Team Tenrou stared at Acnologia the black dragon with blue pattern's, who was in front of them. It couldn't get any worse than what they where experiencing, they where all exhausted from their previous attack's and knew that they couldn't stand another attack. 'It's all over if I don't do something now'. Natsu the pink haired fire dragon slayer thought to himself knowing that all of them weren't going to escape alive, the only option was to dwindle the casualty count.

The fire dragon slayer stood up from the group and walked to the black dragon with fear the last thought in his mind. The rest of Team Tenrou was confused but only one spoke out. "Natsu what do you think your doing," It came from the Red head Erza Scarlet. Natsu stopped for a second, he took of his scarf and tossed it to Erza "Keep it safe for me", Natsu told her. "Don't do anything stupid Salamander", this came from Gajeel the iron dragon slayer. Natsu just looked back at all of them with his signature grin "Everything I do is stupid".

Natsu took a huge run up with incredible speed and jumped into the sky towards the black dragon of the apocalypse. The people below looked at the dragon slayer wondering what would he do when the a shout came from Natsu.

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art Crimson Lotus: Final Rebellion"


"Natsu, I'm going to teach you a spell that can rival the strongest on this earth". Natsu looked to his foster father, Igneel. "Really it's that strong, teach it to me right now dad".

"Soon, but first I need to tell you of the barter".

"I know, I know my magic energy to cast the spell".

"No, this spell has a higher cost, to truly cast the spell it is the exchange for your life!".

Flashback end

Natsu's attack hit straight on target, right at Acnologia's heart. From there a huge blast of fire erupted from the point of contact, the ocean's created waves and the wind became more powerful as the blast continued, and then it stopped revealing a black dragon with a hole straight through the chest where the heart used to remain. The Dragon fell out of the sky while trying to release it's final breath.

The Tenrou team looked up amazed at what Natsu was able to do by himself when they didn't leave a scratch together. That was where the amazement ended, they didn't see any sign of the Dragon Slayer's body distend and that was when the team realised the high price of the magnificent spell.

Makarov and Gildart's body locked up without a single movement, eye's locked in shock. Mirajane and Lisanna ran to the their brother and buried their faces in Elfman's chest, while feeling his tear's roll down onto their heads. Lucy and Wendy where trembling at the sight, crying uncontrollably. Cana, Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen stared at the sight, not believing something like that had happened. Laxus, Grey and Gajeel yelled at the sky full of rage while tears streamed down their cheeks.




Juvia went to Gray, while Levy went to Gajeel trying to comfort them but their tears breaking the illusion. Lily and Carla where stunned at the sacrifice. Happy stared at what was once the place where his best friend stood and fell over not willing to stand up and face what had happened.

Erza stared long and hard at her friends and at the her friend's and at the Dragon corps until she couldn't take anything anymore, she ran away into tenrou island until she lost strength and collapsed. She cried for hour's into Natsu's scarf uttering his name, a few hours later she felt someone touching her shoulder. She lifted her head to see Happy, she scooped him up and they both continued to cry in the embrace.

Erza thought of the times when the pink haired hero had fought for her safety. She constantly remembered in the tower's of heaven when he fought with Jellal and he ascended into dragon force to keep her safe. 'Who was going to be able to do that now'

Happy was deep in thought as Erza held him while they cried. What was all this hurt he had only felt once in his life, when Lisanna had disappeared and thought to have died. He couldn't have lost his dad so soon after his mom had returned, not after he had his full family back together after two years. The thought made Happy cry into Erza as she held him.

It was late and the pair had cried themselves to sleep until a man shook Erza and woke her and happy up. When they stared at the man they recognised him instantly as Gildarts and he spoke. "I know that I was not his father or his adopted one, and he definitely was not my flesh and blood. But it damn well fells like I lost a son today". tears came down his stoic face. Erza knew how close Natsu and Gildarts where.

"Where leaving the island and returning to the guild now". The words came thick and heavy from Gildart's mouth. "No, No, No, No, I can't leave him. What if his still alive and we need to sa-". As Erza spoke Gildarts lifted her from the ground. "There's nothing left to save! and as much as I hate it, we need to hold a funeral" Finally letting his face show how sad he was at the events that had happened today.

As Erza was held by Gildarts she could only cry while clutching on to Happy. When they got on the boat and set sail she looked at Natsu's scald and said her final goodbye. 'Farewell, The dragon that kept me safe. My Dragon'.

Thanks for taking the time out of your busy lives to read this. This is my first one I have written and hopefully not the last. This story started after I read Eternal Alliegiance by AmICrazy (Definitely should read it) and while I was working my mind wandered and I came up with this story. Hope you enjoy reading it and please don't hate.

Ciao from Italianbro