This came out of nowhere so I hope you enjoy my random burst of passion for writing. Pretty, pretty, pretty please review! Please with a cherry and sugar on top! It inspires me to write more!
Thanks everyone and vote whether I should continue Jack the Ripper Returns pretty please ta loves xx
Psychiatric Ward, Michigan
"Now, remember Arthur. What are you supposed to do if you hear the voices?" said the faceless doctor. "Ignore them, sir." He replied in a dull, lifeless voice his mind hazy from all the drugs. He was sat in the doctor's chair so he didn't see the nurse walk in through the door. "Doctor Reese there is some Government agents here to see you."
The doctor left the room and Arthur tried his best to clear his mind. He hated being unable to think, unable to hear and unable to see. The hazy figure of the nurse released his bonds and ushered him into the commons room where all the other insane patients resided whilst Arthur desperately tried to regain at least some control over his own mind.
He wanted his freedom back.
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Four young male Agents sat in the Psychiatric Ward. Are you sure about this?" asked the youngest blonde in dark jeans and a leather jacket. "Da, isn't this guy crazy?" frowned Gilbert the albino in a black suit and dark sunglasses. "Shut up you two, this is an order from the top." Replied Ludwig sternly. "Why would the Agency want a crackpot on the team anyway?" questioned Gilbert sceptically.
Herakles slammed his fist on a table in the waiting room of the ward, his mind had gone blank with rage " .Not. !" hissed Herakles livid. The other three agents flinched at the noise and stared at Herakles.
"The American Government are keeping him here against his will." Hissed Herakles Karpusi furiously and Alfred couldn't fathom why the usually a silent and monotonous man who cared about nothing other than his cats and sleeping was suddenly angry.
"What d'ya mean?" asked Alfred.
Herakles took a calming breath, it wouldn't be good if he lost control of his powers here; he'd probably end up stuck in the facility but at least then he'd be with Arthur… No, that wasn't fair of him, Arthur would want to be free and able to use his abilities. It always made Arthur upset when he didn't use them at least once a day.
"The British and American Governments were cooperating on an Anti-Terrorism Project and Arturo- Professor Kirkland was sent over from England as the representative of MI6-" "then how did he end up here, he should be with MI6 or CIA HQ?" interrupted Gilbert.
"The Americans did a background check on him after one of the operatives found military plans in a terrorist hideout. Artu-Professor Kirkland knew exactly what the plans were for and the names and faces of all the people involved. He stopped many terrorist attacks without ever moving from his lab."
"You mean he's like us?" asked Alfred shocked. "Vai, Arthur refused to `work` for their διεφθαρμένη κυβέρνηση." Spat Herakles (corrupt government).
"Work?" asked Ludwig with a frown. "You mean spy don't you" muttered Gilbert "Vai and… they wanted all of the other countries on the world's military secrets but he refused so they drugged him and sent him here under false pretences and the rest of the British MI6 workers were silenced."
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"Hello agents, what can I do for you today?" said the doctor in a pleasant tone, seemingly innocent. "Hello Doctor we are here to see Arthur Kirkland on Government authority," said Ludwig firmly. "Of course sir, here's his file, Arthur is a troubled patient but he is recovering quite well." The Doctor left the file on the table and made a hasty retreat past the glaring Herakles who was leaning against the wall.
Alfred picked up the file and read it aloud.
"Patient name: Arthur Kirkland
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Nationality: British,
Appearance: Caucasian male blonde green eyes
IQ: 240 SD
Affliction: Schizophrenia
"His IQ is 240? No way..." said Gilbert weakly.
"Told you Arturo was smart, he has a degree in pretty much everything and… he can tell you your future" grinned Herakles.
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"Now, Professor Kirkland can you understand what I am saying?" asked Ludwig solemnly. "Hm yes, can I see your watch for a moment?" he replied. Herakles chuckled and Ludwig looked incredibly confused but handed it over nevertheless.
Arthur took it from the German with a thoughtful look on his face, it just seemed like a plain leather watch to Alfred.
"Your name is Ludwig Beilschmidt, you are thirty years old in July, hmm you're only two years older than me but you have been working for the Agency for six no seven years… You grew up in Berlin, separated from your half-brother Gilbert- the albino over there who enjoys a good party- until you turned fourteen and you were reunited after your mother died."
"You went to Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and have a degree in criminal law. You lived with your father until you turned eighteen, your brother is three years older than you… you will meet your significant other very soon and he will be nothing like you expected."
"You have come here to get me out of this god forsaken ward and into the mysterious Agency… I accept. Hello Reese or should I say Mr Karpusi?" said Arthur with a sigh. Gilbert was in shock, Ludwig immediately went to sign the release papers and Alfred laughed his arse off.
Alfred's POV
Alfred really liked the sexy piece of British ass sat opposite him in the armoured vehicle that collected them outside the ward. Herakles had gone from silent and stoic to quiet and sheepish, blushing whenever Arthur spoke to him and stuttering whenever he spoke.
It was obvious they knew each other- much to Alfred's dismay- but it seemed like Arthur wasn't aware of the brunette's not so secret crush. Honestly, for someone so smart he should have noticed by now!
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