"A bear there was, a bear, a bearAll black and brown, and covered with hair. The bear! The bear!" Leona sang as she skipped down the hallways. She stopped when she saw her tutor speaking with Jaime and ducked beind a wall.


"Shh" Leona said a finger to her lips.

"Who are you hiding from?" Tyrion asked

"My tutor" Leona said. "She's awful" She said messaging her hands.

"What does she do?"

"She hits me when ever I get something wrong. And I always get something wrong." Leona said. "I never got hurt in Dorne.

Tyrion looked to the tutor then back at Leona. "What are you learning?"

Leona looked to Tyrion. "The history of the Seven Kingdoms. How Robert Baratheon became king, and the Mad King before him. As such I am learning etiquette, and needle point, and how to act as a proper lady."

Tyrion looked at her. "I can not help with the etiquette. But I can help you with your history" Tyrion said.

Leona massaged her hands. "I- I don't want to be hurt." She said.

Tyrion smiled. "I won't hurt you" He told the young girl. "I promise."

Leona looked down and nodded. "Alright"

Tyrion smiled. "Good" He straightened. "Now little Leona. How about I teach you some history right now."

Leona eyed him warily but followed him down the corridor.

"My lord I am so sorry" Leona's tutor said. "I did not mean to have her disturb you." She turned her attention to Leona who had been interrupted from her reading. "Come here now. You're late for your lessons."

"She did not disturb me." Tyrion said. "I offered her my services."

"Services my lord?" The tutor said.

"I know the history of Westeros" Tyrion said. "Better then anyone, I offered to help her learn."

"That is unnecessary my lord. I am perfectly capably of handling an unruly child."

"I do not find Leona to be unruly. She seems to be trying to protecting herself." Leona eyed Tyrion. "Especially her hands. How can she do needlework if you keep hitting her hand?"

"Are you to teach her the finer points of being a woman? The needlework, the sewing, how to keep the books in a household? How to curtsy and speak to those of a higher class?"

"A pity I do not know how." Tyrion said. "Or I would. But alas history is what I know. So History is what I will teach her. I shall give her back when the lesson is over, but…" He added when Leona shot him a look. "I will be watching those lessons. Just to be sure your methods, don't hinder her learning."

The tutor looked at him. "My Lord that is unnecessary, you need not worry yourself over this bastard"

"She is also my family. So I believe I do" Tyrion said. Leona kept her head low. "And I believe there should be some amount of trust between teacher and student, what type of trust are you building if you hit her everytime she get's a wrong answer? Or call her names when she is in earshot?"

Leona smiled a little.

Leona sighed as she attempted a curtsy again but winced as she wobbled.

"Again" The tutor sighed.

Leona tried again but she still wobbled so they went at it for an hour all the while Tyrion watched as Leona became more and more disheartened and more and more frustertated.

He stepped in. "Perhaps a few minutes to give her some breathing room."

The tutor sighed angrily and walked out of the room.

Leona lowered herself to the ground and sat down. She brough her legs up to her chest and sighed.

"You'll get it"

"A child can do this better then I can." Leona said.

"Because you never needed to learn how to curtsy, not the proper curtsy befitting a lady living in the kings palace" Tyrion said. "You had more important things to learn. Like hunting, and selling, and how to survive. The princess was required to learn from a very young age and as a result she's better at it. You'll get better."

"I miss Dorne" Leona sighed. "I miss my mom"

Tyrion sighed Leona had been here for only a few months. In her mind she was still a Dornish girl. Perhaps would always be.

He tried to think of something that would make her feel better.

"The Dornishman's wife was as fair as the sun,
and her kisses were warmer than spring.
But the Dornishman's blade was made of black steel,
and its kiss was a terrible thing."

Leona looked to Tyrion and tilted her head. As she watched him.

"The Dornishman's wife would sing as she bathed,
in a voice that was sweet as a peach,
But the Dornishman's blade had a song of its own,
and a bite sharp and cold as a leech." He continued.

Leona continued the song. "As he lay on the ground with the darkness around,
and the taste of his blood on his tongue,
His brothers knelt by him and prayed him a prayer,
and he smiled and he laughed and he sung,

""Brothers, oh brothers, my days here are done,
the Dornishman's taken my life,
But what does it matter, for all men must die,
and I've tasted the Dornishman's wife!
" She finished with a smile.

Tyrion sighed and took her arm. "There are more important things than knowing how to courtsy. Things you know well, if it was important your mother would have taught you." Tyrion said. "And you will, one day. All that is needed is practice."

Leona sighed and stood. "Stand straight, place your right foot behind your left, bend your knees and then slowly lift yourself – don't bob up to quickly. That's unrefined." She said sarcastically acting out the movements, her tone mocking that of her tutor.

Tyrion started to chuckle. Leona crossed her arms. "What?" She asked.

"You just did it perfectly." He said.

Leona rolled her eyes. "Now your just being mean."

Tyrion shook his head. "No, no I'm not."

Leona looked at him confused. "I was just having fun."

"Well it just worked." Tyrion said. "Try again."

The sudden burst in confidence had Leona smiling again. She tried again this time with a smile on her face and this time she didn't wobble at all. Once she had risen slowly she let go of her skirts and she became gitty and began to laugh excitedly.

"What is so funny?" Leona's Tutor asked as she entered the room.

Tyrion looked to Leona. "Nothing, miss."

The woman turned to Leona. "Now, again."

Leona eyed Tyrion for a moment. Leona took a deep breath to steady her nerves, and though about Tyrion laughing, and before the confidence could dissipate entirely, she curtsied.

The woman watched her and when Leona stood straight again. The woman nodded. "Good, now to make sure it sticks. Do it again"

Leona smiled and complied.

From then on, Tyrion witnessed her lessons, and at night would watch her practice, as she practiced over and over and over again. HE would calm her down, make her laugh as she prepared for lessons the next day.

And for the first half. Tyrion would tutor her in history and reading. And in the second half of the day her tutor would teach her, needlework, and music, and proper etiquette.