Pan hooked her arm into Bura's as they exited the limousine. They walked up to the restaurant and smiled when Goten and Marron waved a hand at them. "Hey guys!" They smiled and eased into the restaurant without another word and they were guided to a quiet table in the back of the restaurant. Bura took a seat and Pan sat next to her while Marron and Goten sat across from them. "Well, Pan, will this suit you for a quiet birthday?" Bura pondered and Pan nodded. "Yes, I'm very excited." She pulled the napkin from the table into her lap and said, "I miss eating western food."

Marron smiled at the waiter as he set out waters for them, "Thank you. How was your time in America?" she asked looking to Pan. She merely smiled. "Going there for business for Bulma was exciting enough, but the men there, were so very handsome." Goten chuckled. "I'm guessing you had quite the fun time," he reasoned and Pan blushed. "Ah, not as fun as you would think, I was truly focused on work. I did not want to let Bulma down."

And then her breath caught in her throat. Bura saw Pan's eyes falter and she followed her gaze. And there stood Trunks at the door with a lovely, brunette woman with long legs and a dazzling smile her blue eyes seemed to shimmer like topazes in the low light. Bura eyed her brother and rose from her seat before Pan caught her arm and shook her head. Goten frowned while Marron asked, "What is it?" They looked, and they too saw Trunks with his date and Pan said, "Don't worry about it."

Pan looked away from him and felt a small part of her feel hurt, because Trunks had told her that he would be busy working, and that is why he couldn't make her birthday dinner, it seemed so fitting that he would bring a date he upon the day that they too had a reservation to enjoy themselves. She thought about it for a moment's time and then noted, they were both adults, there was no reason for a chip to be in her shoulder. Pan crooked a finger at the waiter and he came to them and she said, pointing at Trunks and his date. "Take them a bottle of champagne, please, with two glasses, put it on my tab," she ordered. "Yes-yes Miss Son." She smiled sweetly for him and said, "Please, I was a country girl growing up, you have no reason to be nervous." He took in a slow and steady breath and nodded. "Yes." Pan faced the table and smiled, "Now, who's ready to eat and drink?!"