Sparked by Hermione's "We should just stay here..." quote in Harry Potter 7 part 1...combined with Letter to Juliet, I give you What's 3:01 in the morning and I apparently had to write this whole story...I couldn't focus on anything else. I do not own the rights to Harry Potter or Letters to Juliet...I just used parts to give y'all this little gem...well anyways please enjoy.

What If?

Somewhere in the Forest of Dean; December 9th 1997

"We should just stay here 'Mione." He said looking at the brunette siting, leaning against an old oak tree, blankets draped around her, book open in her lap. "Grow old together." She looked up from her book, eyes full of love and regret.

"You know we can't Harry, you have to end this." He nodded his understanding. It had been a fool's hope, and she wouldn't be his Hermione if she had said anything different.

Hogwarts Castle; Battle; May 2nd 1998

"I've known for a while now, and I think you have too." He saw the tears form in her eyes and wished it all wasn't true, but he knew it was. He was the last horocux.

"I'll go with you." She said launching herself into his arms. But he couldn't let her; he couldn't make her watch him die. He shook his head and spoke to Ron, who was watching the exchange.

"Kill the snake, kill the snake and then it's just him." Ron nodded not trusting his voice to say anything. Hermione slowly pulled herself away from him, tears streaming down her face. He left before she chose to follow him anyways. He left.

Hogwarts Castle; Post Battle; May 3rd 1998

He had been looking for her, searching for her. He had to know she was safe, that she survived. She was all that mattered to him. When they saw each other, they collided; embracing each other tighter then ever before both thanking Merlin the other was safe. But people were looking for him. Everyone wanted to talk to him. He was the savior, their hero. He just wanted her, her and him, alone.

"Meet me, by our tree by the lake. Let's leave. Let's get away from all of this, and just grow old together, just you and me." He whispered in her ear. She nodded her head and said she would. He bolted for the Great Hall, eager to get away from the masses and start his life with her. But she never showed. He waited hours for her, til dark settled over Hogwarts again but she didn't show.

Juliet's House, Verona Italy; June 3rd 1998

A petite young brunette sat in Juliet's courtyard. Surrounding her were various women of all ages. Most were crying like she, all writing letters to attach to the wall in front of them. She felt like a coward, unworthy of the House Gryffindor. But she couldn't go back now. She prayed for guidance.

Verona Italy, August 7th 2015

Theodore Lupin and his fiancé Victoria Weasley, were exploring Verona when they came upon Juliet's courtyard. Victoria as a child was read the story of the star-crossed lovers. She always thought the story was simply heart breaking. She noticed all the crying women attaching notes to the wall and one woman with a basket collecting them all. Being the inspiring journalist she was, under Padma Patil at the Daily Prophet, her interest was peaked.

"Ted, dear, wait for me back at the hotel. There's something I want to check out." Ted nodded his understanding before kissing his witch and watching her follow the woman with the basket.

Victoria followed the woman through the streets, into a restaurant, through the restaurant, up some hidden stairs in the back and into a small office with three other women. They introduced themselves; Isabella, Francesca, Donatella, and Maria. They explained that they were the Secretaries of Juliet, they responded to letters left for Juliet, to help heal the broken hearts of the women that left them. Donatella answers the husband problems; she has been married to the same man for 51 years. Francesca is a nurse, so she answers all the letters due to illness and loss. Maria has 12 children, 29 grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren; she writes whatever she likes. And Isabella responds to the ones you can barely read; the lovers' quarrels, the break-ups, and the really tangled hearts. Victoria was blown away. She went to the hotel that night asking to stay a few days in Verona longer to be apart of something so wonderful. Teddy, never being able to tell her no before, didn't hesitate to tell her yes.

Juliet's Courtyard; August 8th 2015

The following day found Victoria pulling letters off the wall with Isabella. As she pulled two letters stuffed in a crack the whole brick fell out causing her to drop the letters she was pulling. As she bent down to pick them up she noticed that in the hole there was a letter hidden. She pulled it out surprised that she found something so hidden. Grabbing the letter she could feel the faint traces of old magic in the paper, she knew whoever wrote this letter was a witch.

Victoria and Isabella took the letters back to the office and in front of the group she read the letter out loud.

I didn't go to him Juliet.

I didn't go to Harry.

His green eyes so full trust.

I promised I'd meet him, and run away together, to grow old together.

But instead I left him waiting for me under our tree, waiting and wondering where I was.

I'm in Verona now.

I head to Australia in the morning, and I'm so afraid.

Please Juliet, tell me what I should do.

My heart is breaking, and I have no-one else to turn to.

Love Hermione

"It's dated 1998." Victoria said, her mind working over time. 1998 was when the war ended, and there was only one Hermione who sent her parents to Australia, she disappeared that year. She wondered if this was the same woman.

"And it's been there for all those years." She nodded.

"I have to write back."

"Then answer her." Isabella said handing a piece of parchment over to her.

It took a while for Victoria to form the words she used to write back to Hermione. She wasn't fully sure that this Hermione was the Hermione she was thinking of, she would speak to Ted when she got back to the hotel room. But now she had to focus on replying to this woman. She was sure the woman was magical and would be sending the reply via owl. She spent the whole afternoon/evening writing her reply, slipping the letter from Hermione in the envelope when she was done. She set it aside to be sent out with the owl post tomorrow morning.

Back at the hotel room, Ted and her discussed the possibility that it was the Hermione Granger who fled after the final battle, who left Harry, and hadn't been seen or heard from since.

"What if it is her? Do you think she'll come back?" Victoria asked.

"I don't know darling. She's been gone for 17 years."

"But think if it is her, what if she still loves him, like he still loves her."

"He would finally be happy. I mean he had me, but I could never replace the whole she left."

"Why did she leave, Ted?"

"No-body knows Vicky, no-one knows." Victoria sighed and leaned into her fiancé. She hoped it was Hermione. No one had seen Harry happy with anyone since she disappeared.

A cottage in Australia; August 10th 2015

She was sitting out on the pouch reading the Australian paper, when an owl flew up and landed on the rail in front of her. She was shocked an owl showed up here, owls didn't frequent Australia. She hadn't seen any actually since she fled England all those years ago when she came to find her parents.

She took the letter from the owl.

"I'm sorry I don't have any treats for you, but there is some toast inside you can help yourself to and I'll get you water in a minute.

Upon opening the letter and reading the first few sentences she dropped her coffee, the mug shattering on the ground. Pulling her wand from her holder she fixed the mug, and walked into the cottage.

"I guess it's time I returned to England." She said as she finished reading the letter and poured some water for the exhausted owl.