Someone shoot me. I started a new story even though I have others I haven't finished. A warning ahead of time-there will be lots of angst eventually. I'm going to finish my parkour one-shot series in a bit but this is outlined and ready for writing. I should actually finish it.

Bleh summary is bleh

The daily lunch rush set in, urging all available staff members rushing into their assigned positions. They abandoned lazy chatter in favor of catering to the boisterous crowd encroaching upon the cashiers with rapid fire orders. A businesswoman seated at her table constantly checked her phone's time in a nearby booth. A nearby 50's style counter, where patrons lined up to order from the waitress and sat on vibrant red stools, dished out orders to the impatient customers. Over in the far corner, a few of the early arrivals, who weren't in a frantic hurry, calmly ordered coffees while perusing the menu items.

Lucky Hide's break came during the lunch break or he would be the same as the frantic waitresses. He brought his own lunch today, a light sandwich, because deliveries still needed to be made. Tokyo's traffic came to a halt during lunch hours meaning Hide needed to bike everywhere he traveled, even if the location in question was miles from the restaurant. The address of his next delivery, written on the folded slip of paper in his pocket, called over ten miles away. Maybe he could take a bus or something…

"In other news, the CEO of Takada Corporation was fired from his position this mor—" Hide glanced up from his mug of coffee. Displayed in big white letters read, 'CEO Fired For Being a Ghoul.' Ghoul sympathizers finally pushed a law 'for equal rights of all species' allowing members of the ghoul society to come out. The process, from what he heard, had been tedious and provided no anonymity should the ghoul decide it didn't want to live the human life after all. Ghouls could lose everything just for being a ghoul. No one would do a thing about it.

The law only prevents the CCG from killing them.

"Shizuka-san" Hide called to his supervisor, "do you have the next delivery? It's the one over by Kamii!" The supervisor, a short and petite young woman, rushed out with a small brown package. The effect was immediate. The crowed shied away from the plagued parcel. Anyone who knew anything refused to come within twelve feet. "Thanks!"

Hide shoved the last bit of bread into his mouth and downed the coffee before snatching the parcel off the counter. Every store in the food industry carried the inconspicuous packages.

Synthesized flesh.

"Be careful Hide!"

"Don't worry! I've made deliveries to ghouls before!" Tossing on his cap and stuffing the meat into his "delivery backpack", Hide took off on his bike. Hide was eager. Ghouls hid themselves among humans and never spoke about Ghoul society. For that reason alone, Hide grew excited each time he learned about the mysterious beings known as "Ghouls." What did it feel like? How did they learn to trust anybody? How many ghouls remained unregistered?

His biggest curiosity had to be ghoul Kagune. Just once, Hide wanted to touch one. Would an ukaku be hot like steam or cool and wispy like vapor? A koukaku probably felt like beetle's shell. A bikaku and rinkaku most likely shared a similar texture like that of a snake or lizard. What if they were actually slimy? What caused the variation in color between all the kagune? What was life like as a ghoul?

Hide's curiosity demanded satiation.

Hide looked down at the slip of paper in his hand. He knew this address. The small park was located not too far from his apartment. The ghoul wanted no one to know where he lived. Suspicious, yes, but not out of the ordinary for ghoul customers. Everyone hated their guts so better to keep angry people from knowing the location of their house.

Hide pulled to a stop in front of park and shoved his bike into the crowded bike rack and locking it. He shuffled around his bag for a moment before pulling out the brown package. He took a calming breath. These deliveries were normal. All he needed to do was sit on a nearby bench and the ghoul would initiate the contact. Ghouls always initiated first contact; humans never held the reigns.

Hide set his bag to the side. He reclined on the bench, legs stretched out, and delivery cap pulled over his face to block out the sun. Running deliveries could be hard. Last night, Hide pulled an all-nighter to finish an eight page essay over the significance of ancient samurais on Japanese culture. He fingered the wrapping of the package, mind drifting away from him. The heat from the sun caressed his skin, lulling it further into the black void of sleep. He could afford to rest for a little while—Shizuka knew how hard Kamii's course load could be. She would cut him slack just this once for falling asleep.

Someone cleared their throat beside him.

Hide shot up.

"Huh?" Hide rubbed his eyes and pulled the cap back up to get a better look at who woke him up. "What?" In front of him stood a strange teenager (or at least he didn't have the wrinkles of an elderly man) whose white hair stood out against the park's back drop. A decorated eyepatch hid his left eye from view. It was hard not to stare.

"Um," the teen scratched the back of his head nervously, "I would appreciate if you don't tell anybody about what I am." Hide nodded and held out the package to the person—the ghoul. The teen accepted it but not without hesitation. Hide saw the slight movement of his fingers and the jerkiness in his limbs.

Hide said, "Do you not like it? It's fake you know."

The teen froze. A hand rose, slowly, and rubbed his chin. "Ah, no I like it!"


"It's true!" Hide shrugged instead of pushing the matter. It would be rude to push the issue any further. He picked up his backpack from the sidewalk.

"So…a ghoul huh? You're the first one that I've met who is so young. Usually is some old person because they don't want to bother running from the CCG. But I guess there are people like you too, huh?"

The ghoul averted his gaze at the sidewalk. Hide observed how the ghoul's grip on the package tightened—how he shifted his feet ever so slightly. "W-would you keep this a secret?" Hide nodded again. The teen seemed nervous and Hide didn't want to stop the longest conversation he ever had with a ghoul. "I'm not actually registered…"

"What? Dude, if the CCG finds out you'll be in big trouble. This stuff is for registered ghouls only!"

"I know that! But, I don't want to eat the real meat."

"That's fine then." Hide grinned and held out his hand, "the name's Nagachika Hideyoshi by the way. That's one crazy get up you got there. Practicing to be a pirate for a play?"

The ghoul laughed softly and accepted the hand. Score! Hide got him to laugh! "Sorry, no. I had a bit of an accident about a year or so ago. My name's Kaneki Ken. It's nice to meet you."

"You too. Well," Hide said, "I have to get going with work and all. Hopefully I'll see you again soon!"

"Ah wait!"

Hide looked over his shoulder at Kaneki. "What is it?"

"Would you like to grab a coffee? You seem really tired."

"Sorry, I'm on the clock still." Hide sheepishly scratched the back of his head. "But I've always been curious about ghouls. If you don't mind, could we meet up later?"

"Well, I don't know." Kaneki looked away, towards something in the distance, hesitant to accept Hide's offer. He knew it was a bad idea to get any human involved with him but Hide's expression seemed so open and honest it would feel like he kicked a puppy. "I guess it would be okay. There's a coffee shop by Kamii called Anteiku that's really good."

"Great! How's ten a.m. this Saturday?"

"That's fine."

"Alright!" Hide pumped his fist in the air. "It was great meeting you! I've got to get back to work or my supervisor is going to call the cops for a missing person."

Kaneki watched Hide go and clenched the package in his hands even tighter. He seemed really friendly and they were around the same age. Staring down at the foul, false meat in his hands, his instincts whispered into his ear. He looked delicious.

Kaneki shook his head to rid himself of the thought. He came too far and endured too much to kill some human—a human who wasn't afraid of him—and get the CCG on his tail. He managed to settle in a peaceful ward. His desire for actual flesh would not get the better of him. Now, if only he could outrun his other demons, he would be able to relax.

Hide awaited Kaneki's with nervous excitement. Every few minutes, he checked his silver wrist watch, waiting for the moment when the white haired ghoul would walk in. He almost fell out of his chair each time the bell above the door rang in hopes that Kaneki had just walked in the door. The blue-haired waitress shot him disapproving glares from time to time but Hide wasn't bothered. He would order once Kaneki arrived.

"Hey, are you going to order or are you just going to take up the table?" The waitress had had enough of his loitering. Hide snapped out of his musings. Her name tag read "Touka." Cute just like her.

Hide opened his mouth to respond—"I don't think you should say that." Hide's swung around to see Kaneki casually leaning on the wall; a smirk casually flaunted the confidence and amusement lacing his words. "Touka-chan doesn't take well to flirting."

Hide turned back to the waitress, "I guess a coffee cake and one of your lattes with the cute foam artwork." Hide smirked, "I want one of Touka-chan's foam art masterpieces!"

"Like hell. I don't do foam art for idiots like you."

"Ahh, my heart!" Hide clutched his chest, an arm splayed dramatically over his face, as he faked his agony. "Kaneki, I think I'm dying from a broken heart! Call the love ambulance!"

"Pfft…" Kaneki tried not to break into laughter, "Hide, what are you doing?"

"Making you laugh! Come over here and sit." Touka came over and set the cake and latte on their table with a harsh clack. Yep, still angry. "So, like, how old are you?"

"Touka-chan, a black coffee as usual." Touka nodded and hurried off to fill the orders. "What?"

"I thought ghouls couldn't eat human food."

Kaneki scratched his cheek, "we can drink black coffee. It's nice, you know? At least we can experience something that humans do…that's what I think."

"I guess so." Hide took a bite out of his coffee cake. "So, do you go to school?"

"I used to go to Kamii…"

"What?!" Hide said, "I go to Kamii! I've never seen you there though. You would think I would remember a guy with such a crazy hair color…"

"I got into an accident a while back. The stress made it go white. I also had to quit Kamii. The manager, I mean Anteiku's manager, has been really nice and offered me a job while I get back on my feet."

"So that's what happened?" Hide leaned back in his chair. " With that look, you should try out as a villain in one of those plays. With your looks, you could totally pull off the quiet but deadly."

"You think so?"

"Totally dude!" Hide took a sip from his latte. "Tch, too hot!" He fanned his tongue in a futile attempt to soothe his scorched taste buds. Touka brought over Kaneki's drink and Hide bombarded him with more questions. What were his hobbies? How did he first start working at Anteiku? Could he make him latte art? Would he like Hide's number? Before he knew it, the sun had set below the horizon and Kaneki looked worn out from the social interaction.

Hide definitely wanted hang out with Kaneki again.

I appreciate feedback! It helps me stay motivated to write because I always worry about my writing. I have a tumblr as well if you have any questions or just want to chat ( I love to chat about different fandoms) ^^. You can find the link on my profile page.