Oh my god, here we are: the final chapter of Her Red Rose! I know, this is a very short epilogue, but this is only a transition for the sequel, which, I remind you, will be called Amaranth! And this time, the whole summary will be a the end of this chapter!
Winxkate: Actually, I think she would look better in the 1991 yellow dress than in the 2017; but the white dress is simply amazing! Thanks a lot for your review, it is just so sweet! I'll try to continue His Beyond Reach (I saw the 2017 BATB after posting the chapter, and it might change what I wanted to do with the story), and maybe I'll continue For her Freedom, but I'm not sure about this one.
Flora: Thanks for your sweet review! Don't worry, children won't be here, because it will be an issue for the sequel!
Lover of romance246: It was written at the beggining of chapter 18, it is For the dancing and dreaming from How to train your dragon 2
Guest: Thanks! Well, their family is going to be an issue in Amaranth, so they won't have one here. Well, you'll see in the future chapters!
Maeve111999: Thanks a lot, I'm glad you liked the wedding!
Two years later
"Do you remember what day is it?" Helia asked Flora with a smile, as the two were facing each other on the bed. Flora returned his grin and kissed the edge of his lips.
"How could I forget our anniversary?" She whispered. Helia grabbed the back of her neck and brought her lips to his in a proper kiss.
Never had two years passed so quickly. Their relationship had remained the same; with two people loving each other deeply and on a life-depending level. The only change was Flora's new membership of the royal life. The brunette had a hard time adjusting to this new life, but thankfully, Helia was always with her when they had to face capital decisions, parties or royal dinners; and she had never felt so lucky.
"I couldn't either." Helia replied, tracing her lips with his thumb. Flora smiled and leant down to kiss him again, but was interrupted by a knock at the door. The two groaned and sat down on the bed to welcome the intruder with more presence. "Come in."
Michelle, who had been Flora's servant for two years, entered the room and bowed politely. "Sorry to interrupt you, sir, my lady. The King is asking for his son on the living room."
Helia sighed and stood up. "When do they want to see me?"
"Now." Michelle answered before leaving the room. Helia sighed again, making Flora laugh. She stood up and held his waist from behind.
"You look so keen." She sarcastically whispered on his ear. He turned around and wrapped his arms around her.
"Right now, I'd love to spend my anniversary alone with my wife, but apparently this won't be possible."
"But they won't keep you the whole day." She whispered again. "We'll have the whole afternoon and evening for ourselves."
"You're right." Helia replied, giving her a short kiss on the lips; too short for Flora, having him smirking at her pouting figure. "Don't worry, this is just a sample of what is awaiting you."
"Hello mom, dad." Helia greeted as he entered the living room of his family. His parents had already sat on the red velvet armchairs, drinking their morning tea, as usual.
"Good morning, son." Aniello replied, showing him a chair. "Why don't you sit with us? We need to talk."
"Sure." He did as he was told and sat in front of his parents. "What do you want from me so early in the morning?"
"Well," Aniello started, rubbing his hands together in nervousness, "We know you won't like what we are going to tell you, but… it's necessary."
"WHAT?!" Helia yelled, standing up in one jump. "What do you mean by "crown you King and Queen next week"?"
"Calm down, honey." Maia whispered, signaling him to sit down again with her hands. He did not oblige. "We know it's early, but we told you, it's necessary."
"But mom, remember Flora had nothing to do with royal life before!" Helia exclaimed. "Let her time to adjust her life as princess before turning her into a Queen!"
Aniello sighed. "Listen, son. We are getting old-"
"You're not so old!" Helia cut him off by replying bitterly; something he would never do to his parents. But they both knew he wouldn't accept easily.
"We know, sweetie." Maia said. "But we'd rather see you two as rulers with the both of us here to coach you, than see you getting the throne when you'll turn 60 without anyone to help you."
"B-but…" Helia tried to think about another argument, but he realized he could not find any and sat down again, sighing heavily.
He realized he agreed with his mother. But were they ready for this?
And what about Flora?
"No, Layla, you shouldn't be that anxious." Flora said with her phone stuck next to her ear while she tried her best to tie her hair on a low braid. She was talking with the Andros princess, who had turned from being a close friend to her second best friend during these two years.
"No, you're right, I shouldn't be anxious when I learn I'll become Queen next year!" Layla almost yelled. Flora couldn't blame her for her voice tone; she had every right to be nervous. After all, she would feel the same if it was to happen to her…
"Layla, I understand how you feel. But remember you are a great princess; and you will be a wonderful Queen."
"But I feel like I know nothing about the kingdom!" Layla exclaimed. "I never felt so alone before!"
A smirk began to appear on the brunette's face; she knew exactly what to say at this moment to cheer her up.
"But you have Nex, don't you?"
Then, there was a short silence. Flora tried her best to keep her giggle silent, but this turned to be very hard. During these two years, Nex and Layla's relationship had become a way more intimate one than Layla would ever have expected. Previously living on Solaria, Nex had moved to Andros to live closer to his girlfriend, abandoning his new position as Solarian royal guard. Layla felt at the same time overjoyed and embarrassed; of course she was happy to have her boyfriend living on her planet, but at the same time, seeing him abandon everything for her was… "awkward", from what the princess said. Flora understood came from her past; about the man she was about to marry. She knew Nabu had died years before, and that Layla did not really manage to move on with her life. Flora was well aware of what feeling this was; and she was well aware of how lucky she was, since Helia had come back into her life. But during that year, both girls had felt the same feeling… Until Stella and Layla made a bet. (A/N: go and see chapter 5)
From that day, Nex and Layla had started dating, and Flora had quickly noticed a change on her friend's face. She had become more smiling, happier, until this day when Nex abandoned his planet for her. Layla could not put words on why she felt awkward, but Flora understood it was because she did not remember how it felt to be in love after losing the man who was her fiancé. She had managed to move on; and this was why she had felt like this. But at this moment; she had erased every form of awkwardness on her feelings and had finally accepted she had fallen in love again.
"Y-Yeah, I guess…" Layla stuttered, and Flora would bet she was blushing.
"Have you seen him lately?"
"We have a date today…" The Andros princess answered. "Listen, I-I forgot about it and I have to get prepared!"
Flora laughed heartily. "Glad to learn I helped you."
"Yeah, yeah, you can laugh!" Layla playfully scolded her. "Thanks for listening Flo', see you soon!"
"See you soon, Layls. Have fun." Flora replied with a smile planted on the lips before hanging up. She grabbed an elastic band which was on her night table and finally managed to tie her hair up. Then, she heard the door open, and her husband entered the room.
Flora couldn't help smiling each time she used this word, husband. She was married; she had been married for two years now, and to the man she loved more than everything. No matter how much time could pass; she would still feel she was daily dreaming.
But she was not dreaming.
Flora dropped her phone on her night table and hugged her husband. "Finally back, I see. About time." She placed her chin on his shoulder. "We'll finally have time to celebrate our anniversary."
Surprisingly, Helia did not laugh nor give her even a hint of a smile. He just sighed, leant back, took her hands in his and invited her to sit next to him on the bed.
"What's wrong?" Flora asked, a slight feeling of nervousness climbing all over her body. She felt like her stomach had turned into a knot. Helia soon noticed this when he took a look at her distorting face.
"It's not about us, don't worry!" He exclaimed, but soon said otherwise. He had a very hard time finding the right words to say; and he knew what he had to tell her was something she would have difficulties to swallow. "Well… yes it is, kind of. It's just not about our relationship."
"Then, what is it?" Flora insisted and placed her hand on his shoulder.
"D-do you remember?" he started, and gulped with the hope this would give him courage to continue "This morning, my parents wanted to talk to me."
Flora nodded. Helia gulped and tried to drop the bomb; but did not immediately manage to do so. He just took her hand off his shoulder and held it tenderly between his fingertips.
"You know I love you more than everything, right?" Helia asked. Flora raised her eyebrows; she understood nothing of what he wanted to say. She did not reply, but Helia continued.
"They… they told me they wanted us to be crowned King and Queen as soon as possible."
Flora received this sentence as a huge slap on her face. She remained frozen for a few moments, and she could not manage to form a full sentence. Some scraps of words exited her mouth, like:
Helia sighed when he realized that he had not imagined she would feel so shocked; and he began to fear. Was she mad at them? Was she mad at… him?
"Next week."
Flora never felt like fainting so much; she felt dizzy, she felt her heart was beating so fast it might explode; she felt breathless as if she had just ran kilometers without drinking a drop of water. Helia sighed, and let go of her hand.
"I'm sorry, Love. I tried to convince them, but-"
"W-Why," Helia let her time to gulp and breathe again before talking, so she could finish her sentence. "Why now? I-I we're, we're still young a-and-"
"I know, Love." Helia replied with a sigh. "I know. But they told me they preferred now, because… they wanted to be with us."
"B-but…" Flora tried to find a counter-argument; but she could not find anything against this. Anyway, was she really able to endure something like this? Was she going to be a good ruler?
"I-I'm not ready to be Queen!"
"Love." Helia took her shoulders in his hands to bring her closer. He held her against his chest tenderly, running his fingers throughout her long caramel hair, untying the braid she had trouble tying up. "You are not going to be alone." He placed his lips on the top of her head. "My parents will be there; I will be there."
Flora leant back and couldn't bring herself to look at him in the eyes; this was why Helia cupped her face in his hands and lifted her face up. "I will never leave you; remember?"
The brunette grabbed his hands and took them off her face, but did not let them go and just held them tighter. "I know."
"I'm aware of how difficult it will be for you, Love." Helia whispered.
"And I know it will hard for you too." Flora replied with the same tone. "Are you sure we will be able to handle this?"
"We will." Helia kissed her forehead tenderly and finally gave her a smile. "Because we will be together."
And Flora finally smiled in return; cupping his face in her hands. "You are right. It will be okay."
Helia leant towards his wife and kissed her lips with tenderness. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he did the same around her waist, while the two kept kissing each other for what seemed hours for the others, but seconds to them; unable to break their lip lock.
Helia was right; everything was going to be okay. She did not have to fear.
With Helia by her side, she had nothing to fear.
Flora and Helia are now ruling the kingdom of Linfea as King and Queen. As everything seems to go fine the first years, the couple suddenly has to face three problems: the arrival of Veronica's daughter in the court, the surprising rebellion in Andros during Layla and Nex's wedding, and the difficulty of conceiving an heir.
Oh my god... Her red rose is over! I can't believe if... *cries a little*. I hope you liked Her Red Rose, and I'd like to thank all my faithful readers! Since there will be a sequel, you don't have to worry, Flora and Helia's story is not over at all!
I hope you liked the summary of the sequel! I know some of you are not fond of Nex and Layla, actually I love Nabu way more than Nex, but I think Nex never received the treatment he deserved. Nabu will of course be mentionned in the sequel, but I'm sorry, he will not come back.
I will try to post the sequel towards the end of the week. See you in the sequel!