Set at the end of season 1 episode 5

"I didn't want anything to…" I start, trying to explain everything before Coulson yells, "Stop lying!"

I flinch.

"Since the moment you stepped foot on this plane you've been lying to my face, to all of us." In all honesty I haven't ever lied to them I just failed to supply them with the whole truth. I equivocated. A skill I learnt as a child never tell a lie just don't expand on the minimal truth the other person knows so that they think they know all and hold all the cards.

"I haven't…" I try to explain but Coulson cuts me off again.

"You're lying to me now. I stood up for you to my team down there. And some of us started to believe in you, risked our lives for you." That hurt. I suddenly feel as if I had let him down. I had let down the kindest man I have ever come across. Admittedly, I didn't come here with a mind set to disappoint everybody. I just came for the information it gave me access to. The information that really was a matter of life or death.

I feel rotten from the inside out, more than I ever had. "I…" I try to explain, to tell him how I feel, however, I am unable to find the right words.

"Why are you here? You've been keeping secrets from us this whole time and it wasn't just a boyfriend. You have a secret Skye and one chance to come out with it. That is now, or I'm done with you." Coulson's words cut deep and I know it is time to come clean otherwise this would all be nothing my search would practically be over and in all honesty I should spend the rest of my short life doing what I want rather than chasing down a miracle.

I pull out the SD card from my bra and hand it to him. "What's this?" He asks.

"Everything I have" I admit and of course, he takes it the wrong way.

"On us" I can hear the disappointment and hurt in his voice.

"On me" I inform him and it is. It is everything that was in my files before I got rid of them. That SD card holds my entire life story on it. It also includes the one document I have found in the search for my parents. "That's why I learnt to hack systems. Why I joined the Rising Tide. To find any details I could about my parents. There's nothing. No records. There is no trace of them. My life in the hands of a search that has led to a single document redacted by S.H.I.E.L.D." I explain to him. "I need the answers that S.H.I.E.L.D. are covering up."

"You might not like what you find." He tells me. It wouldn't matter, if they don't help me well; chances are I won't be around long enough to really care about who they are.

"I need to try," I say simply.

"Why? You keep talking as if this search for your absent parents is a matter of life or death. Why?" Coulson asks and I can tell he is actually curious as to why I am so adamant that I need to find my parents. So I take a deep breath and look him straight in the eyes.

"Because it is. Next time I relapse I won't be able to survive unless I have a bone marrow transplant." He looks shocked and saddened, I guess I do hide the fact I am a cancer patient well.

"How long have you had leukemia?" He asks softly almost as if I could break at any moment.

"I was eight when I was first diagnosed and underwent a year and a half of chemo until it went into remission when I was ten. I relapsed at sixteen and had another two years of chemo lasted another two years in remission before another relapse, had another two years of chemo. I have now been in remission a year." I tell him keeping my voice as steady as possible "The doctors don't think I will survive my next relapse without a transplant." I watch his face uncertain of what he will do when suddenly he tells me to "stay here" before rushing away leaving me to wonder what he is planning.

When he returns he appears to be holding a DNA testing swab.

"Open wide" he says before swabbing the inside of my cheek. Yep, totally a DNA test. He screws the swab back into the jar to stop it being contaminated before explaining. "I can't help you with the document as it is level nine, I might be able to pull some strings but it will take time, so I thought we could run a DNA test and see if anyone in the S.H.I.E.L.D. database is a match."

I jump up and hug him. "Thank-you" I tell him. "You have no idea how much this means to me." This has to be the single nicest thing anybody has ever done for me even after I betrayed him as well.

I turn to leave the office before turning back to him. "Feel free to read the rest of the files on the SD card. It won't be a pretty read but if you want to you can read it" I tell him knowing that he won't use what he finds in there to hurt me in any way shape or form. I leave Coulson's office with an enormous grin on my face.

Coulson's POV

As soon as I learnt why Skye was here, I knew I had to help her; the question was how? The redacted file she had found was level nine, one level above my own clearance. I could talk to Maria, call in a favor, but even though she would try her best, who knows how long that would take.
Then it hit me.
A DNA test.
It might not go anywhere but it might just.

"Stay here." I told Skye before I exited the office. I went down to the lab, which was miraculously empty due to the fact Ward and Fitzsimmons had decided to play a game of Scrabble to distract themselves. I took a DNA testing swab and made my way back up to Skye.

"Open wide." Is all is said before I swabbed the inside of her cheek. I made sure the sample wouldn't get contaminated before I explained to Skye. "I can't help you with the document as it is level nine, I might be able to pull some strings but it will take time, so I thought we could run a DNA test and see if anyone in the S.H.I.E.L.D. database is a match."

Before I knew what was happening I was engulfed in a hug and Skye was telling me "Thank-you. You have no idea what this means to me." I looked into her eyes and I knew that was true. There is no way I can ever fully understand the consequences of my actions as I have never and will never be in the position Skye was in.

She started to make her way to the door but stopped halfway there and turned back to look at me. "Feel free to read the rest of the files on the SD card. It won't be a pretty read but if you want to you can read it," She told me before she finished her journey out of my office.

Deciding to leave Simmons to her game of Scrabble I sat down and began to read.