Chapter 1

Sup, guys? :D StoryMakerr014 here and this is my first time posting a story in SAO fandom as well as posting a harem fic. After watching S2Ep02 last month on our local channel, I was instantly hooked and fell in love with the story. :D Hence, the creation of this fic.

Now, this is heavily Rated T for now. But that might change as the story progresses. I'm not decided yet though. XD

Anyway, hope you will like this. Enjoy!

Groaning in pain, Kirigaya Kazuto woke up.

His head throbbed, as if a dozen hammers were pounding his skull. He was lying on something soft, his head resting on a cushy pillow, and he could tell that there was a thick blanket covering him. A faint scent wafted, but he couldn't identify it. The rythmic ticking of a clock could be heard somewhere in the room, and there was a warm feeling in the air. It was definitely morning already.

Wait. Morning?

He cracked open his eyes in an instant but immediately shut them afterwards as the throbbing in his head increased. Placing a hand in his forehead and scrunching his eyebrows in discomfort, he waited patiently for the pain to subside. It didn't take long, however, and he finally exhaled as he slowly opened his eyes once again. For a moment, he thought he was in his room. But he soon realized that couldn't be possible. The ceiling was much too different. And there was a canopy above him with silky translucent curtains enclosing the bed. The room was much bigger too than his, and there were expensive furnitures. To his left was a window, sunlight streaming through it and illuminating the inside.

No. Wherever he was right now, it's definitely not in his house. As he tried to sit up to get a more proper view of his surroundings, something warm and long and slender suddenly pressed on his chest.

He stopped moving immediately. Trying hard not to panic, he slowly tilted his head to the right and was greeted with the angelic face of his beloved girlfriend and in-game wife, Yuuki Asuna.

For a moment, his confusion vanished. It always happens everytime he looked at her. Every worries he has, his fears and confusion and doubts, he would forget about them the moment he sets his eyes upon her. It was as if she has this power that can melt the troubles away, making him feel that everything will be alright.

Kazuto smiled and placed a hand on Asuna's head, stroking her hair gently. The sight of her sleeping peacefully in his arms with one of her hands placed directly at where his heart was, the heart that she had stolen and which he gave without hesitation, was enough to make him feel giddy. Her long chestnut brown hair, her soft lips that he loved to kiss, her silky smooth and porcelain skin. He was extremely lucky to have her as his girlfriend. And though he hated to admit it, secretly, he always thanked Kayaba Akihiko for creating Sword Art Online. Without the Death Game, he would have never met her.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted as Asuna stirred, snuggling closer to his chest and making him sighed. Her actions caused him to adjust his hand and placed it on her bare shoulders, her skin warm and-

Eh? Bare shoulders?

His eyes widened in shock and he quickly withdrew his hands away from her in terror. Asuna was obviously naked, and as soon as he realized it, he hastily checked under the blanket.

"Oh fuck..." He whispered, and he snapped his head away.

He was wearing nothing. No briefs. No short. Nothing at all. Which means...

Kazuto trembled. Just what the hell happened last night? He couldn't remember anything! And though he closed his eyes as he tried to focus on the events, his memory was hazy. The only thing he knows was there was a party...

A party! Yes, that's it! It was a summer party and it was held at Asuna's house. Many of their friends had attended and... that's all he could remember. His mind came blank after that. Groaning in frustration, Kazuto sighed once again and opened his eyes to look at Asuna. She was still sleeping with a smile on her lips. No doubt, she was dreaming about something good.

She's really beautiful.

He shook his head. This was bad. Very bad. He may not remember it, but he knew something did happened between them. Something intimate. Worst, they did it right on her house. In fact, he just noticed that the bed they were lying on belonged to her parents. And if they found out about this...

"Onii-chan..." A very familiar voice sighed to his right.

For the second time since he woke up, Kazuto froze. Something warm, soft and round suddenly pressed on his right arm. What's more, another hand that was definitely not his or Asuna's rested on his chest, crisscrossing to that of his girlfriend's. Whimpering slightly, he ever so slowly tilted his head to the right and saw something, or rather someone, that made his heart briefly stopped.

There she was, sleeping soundly with her upper body exposed, her face framed by her hair. Kirigaya Suguha sighed once more in her sleep as she nuzzled on Kazuto's right shoulder, a content smile playing on her lips while her bare chest rubbed against his arm. Under any normal circumstances, no one would find anything wrong with this. However, this was definitely not a normal circumstance.

"OH MY GOD!" Kazuto screamed in shock and fright, instantly scrambling into a seating position and pressing his back on the wall.

What the... what the hell is going on?! Why was his adopted sister and cousin naked and sleeping beside him? Did... did he just had sex with her too?! Even as these thoughts ran through his mind, he stared at them in fright as they finally began to move.

"Kazuto-kun..." Asuna mumbled sleepily as she slowly woke up. As her eyes settled on him, she gave him a drowsy yet puzzled look. "Kazuto-kun, what's wrong?" She asked as she sat up, not bothering to cover herself as she snuggled closer to him.

However, Kazuto didn't reply. He was too busy staring at something on the bed. Aside from him, Asuna and his sister, there were three other lumps under the blanket. One was just beside his sister, while two were directly next to each other beside Asuna. There were also a lot of clothes that obviously didn't belonged to either of them scattered around the floor, as if they were hastily discarded. And even as he stared at them in rising horror, the lumps slowly stirred to reveal the sleepy faces and nude forms of Shino, Rika and Keiko.

Kazuto's eyes widened. A cold feeling suddenly crawled up his spine, and neither Asuna's warmth nor that of his sister's body was enough to suppress it.

"Kazuto-kun, is there a problem?" Asuna asked with worry, staring at him. She gently rubbed her hand across his chest, and to his terror, his lower region was starting to tingle at her touch. Meanwhile, around them, the girls were starting to wake up.

"Morning, Onii-chan." Suguha smiled radiantly as she sat up, leaning on Kazuto's right shoulder. Just like Asuna, she started to caress his chest. Seeing his shocked expression, she frowned. "Onii-chan, are you alright?" She asked, repeating what Asuna had just asked.

"Sugu..." Kazuto whispered before turning his attention back at Asuna. However, noticing their current position, he squeaked in fear and frantically squirmed away from their grasp, much to the girl's confusion.

"Kazuto, are you okay?" Asuna asked again, wide awake now and seating up straight as she stared at him with concern. Behind her, Rika and Keiko wore the same expression, though the former seemed to be holding back her giggles. As for Shino, she simply stared at him with a mixture of annoyance, amusement and embarassment.

"Asuna." Kazuto stuttered, trying his best not look at any of their exposed bodies. All of them were seating around him now, though they didn't bother to hide themselves from his gaze. "W-Why are you and the g-g-girls n-n-naked?" He stammered. At this, Asuna's face turned red and she glanced down in embarassment.

"Don't you like it?" She asked quietly, avoiding his eyes.

"Like what?" Kazuto blinked, puzzled. It took several seconds before Asuna answered.

"Us... naked around you." She mumbled softly, blushing hard.

Kazuto's jaw dropped. "Why would I like all of you naked around me?" He blurted in response.

There was an audible gasp from Asuna as she snapped her head up to look at him. There was a combination of hurt and confusion in her eyes, and the others stared at him with the same expression. An awkward silence passed between them, until at last, Shino spoke.

"I can't believe we all fell in love with this idiot." She muttered as she crossed her arms, face beet red.

"Onii-chan, don't you remember what happened last night?" Suguha asked slowly.

Kazuto blinked. "...No." He said, more a question than a statement. The truth was, he doesn't remember much at all. Heck, he couldn't even remember how he got into this room. Much less how and why all of them were naked on the same bed. Behind Asuna, Rika hummed softly.

"Perhaps, you need someone to make you remember it?" She suggested with a smirk, eyes gleaming dangerously. "I'll volunteer if you want." She said with a small grin as she slowly advanced to his position.

"No!" Asuna's left hand suddenly slammed on the wall next to her, making all of them jump in surprise and cutting off Rika from her destination. For a moment, there was a fire burning in her eyes, and Kazuto trembled at this, but it was soon replaced with deep concern.

"Kazuto-kun," She whispered as she leaned closer to him, "don't you really remember what we did last night?"

Kazuto gulped. "I-I don't really remember!" He stuttered, looking at all of them in bewilderment. "Can you just tell me? Please?" He pleaded. Even as he said this, there was a sinking feeling in the pits of his stomach. And if his hunch was correct...

Asuna sighed and turned away from him. With a downcast gaze, she spoke in a quiet tone.

"You had sex... with all of us."

So, how's that? Are they OOC? Hope I did well. :D Now, since I got a busy schedule, I may not be able to post the next chapter as soon as possible. But I'll try. :)

Anyway, that's it! Please Read & Review! :D

Until next time!