

Landon Richardson


The characters of Steve McGarrett, Chin Ho Kelly, Kono Kalakaua, Adam 'Toast' Charles and anyone else who might sound familiar do not belong to me in any shape or form, I am merely using them for my own entertainment purposes

The character of Danni Williams is probably mine by now. Even though she was originally based on male Danny Williams I think it's probably safe to say that's she her own individual character by now, especially since I've created a back ground for her which is different to male Danny's background in the show. This also affects Grace who is different from the show as well in ways.

The character of Special Agent Jack O'Connor, does belong to me though

I should also add that if a character is mentioned who you are not instantly aware of then that character belong to me as well

Author Note

Welcome to snippets.

This is where I shall be putting up little drabbles and one shots up when it comes to the McDanni saga. The main saga is of course the McDanni case saga, but these are just little hints as to what is to come. Some are set in the future where McDanni is established, others set in the past to show how things used to be. They will feature all the characters in the McDanni case saga so hopefully they will give you an understanding of them.

The majority of these won't be long chapters, probably a thousand words or so but hopefully you'll enjoy them and they'll wet your appetite for what's to come in the main saga.

Anyway enjoy

Overall Summary

Little Snippets into the world of the McDanni saga featuring plenty of Ohana moments and a look into the McDanni relationship.

Chapter Summary

It was a win, win situation

Overall Romance

Steve McGarrett / Danni Williams (McDanni)

Others though they are currently a secret which no one knows bar me!

Chapter Romance

This time it's safe to say that it's all about McDanni

Other note

Nearly all the places I have stated are either made up or I've got from the internet so I'm sorry in advance if I get an address wrong or anything. My geography on Hawaii is very poor having never been there before!

Chapter One

November 2010

Kono Kalakaua sighed as she reached up and rubbed tiredly at her eyes, dropping her pen into the surface of her desk before she flexed her fingers, trying to ease the cramp she was experiencing. When her cousins who worked in the police force had spoken about their jobs they had certainly left out the never ending supply of paperwork and forms which she had to constantly fill in, the way they had acted it had all been nonstop action. It was no surprise her cousin Chin Ho Kelly had looked so amused the first time he had seen her face at the sight of the files which has landed on her desk, all needing completing by the next day.

She was more used to it now, two months on the job had made sure of that but she still didn't like doing it and she dreaded paperwork days more than any other kind of day that they went through which was saying a lot because they had experienced some truly awful days since they had begun back in September. Days which still had her waking up each night, drenched in sweat with a scream lodged in her throat.

She dropped her hand, looking up through the glass of her office taking in her colleagues. Chin was in his office, typing away at his computer, a look of concentration on his face which often meant he had established some sort of rhythm which wouldn't end until the last wording had been typed. Jack O'Connor was on the phone in his own office, throwing a stress ball up in the air and catching it before repeating the motion as he spoke. Toast was nowhere to be seen and her two bosses were together in Danni Williams's office. She watched curiously as Steve McGarrett paced in front of Danni's desk, a tension to his body which told Kono that the other man was stressed about it though she had no idea what it could be. Steve tended to keep his private life private from the rest of the team, something he had no doubt learnt from the navy. Her gaze dropped from Steve to focus on Danni instead. The other woman was reading something at her desk, nodded every so often in a way that told Kono that Danni was listening to Steve even if she wasn't looking at him. The fact that she wasn't looking at him didn't seem to bother Steve in the slightest.

It was a regular occurrence to see Steve in Danni's office or Danni's in Steve's office on a daily basis though Kono had no idea what the pair of them talked about with each other. Sometimes she thought it was about their cases, other times it seemed more personal if the looks on their faces were anything to go by.

It seemed to be more and more personal each time they spoke though. She wondered whether they even realised the way they were with each other or the way they had been skirting around each other since day one. If they did they weren't acting like they were ever going to act on it. It was so frustrating to watch. The one time she had broached it to Chin when they had been at the bar during team drinks, he had told her not to interfere with it and to let them get on with it. Kono had agreed at the time but the more she had watched them and seen them together the more she was determined to get them together. The secret romantic in her demanded it.

She carried on watching the pair of them, waiting until Steve turned and left Danni's office and headed back into his own, closing the door behind him. She stayed sitting for a moment before she came to her feet and headed out of her office and across the way to Danni's, she knocked in the door, entering it when Danni waved her in. She closed the door behind her, smiling at Danni when the other woman smiled at her.

"Hey Kono" Danni said softly. "Everything okay? You're not having trouble with the Wilkins case are you?" She asked her.

"Naw I got all that covered sis" Kono said, taking the seat on the opposite side of Danni's desk, leaning back into it. "The Boss seems pretty heated up over something, what's up with him?" She asked curiously. Danni's grey eyes flickered up to meet hers for a moment, searching them carefully before she looked back down at the papers she was working through.

"His sister Mary is flying in tomorrow for a visit and it's got him pretty worked up. He'll be fine though, he always is." Danni commented, her voice taking on a tone which told Kono that Danni wouldn't be saying anything more on the subject.

"Visiting family can always be a nightmare" Kono remarked lightly. "At least he has you to talk to about it"

Danni tilted her head to the side, looking closely at Kono again before she spoke.

"That he does, I'm his partner it kind of goes with the job" She remarked lightly. Kono nodded.

"I'm sure it does" Kono agreed. Danni frowned slightly before she leaned back in her chair.

"Is there something you want to say Kono?" She queried,

"Nope, I just think it's good that the boss man has you to rely on. He clearly needs you" She commented before she stood up, flashing Danni a smile. "I best get on with my paperwork, unfortunately it's not going to go anywhere if I don't however much I might want it to" She said, flashing Danni smile as she lifted her hand up in a wave and turned leaving the office, a grin coming to her face.

Hopefully she had managed to plant one seed in Danni's head about her and Steve. Now all she had to do was wait until the opportunity to plant another one came up.

Kono was determined that she would get Steve and Danni together if it was the last thing she did.

God knows they needed each other and besides if Steve was happy than the rest of them could be happy as well because he would relax.

It was a win, win situation for all.

Author Note

Thanks for taking the time to read.

An especially big thank you if you've taken the time to leave a review, follow or favourite the story. I really appreciate it.