Wolf and Lion

Summery: Have adopted the story of Illeana Starbright. The daughter of Rhaegar Targaryan and Lyanna Stark; twin of Jon Snow has married Jamie Lannister and, as a consequence, became the good sister of Cersei Lannister. Now watch as she has been pulled into the Game of Thrones.

I. Eddard

Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, should have known that, when King Robert Baratheon, King of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, brought up the subject up not long after visiting the crypt of Winterfell. It had come up during one of Robert's now infrequent trips. Robert had arrived a day ago with the company of his guards, having left his wife, Cersei, and her usual parade of Lannisters behind. Ned was lucky that the subject had not come up before then. "You should tell them," Robert had said and for the first time since the conversation began, Ned should have known what was going to happen. He should have, but he ignored the issue since Robert's Rebellion had ended. Now he couldn't ignore it anymore.

"They're not ready to know," Ned said.

"They are fifteen," Robert pointed out. "The boy is a man grown and the girl had flowered. How long will you wait until you tell them?"

"Until the time is right," Ned stated.

"Time is right," Robert grumbled, swirling the wine in his cup. "Bloody hell Ned; the time will never be right! Why must you always put me in a difficult position?" Robert gulped it down.

"What do you mean?" Ned asked suspiciously. He reached for his own cup. He had a feeling that he would need a drink to help him deal with whatever Robert was going to say.

"Tywin Lannister has fallen gravely ill," Robert informed him. "The Maester tells me he shant live long. That means I've been forced to release Jaime from the Kingsguard."

Ned thought about Tywin Lannister's younger son, Tyrion. The man may have been a dwarf, but from what he had heard, the man known as the Imp was intelligent enough to run Casterly Rock. Robert did not need to release the Kingslayer for that, but it was none of his business. "Why does this concern me?" Ned asked. "Jon Arryn is still the Hand is he not? Tell this new trouble to him."

"I have," Robert said. "Jon advised me on this course of action." Then he eyed the cup of wine that Ned had yet to drink. "You best drink that." This time, Ned Stark did not hesitate to down the drink; he knew that he wasn't going to like this new bit of news. "Jon suggested that we arrange marriage between Jaime Lannister and the Starks, specifically Lucia." For a moment, Ned stared at his old friend Robert, while the news sunk in.

"She's only fifteen," Ned argued, sounding as if he had been strangled. "And even if she and Jon are Lyanna's children; they are still bastards because of Rhaegar Targaryan."

"She has already flowered," Robert pointed out, "old enough to be whelping babes. And Jon already has a solution; he suggested that I legitimize them and make them heirs of Rhaegar Targaryan and Lyanna Stark and allow them to take the Stark name."

"But why Lucia?" Ned asked hopelessly. "Why not Sansa?"

"Because Sansa will not b able to marry for three or four more years yet," Robert pointed out. "I am sorry Ned." Ned Stark nodded and stood up.

"I will inform Lucia of the arrangements tomorrow. I assume that the Lannisters will be joining you," Ned stated, resigned to his niece's fate.

"Yes," Robert answered. "I shall send a raven to them in the morning. I am truly sorry it had to come to this Ned." Eddard Stark nodded once, briskly but not disrespectfully and left the room. Robert finished the wine before leaving for his chamber in the Stark's keep. Ned on the other hand, went to Winterfell's outer wall.

He had hoped that one day, Lucia and Jon, twins born to his sister Lyanna by Rhaegar Targaryan, would be named Starks, but everything else mentioned in that conversation what stuff from his worst nightmare. The girl who has been a daughter to him all these years would be married to the Kingslayer and become part of the family that murdered Elia Martell and her children. He had hoped that Lucia might marry Theon Greyjoy because Theon and Luce got along so well. Now the only other option was to betroth Sansa to Theon. Ned frowned; Theon seemed to genuinely like Lucia presence. He tolerated Arya's presence and avoided Sansa's at all cost. No, an alliance with the Greyjoys through marriage was no longer possible; unless he married Theon to one of his bannermen's daughters.

Lucia would become a Lannister; she would marry the Kingslayer and go south. That would leave Sansa and Arya to have arranged marriages in the north, as well as Robb. Jon will probably follow his twin South or leave for somewhere else. Ned breath out a sigh; he would have to tell Catelyn the truth about Jon and Lucia's heritage. He was already developing a headache just thinking about it. Catelyn Tully Stark was the least of his problems, because the Lannisters were coming to Winterfell.