Malcom was fuming. His man servant was missing, and no one said anything about what happened to him.

Even the five men that Malcom sent on Merlin said they had had their fill and left him. Which was a clear lie but Malcom didn't need to know that Arthur had gotten to them first and threatened to have them burnt alive on an open spit should they say anything. Arthur didn't want anyone finding Merlin before he had time to get his strength back.

Malcom stopped Arthur in the Hallways and pushed him to the wall stopping the other servants from their duties.

"Where is he!" The dark haired man snarled as he pulled out the same dagger that he had forced Merlin to use on their first meeting.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Malcom," He said looking blankly at him. The visiting Prince pushed the tip of the dagger under his chin letting small beads of blood trickle down the shiny blade.

"If I don't get my man servant back I will make sure to send word back to my father and he will kill that b***'s child," he hissed. Arthur frowned at him and pushed him back, not tolerating to be silent and pushed roughly against a wall anymore.

"What child? You seem to make sure he can't have any!" He snarled as he wiped the blood off his chin but the dark haired man smirked at him.

"Ah, the b*** never told you, did he. Once I learnt that he was magical I had those chains made up but I thought I should at least have one child out of him. Never know when I would have to replace the b***." He grinned at the blonde haired prince.

Before Arthur could throttle Malcom two guards came running down the hallway.

"My Lord you're to come with us for attacking the Prince of Camelot."

Malcom looked shocked and started to attack the guard, earning him a punch to the face as he was dragged away through the halls.

"Give him one of the nice cells." Arthur hissed as they took him away.

It was then that he caught sight of his little adoptive sister looking around the corner. He walked over to the little dark haired girl and looked down at her as she held out a hanky for the blood still slowly trickling from his chin. "You shouldn't have seen that or heard what he said," Arthur said

"He's mean about Merlin." She whispered as Arthur wiped the blood away with a slight grimace.

"You spoke to Merlin?" He asked her and she nodded, her curly black hair bouncing as she did.

"I like him, he makes me smile," Morgana told him, and the blonde prince nodded with a small smile himself as he picked her up and carried her back to her room.

"Yeah? What does he tell you?" He asked her.

"He tells me stories of the Dragon prince who was marked by a dragon," Arthur raised a questioning eye brow as they walked into her chambers.

"A Dragon Prince. Well that is different," He smiled as he set her down on her bed.

"I called them the Dragon Prince, though Merlin calls the boy in the story the Dragon Lord. And he can speak to dragons and become friends with them. But then a mean man kidnapped him and hurt him," She tells him as she kicks her feet out, smiling happily, unaware that Merlin had more or less told her of his life.

"Did Merlin tell you the ending?" She shook her head.

"No not yet, I hope he does though," She smiled up at him.

The door opened and Morgana's lady in waiting walks in. Gwen bowed to Arthur before looking over at Morgana.

"Did you run off again? You're meant to be doing your homework young lady," She smiled making the little girl giggle.

"I'm sorry my Lord. I turn my back for a moment and she's running off," she told Arthur dutifully.

"Its alright Guinevere. Thank you for taking care of her, you're doing a good job," She blushed and nodded.

"Thank you my Lord."

Later on…

Arthur went back to Gaius' chambers and walked into the man's home, finding Gaius now trying to make purple roses.

"How is he today?" He asked the older man. Gaius looked up and smiled softly at him.

"He is doing better. His magic is helping him heal," He told the prince. Arthur nodded and walked into the spare room to see the dark haired boy sitting up in bed looking into a book.

"Hi," Arthur said, Merlin jumped a little and looked up to see the blonde Prince and smiled at him.

"Hi," Merlin said back, his voice a whisper. Arthur walked into the room and took a seat next to his bed and watched him for a moment before he spoke.

"Do you have a child back at Malcom's castle?" He asked, watching as the dark haired boy froze in fear as he looked at Arthur.

"H…How… how…!" He stuttered, anxiety clear in his eyes.

"Malcom told me," Arthur quickly replied. Merlin looked down at the pages of the book and Arthur could see tears well up in his eyes.

"It was the only one he would allow to live," Merlin whispered as he turned to look at him.

"I need to get your son away from his castle," Merlin smiled at him softly, and reached out and cupped the prince's cheek.

"Don't worry now I have my magic back I can get him here safely," He smiled up at him. Arthur touched his wrists were the scars from the chains remained like the one around his neck.

"I don't want you to overdo it with magic, Merlin. You just got your strength back," He could see the worry in Merlin's eyes before he closed them when he felt the Prince's hand on his cheek, rubbing the skin with his thumb.

Arthur had to deal with his father and Malcom and the only way he could think of getting rid of them was to kill them. As harsh as it was, even to him, Merlin was now more important to him, more than his own father. And if Uther was a risk to Merlin's life, and he was, then that was what he had to do, and what he was ready to do.

He had the plan all set out; his father had already got Malcom free from the cells and they were planning to go hunting. And that was when Arthur would strike. He would use arrows, showering them with it and make it look like attack on Uther and Malcom, as if thinking those two to be father and son.

But when he had his plan all set out to kill both his father and the other Prince, someone else beat him to it.

Uther was killed by Malcom in the throne room in front of half a dozen knights and guards, and it only stood to reason that Malcom was killed then and there - especially when he tied to kill Morgana as well.

"Did you have something to do with it?" Arthur later asked the dark haired warlock. Despite feeling light that the murder of his father wasn't on his hands, he still would have felt responsible nonetheless had Merlin been behind it in any way either.

But bright blue eyes looked back up at him as Merlin shook his head.

"I promise you Arthur, I didn't do anything. But maybe you should speak to Morgana. She's quite powerful for a ten year old," The blonde prince just stared at him in shock.

He didn't want to think that Morgana could use her powers again. As a ten year old, she seemed to not remember what she was like before she was enchanted, when her powers were clouding her judgment.

"She not really 10 is she?" Merlin asked, bringing Arthur from his thoughts.

"She is now," Arthur replied shortly.

There was a knock at the door making the prince look around and he watched as Gaius walked in with a small child with thick mope of back hair and bright blue eyes. He was the perfect mini version of Merlin.

"Mama," The boy whispered, seeing his mother in bed before running over to him.

"Adair," Merlin whimpered as he buried his face into his son' hair and cried as he held him close. Arthur stood up and backed out with Merlin's uncle and closed the door quietly.

Arthur leaned on the door and looked at the older man whose hands were a fun shade of green and blue, most likely due to the many experiments of flowers for Morgana.

"I want to move Merlin and Adair to the castle where I can keep an eye on them and...and I want to lift my father's magic ban law for Merlin, Adair and…and Morgana's sakes," He said as he looked to at the old man, who smiled at him.

"Thank you Arthur. I never thought I would see Merlin again, and what you are doing… and what you are going to do, is more than enough for me to guarantee my nephew - and his son's - happiness," Gaius said warmly. Arthur smiled at him before frowning in thought.

"Is Merlin a Dragon Prince?" Gaius frowned at him in confusion and tilted his head.

"I mean Dragon Lord. Sorry," Arthur corrected himself and watched as recognition covered Gaius' eyes before moving away.

The old man waved him over to the table and got out two goblets and poured some wine into their goblets. "His father is. If his father has died though, then it would pass to his son," Gaius told Arthur somberly. The blonde Prince looked at him as he held his goblet. "May I ask how you knew?" Gaius asked.

"He told Morgana a story." He smiled, remembering how Morgana told him Merlin was a Dragon .Prince'.

…5 years later...

Arthur smiled as he woke up first. The sun hadn't yet rose but he couldn't help but feel wide awake as he rolled onto his side and wrapped his arm around his husband.

Merlin smiled and pushed himself back into the king's warmth feeling his hand drifted down his arms and then over the small swell where their child grew inside of Merlin.

"Ummm, someone is happy." Merlin purred into his pillow.

"I'm happy I can hold you and keep you and our children safe," Arthur said. He felt the dark haired man roll over onto his side and look up at him in the darkness with a smile lit up with the faint light.

"I'm happy too. I never thought I would find happiness. But you saved me and you loved me and my son. I want to put everything bad that happened in the past because I can't imagine a life without you in it," Merlin said looking up into the rich blue eyes of his husband.

The King of Camelot had gotten down on one knee and asked Merlin to marry him three years ago, and to his shock Merlin had said yes to him. He had thought that the dark haired boy would say no, but when the ring slid onto his finger he beamed like a star at night before promptly wrapping his arms around Arthur's neck and hugging him.

Then, a little over four months ago, Merlin told him some wonderful news that they were going to have a baby.

Merlin has his arms wrapped around his husband and kissed him softly, enjoying the low glow of the sun slowly rising. He couldn't help but smile into the kiss. The scars around his neck and wrists might never go and the memory of what Malcom done to him until over three to four years he can't forget, but he wants to move on and give his son a good happy life along with their adoptive daughter Morgana, - whom they still didn't manage to cure, though Merlin had a feeling it wasn't because they couldn't - and the new baby when she or he arrived.