"Okay boys, the foster home representative is coming very soon," Arthur said after getting off of the phone.

"Sweet," Alfred said, looking up from one of his many handheld games.

"So I need you to get dressed."

"I am dressed."

"No, put on a good shirt and brush your hair."

"Ugh fine," he groaned and trudged to his room.

"And you," Arthur turned to Francis.

"Yes?" Francis said with a sly smirk, like he thought Arthur was about to fall all over him. As if.

"Dress less.. Bright."

"What about your outfit?"

"There's nothing wrong with what I wear, as always. I'm a gentleman, and dress as such."

"You keep telling yourself that," Alfred said as he appeared in the living room, "how's this?"

"You need to brush your hair."

"I did," he groaned.s

"Then what's this?" Arthur said and pulled at the boy's stubborn cowlick that seemed to defy all laws of gravity and hair gel.

"Hey!" Alfred said and pulled away, "don't you think I tried?"

"No, I don't. Go try again," he ordered.

"I'm gonna look like a little church boy!"

"That's what I want," he said and lightly pushed him towards the bathroom.

Arthur sighed and looked around the spotless house. If they were going to do this, they were going to make a good impression.

He tidied up the couch pillows and knelt down to straighten the already neat rug. His eye caught a picture of himself with Francis and Alfred. It had been their first time meeting, and Arthur had mediated it by taking them to a fair. 9-year-old Alfred had immediately latched onto Francis- especially when he won the boy an alien plush. The picture was all three of them- and the alien- standing in front of the Ferris wheel.

"That was a great day" Francis spoke, gently touching Arthur's back to bring him to the present.

"It was. I had fun," Arthur said and stood.

"Maybe we could take Matthew after he arrives," Francis suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea," Arthur mused, "and then leave Alfred there."

"I heard that!" Alfred shouted as he entered the living room again, his hair no different.

"Too bad for you that he knows his way home," Francis chuckled.

Arthur sighed and walked into the kitchen to take the kettle off the stove as it whistled.

Just then there was a knock on the door, and before he could even take a step toward it, Francis had already opened the door.

"Bonjour, belle," Francis said with a flourish, "please, come in."

Arthur rolled his eyes and hoped she didn't already dislike them.

The young lady smiled politely and stepped in. "My name is Lily, and I trust you know why I'm here."

"Of course. We're very excited to have you," Francis said and took her hand, kissing the top, "My name is Francis."

She blushed and looked over at Alfred, who was practically bouncing in excitement. "Hi, I'm Alfred! But you can call me anytime," he grinned cheekily.

Arthur resisted the urge to face palm and instead cleared his throat to gather her attention. "Arthur. It's a pleasure to meet you," he said and shook her hand.

"It's nice to meet you all. Looks like you have a lovely home," Lily said, looking around.

Arthur smiled in pride, "Thank you. Please, have a seat," he gestured to the loveseat, "would you like something to drink? I just brewed a fresh pot of tea."

"Tea would be nice," she said and sat, placing a folder on the coffee table.

Francis and Alfred sat on the couch as Arthur brought back cups for both of them. She thanked him and he sat on the other side of Francis.

"So, uh..." Lily stared at Alfred, "sorry this is so weird. You look almost exactly like Matthew."

"I told you guys we're brothers- and twins! That's, like, all the proof we need!" Alfred smiled.

"Don't get ahead of yourself," Arthur said.

Lily opened her folder of papers and smiled, "Let's get started, then."

"I call this meeting of the Cool Kids to order!" Feli said and banged a book on the old wood table as if it was a gavel. "First thing's first, Matthew has some really good news!"

"I wouldn't say it's necessarily really good..." Matthew said, glancing around the hideout, "I think it's more scary, actually. A representative is visiting my brother in England, today. They have to make a good impression so I can go live with them and be adopted."

"I think that's exciting! They're going to do wonderful and you'll be out really soon!" Feli said enthusiastically.

"Yeah. I think they'll do fine too. Alfred told me that his dad likes everything to be neat and he's really polite."

"No need to be worried, then!" Feli said and looked at Ludwig, "and you, Mr. Grumpyface, need to stop worrying too."

"I can't..." Ludwig said, not meeting Feli's eyes, "my brother he's... dying."

"Oh no," Matthew whispered. He hadn't heard about Gilbert in a few days so this was news to him.

"The doctors will help him," Feli said, trying to stay positive.

"They can't. They're giving up. Gilbert can barely talk to me," Ludwig balled up his fists.

"But he's still so young, they can't just give u-"

Ludwig hit his fist on the table. "Enough! He's dying and there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it!" He yelled, holding back tears.

Feli jumped at the bang and looked like he was about to cry as well. "L-Luddy, I didn't mean to..." He sniffled and wiped at his eyes.

Ludwig stood and gently hugged Feli, all of his anger replaced with worry, "I'm sorry. It's just hard for me. I'm so sorry."

Matthew realized this was a private moment and left the room without them noticing. Poor Ludwig. His dad and his brother dying within months of each other... Matthew couldn't even begin to imagine how that felt.

A few hours later, a call came in from Alfred.

"So? How did it go?" Matthew asked, trying not to get his hopes up too high.

"I think it went really well. The girl that came here was really nice and cute. She interviewed us and we filled out some papers. Nothing too exciting," Alfred recalled.

"You sound like it was the most exciting thing ever," Matthew smiled.

"Okay, fine, it was pretty awesome. I just wish the girl was more into me."

"Oh no, you didn't hit on her, did you?" Matthew sighed.

"Only a little. I think maybe she's too old for me. Like 26 or something."

"I'm already regretting this," Matthew said jokingly.

"Regrets are for pussies," Alfred announced.

"A little louder and the staff might hear you," Matthew laughed.

"As long as I'm an ocean away, I don't care. No regrets!" Alfred laughed with him. "But anyways, Lily said she's gonna talk with someone over here who has to come talk to us a few more times to make sure we can adopt you and blah-dy blah blah. It's gonna be a couple months but it shouldn't be too hard, right?"

"I'm looking forward to it." Matthew said, already imaginging leaving this place, starting fresh.

"Oh and something really awesome is that my dad and Francis are getting married in like, a week. We hoped you could've been here but I guess the system is really slow."

"I think you mentioned that before. I hope it goes well. Eat some cake for me."

"I definitely will," Alfred promised.

"Oh- I have to go, it's time for dinner," Matthew said, "but we'll talk tomorrow okay?"

"I'll be here. Bye, bro," Alfred said. Matthew said bye and hurried to get in line for his meal. He sat at a table with Feli And Ludwig, both which seemed to be alright. Feli was talking excitedly as always. He was going to miss these guys, but he sure wouldn't miss everything else.

That next week was the wedding. It wasn't very big, just some family and friends. But it was beautiful in Arthur's eyes. Francis had set this all up with a wedding planner. There was an arch with flowers to walk under and to the gazebo where the priest stood, back-dropped by the calm ocean.

Arthur stood under the gazebo in his tuxedo as Francis walked down the aisle- Arthur didn't want the attention so Francis was playing the "girl" role- in his own tux, which was blue to match his eyes.

Arthur's breath caught as he watched Francis walk toward him. He realized this was it. No turning back. As Francis reached the gazebo, he took Arthur's hands in his own and stared lovingly into his eyes.

He forgot to breathe again. But this time it was the realization that this was the only thing he wanted. He was about to married to the man he loved more than anything (except Alfred, maybe).

He smiled widely as the priest began speaking. He could die at this very moment a happy man. They exchanged vows and rings where Francis nearly cried and Arthur actually did cry.

"I now pronounce you man and man. You may kiss the groom."

Arthur kissed Francis, feeling pure happiness and love. They held hands as they walked down the aisle. Everyone clapped except Alfred who was literally yelling, "You did it! Heck yea! Whooooo!"

The day went by too slow after that for Arthur's concern. They had the reception with food and cake. He smashed a slice of the cake into Francis' face who fretted over it in his hair, then kissed all over Arthur's face to get him messy as well. After that they cleaned the party up, dropped Alfred off at a friend's house, and headed home.

Arthur barely let Francis park the car before he leaned over and kissed him, much more feverishly than he had earlier, when everyone was watching. Finally, it was just them alone.

"Excited, are we?" Francis laughed as they pulled apart.

"Baise-moi," he spoke softly, looking lustfully at the man he craved.

Francis' eyes lit up then lowered suggestively, "Let's get to where there's more room."

They ran inside, shoving off their shoes that Arthur didnt stop to tidy. They barely made it to their room before Arthur was moaning under Francis' rough touches. He sprawled on the bed, shirt off, and Francis trailing kisses down his body. It was making him crazy. He wanted him, needed him, now.

"What did you say to me earlier?" Francis asked, stopping his kisses and staring down at his lover.

"Baise-moi," Arthur breathed, his heart beating in his ears and yearning for the man before him, "S'il te plaƮt."

Francis seemed to come undone by his own native language and complied, treating Arthur like he was the only one in the world.

They fell asleep just before dawn, and woke up past noon. Francis woke before Arthur, gently kissing him and tracing scars of another time. Arthur woke up quietly, folding himself into Francis. This was the safest he had felt in a long time. He never wanted to get up and face the world again. Everything was okay as long as he was in Francis' arms.

"Good morning," Francis said softly.

"Morning, love," Arthur murmured, not moving.

Francis chuckled. "You look like a baby kangaroo, hiding like that."

"I'm not hiding I'm just enjoying the peace," Arthur smiled.

"Would you like breakfast?" he looked at the alarm clock, "Or lunch? Or just coffee to wake up?" Francis offered.

"No, I just want to stay here with you," Arthur said. He realized he was being clingy but at this moment didn't care.

"Alfred has to come home at some point, you know. And then you'll have to get up."

"I don't want to parent today," Arthur groaned, "Can't he grow up already?"

"You would miss him too much."

"I hate when you're right," Arthur sighed and rolled onto his back to look at Francis. His eyes were soft and understanding.

"I know. I'll go make breakfast, come out when you're ready," Francis said and rolled out of bed, throwing some clothes on.

"Be there in a minute," Arthur said and stared at the ceiling. He turned the other way to stretch and met a mirror, reflecting his shoulders and up, with all his flaws. He sat up, letting the blanket fall into his lap, and stared at himself. He quickly looked away and went to dress. He wouldn't let his insecurities ruin his mood.

In the kitchen, Francis cooked a traditional breakfast of bacon, eggs, and toast. The house was quiet other than the sizzling and quiet humming from Francis. How did he end up here? Why was he cooking for this broken man with scars and a son- two sons- who weren't even his? Why did he stay? Arthur rubbed his eyes to clear his mind. He knew why. Francis loved him for all his baggage; he said so yesterday.

"Dont stand there looking stupid. Get out plates and silverware," Francis said. Arthur nodded and got out what they needed. Francis served the food after a minute and they ate, conversing and joking.

They made their way to the couch and found the cooking channel. Arthur cuddled up to Francis, continuing the clingy behavior.

"Let me tell you a story," Francis said during a commercial. Arthur looked at Francis but he was looking towards the Tv. "Growing up, I lived next to an elderly couple. Easily in their 80s but in decent health. I often moved their lawn for them and brought in groceries. At first, it was at my parent's insistence to help, but eventually I got to know them," he paused and drew in a long breath, "One night the lady died in her sleep, and her husband woke up in the morning to her, just gone. He told me later that day after she was taken to the morgue. I asked him 'How did it feel when you realized?' He said it felt surreal, like she wasn't actually gone, because love never dies. Then I asked him what that meant and he said 'there's no right answer, but there is love everywhere. Love is a connection that brings people together and keeps them together. A connection that lasts forever, even if people don't.'"

He finally looked down to meet Arthur's eyes and smiled, "That's when I realized how much the world had to offer. How much love I had to give, starting with the man who was devastated but still had love. I love you Arthur. The love I have for you is more than anything I've ever felt. I love you, and Alfred, and all of your problems, and your fake sour attitude. Because love is eternal even if we aren't. And I'll love everything about you until the end."

At this point, Arthur was crying, again, burying his face in Francis' shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me that yesterday?" He asked, punching him lightly, "It would have been perfect."

"Because that's more personal. Those people helped make me what I am today. I may be a little out there with my feelings, but some things are only for you."

"I love you. God, I love you so much," Arthur said, looking at him again. Francis leaned in for a kiss. This was much different than last night, where everything was rough and lustful. Right now it was gentle and full of love. Arthur felt all of their love. He felt vulnerable yet safe. He felt so happy he could dance and sing in the streets. And it was all because of this one person who never gave up on him.

Hello everyone! I have returned from the dead after almost 2 years! I wrote most of this in literally one day in a spike of inspiration, so sorry if my writing seems different from the last chapters. If any of you from before my long hiatus are still here, I applaud you. If I were you I would hate me, but at least I didn't stop completely... Another chapter soon, I promise! Bye for now!

P.s. I will be changing my name to 'Zeogravityalex' soon so sorry for the confusion!