So, I loved Alpha Protocol, despite its bugginess. Played through it multiple times, and I loved the character of Sis, like most of the fandom, apparently. And this one scene just pissed me off because of how stupid the characters were. Slightly OOC, mainly because it's funnier that way.
Thorton knew this wasn't the wisest thing to keep pushing Albatross on, especially if he wanted his cooperation, but this was important. The look in Sis's eyes drove him onwards as he realized what she had been trying to communicate. Now to put the nail in the coffin.
"I'm sure Sis could clear it up. If she wanted to tell us, that is."
Albatross was quick to interrupt. "She can't."
But Thorton wouldn't back down. "Can't - or won't?"
Albatross paused this time, before revealing, "She's a mute."
Thorton blinked and straightened up. "Oh, is that all? Just give me a second."
Albatross and Sis both almost tripped at the sudden change in tone as Mike pulled out his handy PDA and began fiddling with it. They glanced at each other in confusion before Sis had to suddenly catch the PDA, which had been thrown to her.
Mike smiled at her and said, "There you go. Text to speech program. Just type out what you want it to say. So, how do you really feel about G22?"
Albatross's eyes seemed to bug out as Sis grinned widely. She immediately began typing, and a synthesized but clearly understandable voice started speaking from the PDA. "Finally somebody gets it! I've been asking for one of these things forever! Even in sign language they just didn't get it."
Mike nodded in commiseration. "I know what you mean. Sometimes they just ignore the simple solution, right? It's kind of sad. Even though we have all these fancy pieces of gear, the more mundane utilities don't really stand out. Hell, even without speech to text, you could just type what you wanted to say so I could read it."
Sis threw up her hands in exasperation even as she hit the button to start the next set of text. "You're telling me. These guys are all sticks in the mud! Have you seen their uniforms? They're trying for the ninja look and they are NOT pulling it off well. And don't even get me started on the day-to-day operation of these places! Boring! You get to travel all over the place, while I'm stuck here babysitting the bird." She jerked her thumb over her shoulder at Albatross, who was looking increasingly lost.
"Weeeelllllll…." Mike began while tapping his chin, "I'm traveling all over the world trying to prevent World War 3. Exotic locales, interesting people, lots of stealth and shooting. Interested?"
Taking a moment to turn up the PDA's volume to maximum, Sis type-spoke "YES!" She walked over to Mike's side, turning around so suddenly Albatross was the outnumbered party.
Mike flashed her a quick grin before turning to the flabbergasted Albatross. "So, we were talking about G22's resources…"
Seriously, it's not that hard to pass her the PDA Mike.