Just One Mistake
Fifteen year old Anakin Skywalker stared at the ceiling. He was in the Jedi Temple's Halls of Healing.
Damn it Obi-Wan! Why did you leave me here? He groaned and tried to turn over but his IV stopped him. He growled, about to take it out, but a voice stopped him.
"No, Skywalker. It needs to stay in."
Anakin fell back onto the bed with a soundless snarl. "Why are you here, Master Windu?"
"I sensed your distress, but you were only dreaming."
Anakin turned to stare at him. "You came to offer help?"
Windu glared at him. "I may not trust you, Skywalker, but I'm not going to let you die!"
Anakin turned away. "Why?"
Mace Windu's eyebrow rose. "What?"
Anakin sighed explosively. "Why would you care if I died? Why would you want to come down here, knowing the Halls of Healing are probably the safest place for me? Why come to help me?" Anakin's voice became tinged with desperation. His eyes were pleading, as if saying Please, assure me that I'm not alone. Please tell me that I'm not hated!
Mace stepped back, unnerved by the vulnerability Skywalker was showing so willingly. The moment passed. Anakin's eyes became colder. The boy turned his head and ignored Windu.
Mace Windu walked out, a chill crawled up his back. He had the strangest feeling that he just failed a test from the Force.
A very important test…