Beyond the Sky
I see the Earth below me,
Out here, beyond the sky.
I ask, am I up here to live,
Or am I here to die?
God is not in Heaven,
And there is no sign of Hell.
I'm still among the living,
But are the living living well?
I see the world below me,
Above any that have soared.
My mind begins to turn its wheels,
Thoughts coming to the fore.
I do not see our countries,
I just see parts of land.
I do not see the wars we fight,
I see the seas so grand.
I see the world turn on its axis,
I see starlight in the dark.
I see a world that could ignite,
One button press, or spark.
I see a world below me,
A world that should all be as one.
A glowing sphere of shining life,
Where all could be undone.
And thus my thoughts, they turn to dreams,
And my craft goes on to fly.
Up here, above the world below,
Up here, beyond the sky.