from the day's events and Pan faced him and said, "I," he saw her blush and she continued with an anxious look. "Please come to bed with me." His eyes widened and then he abruptly felt his hands feel eager to touch her. He stepped up to her and his hands rose, cupping her shoulder, while the other cupped the side of her face and he kissed her. Pan felt her breath leave her as she felt the urge to pull him closer.

He felt her pull him closer and she clung to him as if he were going to leave. But he knew he wouldn't and he backed her into the edge of the couch and then his hands caught her hips and hiked her up onto him. He paused to pull away and said, "The baby-"

"Is fine," she reassured. "Don't stop." She was hot, feverish, and she felt as if his ki was feeding her pain. And she felt as if her fatigue was fading away. He pulled her legs up and she locked her ankles behind his lower back and he walked them to her room. He took his time with her, he pulled at her shirt, and kissed her breasts and kissed his way down her stomach, taking his time to cherish her. He kissed the dip on her hip and noticed the gentle swell of her belly. His hands rose to cup her torso and Pan felt her tears burn her eyes once more.

And then his hands caught her pants and pulled them away and she lay before him in a matching crème lace set and he looked upon her, breathless at the sight of her. He felt his brow stiffen as he pulled away his clothes and then stood before her in merely his boxer briefs. He eased over her, his arms slipped around her and he kissed her.

Pan felt his hardness rub against her thigh and she let her hand lower to graze him and she saw his eyes slip shut when he pulled away from her lips. "Pan," he forewarned, he had not realized how sensitive he was. After all, he had nearly gone a month without touching a woman. Without touching her, the mother of his unborn child. And he pulled her bra away and peeled the panties off before he eased out of his boxers and he turned her away from him.

He couldn't let her see him anguish, or the pain he felt after she had been so cruel. He slipped himself between her thighs and was surprised to find her wet…ready to take him and as he pressed himself into her, her back arched and she moaned out. There were no words, only the sound of her moans and her cries of pleasure and then she said, "I'm sorry…" His head bowed and he kissed her shoulder, while his hands pressed her hips against him, and he thrust in and out of her and took his time with her.

Pan felt her heart squeeze with emotion as his words whispered against the shell of her ear. "I love you," he said softly, and so tenderly and she pulled away from him and turned over to him. She pressed herself on top of him, straddling him and he looked up at her, watching her as her hips lowered to him once more.

His head fell back as her fingers raked themselves down his chest and she said, "And I love you." She rose him slowly, lovingly, relishing the feel of him inside of her. She had missed this fullness and shuddered as she slowly came and Trunks' toes curled as he thrust his hips up towards her and climaxed. Truly it was the first time he had ever come from such leisure sex and she eased off of him as she had always done, but he would have none of it.

He reached for the small box of tissues at her bed and wiped away his seed from her thighs and from himself and then pulled her closer, and curled around her. "Stay," he requested and although she stiffened for a moment she soon relaxed against him. Enjoying his arms around her and feeling the comfort in his arms.