Chapter 10 The Truth

"I know. And that's why I need your help." "With what?" Chad looked very confused.

"Well…." Jack grinned. "I saw an advertisement the other day for a music competition here on campus next month. It's put on by several famous record labels. There will be a bunch of them there, and several popular artists. The winning group/artist gets a trip to the headquarters of the record label of their choice. While they are there, they will begin a contract for one album. I really want to enter, but I need a band."

"So, this is where I come in?" Chad asked, grinning.

"Yup. How would you like to play the piano?"

"That sounds great. But, what does this have to do with telling Elsa the truth" Chad said, with a skeptical look.

"Ok, so, we need to practice in front of some people. So I thought we could practice for the choir. I have the perfect song, to you know… kind of apologize through song to Elsa. Then, I will tell her."

"Okay then. I think that will work. When do we start?"

"No better time than the present." Jack smiled.


Elsa set her book bag underneath her chair before she sat down for choir class. She saw Jack get up from his seat and go to Mrs. Fox's desk. She nodded and smiled as he spoke to her. He walked away and left the room. Moments later he walked in with a cobalt electric guitar, followed by Chad with two binders. Elsa gave her cousin a questioning look. What was he doing here?

Jack began to talk about this competition he was going to enter as he plugged his guitar into an amp. Chad gave him a stand and a binder, then set himself up at the piano. Jack said that he was going run-through his song for the choir.

Then he looked straight at Elsa, and smiled. "You burn so bright, I see stars. The way ya laugh, it's like a heavenly choir. You make me feel, invincible. When you're with me, I can take on the world. You were comet, and I lost it. Watching for comets, Will I see you again? You burn so bright, you burn me up tonight."

"Say my name, I'll be there. I didn't know, you should have said that you cared. It's not too late, for broken hearts. Take my hand, make a wish on a star. You were a comet, and I lost it. Watching for comets, will I see you again?"

"Everybody needs someone, but they can't feel like this. How can I breathe with this burning in my chest? You were gone so fast, I want ya back. You were a comet, and I lost it. (Time to spread my wings and fly.) Watching for comets, will I see you again? (Time to fly away so high.)"

"Now I see you I'm frozen time. All your colors, burst into life. I don't dare close my eyes, cause a love like this, happens once in a lifetime."

"You were a comet, and I lost it. Watching for comets, will I see you again? Everybody needs someone, but they can't feel like this. How can I breathe with this burning in my chest? You were gone so fast, I want ya back. You were a comet, and I lost it. (Time to spread my wings and fly.) Watching for comets, will I see you again? (Time to fly away so high.)"

"You burn so bright, you burn me up tonight"

Elsa's eyes were wide, and she felt pride and happiness bubble inside her. For one, he had an incredible voice and two, if she understood correctly, he was going to let her in. She looked over at Mrs. Fox and caught her eyes. She nodded to her and Jack. Elsa got up and left the room. Jack joined her in the hallway. He smiled at her, and took her hand in his.

"Follow me." He said.


His stomach fluttered when she smiled back at him. He wasn't sure if his uneasiness came from being close to her, or from the fact that he was about to tell her everything. He led her outside and to a bench by the campus pond. He tightened his grip on her hand as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Elsa, I'm really sorry for keeping this from you. I knew I was going to have to tell you someday, but I tried ignoring it instead."

"It's okay, I know that whatever it is, it must be painful. And I know what that's like." She said, attempting to comfort him.

"Thank you. Well… um, about a year before I started college, I was in the mall, just hanging around, and stuff. I was about to leave, when I saw this girl walking really fast, and then she began running. A little ways behind her, I realized that some guy was following her. A while later I saw him pushing her against the wall in a dark corner. She looked really scared, so I walked closer and she mouthed help. So I ran up and shoved the guy. We started fighting and the next thing I knew, he wasn't moving." Jack stopped his explanation. He took a deep breath and looked into her eyes. "Elsa, I killed that man."

Jack watched Elsa's face. He looked into her eyes, searching for her feelings. Was she repulsed? Disappointed, or frightened? Before she could respond, he decided to continue his story.

"A couple weeks later, I told my mom. She helped me, and put me in counseling. I wasn't charged for man-slaughter. Something about the circumstances and my age, but I think it was a down-right miracle. I finished my senior year, and was accepted into DDU. And then I met you. And I liked you, right from the start. I met your cousin Chad first, as my new roommate, and I had to tell him everything. He thought nothing of it. But then I went to your dorm, and I realized that I had to tell you. That scared me to no end."

"But why did you run out like that? You were looking at a picture of my sister. Does she have something to do with it, somehow?" Elsa said, confusion clearly evident on her face.

"Because, that girl at the mall, was Anna." Jack said. He once again searched her face. Her eyes widened in shock.

"How? How could she keep this from me? From everyone? What did that man look like?" Elsa babbled.

"He had red hair. Tall, and a bit older than Anna. Sideburns." Jack mumbled, feeling slightly uncomfortable explaining the features of the man he killed.

"That's him. That's Hans. Anna's old boyfriend. I had told her not to date him. He was graduated and she was only a freshman. He was totally creepy. But she never spoke about him after… oh my goodness… after her shopping trip in Burgess!" Elsa ran a hand through her hair. Something else dawned on her. "Jack, you saved my sister! How can I ever thank you?" She leaned forward and gave him a hug.

Jack was shocked. He looked down at her hugging his body, and slowly he wrapped his arms around her. He smiled. "So, you don't…you don't think of me any differently?" Elsa pulled away and looked up at him.

"Of course I think of you differently." Elsa paused and smiled. "You are a hero."

Jack let out a breath and a smile. "You really think so?"

"Of course. You saved my sister, and you have braved through all that has happened. And, although I wish you had told me sooner, I'm glad you did in the end. Jack, I just want you to promise me something."

"Anything." He said, leaning forward slightly.

"Never keep secrets from me. And I won't keep secrets from you." Elsa put a hand on his shoulder. "Promise?"

"I promise." Jack said. He stared into her eyes, unknowingly leaning closer and closer. She was amazing. He couldn't believe that this went so well. Every fear fell away. Every wall he built, crumbled.


Elsa realized how close their faces were. She felt the same butterflies she felt a couple weeks ago at the creek. He made her feel happy and scared at the same time. It was like riding a rollercoaster. Then she felt their lips touch. It was a sweet, still kiss. It wasn't really heated or passionate, it was slow and patient, and most of all it was filled with love. Actions speak louder than words. The action was that both of them decided to let the other in. They allowed their walls to be broken.

They pulled apart, and Elsa leaned her head against Jack's chest. She listened to his heart beat, which was a bit faster than normal. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed. She was so happy. Happier than she had ever felt in a very long time. She felt full, and complete. Where had this man been all her life?

Elsa could feel him smiling against her skin as he pushed his nose into the crook of her neck. She giggled as his hair tickled her neck. She pulled away from him again, and grabbed his hand. He intertwined their fingers and smiled at her.

"Elsa, I love you." He said.

"I love you too."

"Someone find me a bucket to barf in!" Said a familiar voice from behind them. Jack's smile quickly fell from his face. Elsa gasped when she saw Pitch walking towards them.

"Pitch, leave us alone, okay." Jack said, trying to stay calm.

"Why, just so you two can continue your make out session? Why would I do that, when I could find entertainment in embarrassing you in front of your girlfriend?" Pitch laughed. "I mean, it wouldn't take much, considering who I'm talking to."

Jack glanced at Elsa, before looking back at Pitch. "You can't hurt me anymore."

"Jack," Elsa said quietly. "Let's just leave."

"Okay." Jack said, getting up.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where do you think you're going?"


"Oh, I don't think so." Pitch grabbed Jack by the shoulder and punched him in the stomach. Elsa heard Jack grunt. "What ya' gonna do toothpick? I know you don't have the guts to hit me back. Oh, Elsa, did he tell what he did? He murdered someone while in high school. Now he's too chicken to fight me. After everything that I've done to him, he hasn't laid a hand on me. Isn't that cute?" Pitch flashed his perfectly fang-like teeth at Elsa.

"Yes. I do know what happened. And Jack is a hero. You? You're just a coward." She spit out. "I also know what you've been doing to him, and it's horrible. It's not even human. Jack has done everything he can to fix what he did, and he still lets it torture him. Do you even feel bad for what you are doing to him? No, I don't think you do. And that is why Jack is a hero. You are the one who has no guts."

"Oooh, feisty." Pitch walked over to Elsa and reached out to touch her. "I like you."

"Do not even breathe on her." Jack growled. Pitch quickly grabbed Elsa's arms and twisted them behind her. Jack lunged at him, and hit him in the face. Pitch howled in pain, and pushed Elsa away.

"This is not over Frost!" He said through gritted teeth before walking away.

Jack leaned down and helped Elsa up.

"Are you alright?" He asked, his eyes still dancing wildly.

"Yes I'm fine. Are you hurt?" Elsa glanced at his ribs.

"Not really, but I'll have I nasty bruise there for a while. Thank you for saying all of that back there."

"I meant every word. By the way, how come you never told me about Pitch? I saw you getting beat up a while back. I distracted Pitch and got the campus nurse to help you. I've been really concerned about you, but I thought you would tell me when you were ready."

"I didn't want you to think I was coward for not fighting back. I've just been so scared to throw a punch since the incident. Until now of course. He really had that coming." Jack grinned slightly.

"Yes he did. And like I said. You're a hero, not a coward. And that's actually kind of noble of you not to fight anymore. But there are times when you simply need to defend yourself. You've got that figure out now I think." Elsa swung their intertwined hands, and began to walk. "Now let's go get something to eat. I'm starving!"


Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I feel like it's not as good as it should be, seeing as it is the feel good climax. I guess I'm a little rusty. More like a lot, but whatever. Practice makes perfect, and I need more practice. Just like I need to practice my clarinet, my piano, and my guitar, and do chores, and run a bible study, and update a blog more regularly, and start exercising. And that's just during the summer. I really need to prioritize my hobbies and stuff. I have too many.

Anywho, this is not the last chapter. I'm planning on making a couple more. I need Pitch to make his final blow, and reveal the answer to a mystery you guys don't even know about. And I want the families to meet a little, and Anna to meet Jack, which will be really weird. J But interesting! I also have an epilogue planned. Depending on the reviews, I may make a one-shot based off some missing things in the epilogue.

I hope you guys liked the song in this chapter! I thought it was perfect. :D Anyways, I need to go. BYE BYE!

God Bless!
