Azure: HEY GUYS, GUESS WHO'S BACK FROM THE DEAD? Honestly, I've really, really tried to update as much as possible, but it's been so hard with my busy schedule ;;v;; I've also had a lot of writer's block for this story, which is actually kind of weird for me. Whatever. I also forgot that during the summer I have to work at a daycare with a bunch of hyperactive little children five days a week, so I wasn't able to update then.

Harada: But, I thought you were only fifteen...?

Azure: I don't know, they do this weird thing for teenagers. Anyway, this is chapter two of "I Have Returned"! How do you guys like it so far?

Souji: Why the hell did you make Chizuru get kidnapped?

Azure: Because that's part of the story. Your point?

Souji: ...

Saito: I think what he means is that why would you put Chizuru in danger.

Azure: Because it's part of the story! It's suppose to be interesting and plot twist-y. At least I hope it is...

Hijikata: You're never going to become a writer if you don't have confidence in your work.

Azure: SHUSH! That's personal!

Ignescent: You're asking for it man.

Hijikata: *le shrugs*

Azure: Good grief you guys. Also, Ignescent and I have decided to assign jobs to all of you. Heisuke, you'll be doing honors-

Heisuke: Is this because I forgot last time?

The beginning of the story is a dream/vision that Chizuru is having before she wakes up ~


A voice like that of tinkling bells. Soft, pleasing to the ears. Although how lovely and pleasant this voice is, I find myself confused as I subconsciously search for it's owner.

Why? Why do I yearn for this voice? Why does this voice remind me of so much joy, yet so much misery?

"Chizuru-chan, come over here."

There it is again. My heart leaps at it's sound. Next thing I know, I'm running. I can't see anything. I am in a black abyss; no light, no nothing. Only this voice and I. I feel normal overall, with the occasional throbbing of my head. I find myself in the white sleeping yukata I put on before I fell asleep, and my hair is now undone from it's usual ponytail. It flows down my back like a river and dances as I run.

Then I hear a sigh.

"Why are you so afraid?"

"...I've never met another demon besides my own family. I don't know how to act. I don't know if I should be afraid."

That's a surprise. My own voice, from when I was little. Ah yes, this conversation seemed familiar.

"Is that all?" A gentle giggle can be heard, and my face begins to feel a bit warm.

"You don't have to be afraid of me Chizuru-chan. I won't bite you!"

"...Does that mean you bite other people then?" The mysterious voice snorts at my question, before releasing a loud, cheerful laugh.

"No Chizuru-chan. I don't bite anyone. I mean that I'm a nice person; I won't hurt you. Especially when you're this cute!" Another giggle from the mysterious voice, and I felt my younger self give a small smile in satisfaction.

After a pause, I felt a warm, glowing light behind me. It was a bit overwhelming at first, so I found myself squinting to shield my eyes. When the light died down, there was an image in front of me.

There I was, my younger self standing by a tree in front of my house as smaller figure ran up to be by my side.

"Hey! Why are you talking to my sister?!"


"Oh? Ah. You must be Yukimura Kaoru-san, the feisty one." Within the image displayed, I could not see the owner of the beautiful voice. It saddened me. Who was this person?

"I asked, why are you talking to-" "Kaoru. That's enough!" Came the scolding tone of a woman who was walking towards us. My... mother?

"Kaoru, you were suppose to leave these two alone so they could get to know each other!" "But mother! This guy was scaring her!" My mother quickly took hold of one of Kaoru's cheeks to shut him up. "I'm very certain he was not trying to scare her. He has such a gentle demeanor! Your sister is also very shy and timid when meeting new people. I could understand why..." My mother sighed and removed her hand, only to grip onto Kaoru's wrist. "Kaoru, we are leaving." My mother told him firmly as she dragged an infuriated Kaoru away from the stranger and I.

"...I'm, sorry... Onii-sama... is..." The man only gave another laugh in return. "No, it's quite alright. It seems like he cares for you a lot!" The younger me only seemed to be able to give a halted nod at the man's observation. Even though only seen through a mere image of light, I could tell that I had finally started to trust the intriguing stranger back then.

Suddenly, a clap could be heard as the young me turned to face toward the male demon. "Well! Anyway, I think we still have some more time to talk..." "You have to leave at sunset don't you?" My younger self asked the man as he seemed to hum in confirmation.

"Yes, it's about noon now, so we have plenty of time!" Finally, I was able to see some part of the man. An outstretched hand toward the younger me. "I do hope that we get along well Chizuru-chan!" My younger self gave a bright smile, and grabbed the man's hand.

Suddenly, the light vanished. My current self was all alone in the dark once more. Or so I had thought.

Another light appeared before me, this time, seemingly taking the form of a man. Through the bright light, I could barely make out long, flowing golden hair. And then there were the eyes. Wide, beautiful eyes, the color of rubies under moonlight. Gorgeous. And also full of pain. The hurt in this man's eyes were so overwhelming, it made me feel like I wanted to cry. The thing that hurt even more, was that there was a definite history behind it.

Then the figure spoke.


Not knowing what to do, I simply cocked my head to the side in question.

Which put the man in greater sorrow.

"Oh... I see..." I caught a glimpse of a tear as it fell from the ruby eyes. And the next sentence wrenched my heart in half.

"You don't... remember me... do you..."

...What was that?

I gasped and awoke with a start as a hand flew to grab hold of the white fabric that covered my chest. My heart was beating wildly - from what, I couldn't tell which. However, many emotions swirled in my heart. Fear. Curiosity. Sadness. Happiness. And... Love? Where are all of these coming from?

The grip of the yukata fabric loosened as I began to calm down. Was it a dream? No, it seemed so much more real then that. Besides... that man... I don't know why... but... the feeling of that I know him... is very strong.

'Alright Chizuru, try to remember as much as you can! Go back to the earliest days you can think of!" So with new resolve, I closed my eyes and began to think.

It seems like we knew each other from when we were young... Since the man did seem a bit younger in the image than when he appeared in front of me. Childhood friends maybe? ...No, I don't think so. The only person I really remember playing with is Kaoru... He might of been an acquaintance of my real parents, and he called himself a demon, so he's probably from a demon clan!

'Alright, now think Chizuru. Shiny, blond hair, and beautiful ruby eyes... What does that remind you of?'

My eyes went wide and my mouth fell open in shock. Suddenly, I felt numb. No. It... It couldn't be! But... it's uncanny how similar they look...


The answer to that questions was not a "what", but rather a "who".


That man... bore almost an exact appearance to-


I blinked and jumped in my seat from being startled. My eyes readjusted to the new environment I was in, and examined the room. It was very fancy and lavished, almost like a room you would find at the emperor's palace. I was in a large futon at the center of the room, still in my sleeping yukata.

Then, I saw two men sitting in front of me.

Wherever this was, it definitely wasn't the Shinsengumi headquarters.

One man seemed much older and much more mature than the other, with short, mossy green hair and equally green, mossy eyes. He didn't show as much concern as the other one did, who looked like he was about to cry.

The other, shorter man had bright red hair that went a little past his shoulders and striking violet eyes, a lot like Hijikata-san's. This man seems so familiar...

"Oh thank goodness! I was getting so worried!~" The red haired man suddenly exclaimed and held me in a tight hug, leaving me very red and flustered. "I... um... ah... e-excu-use m-me..." But the man didn't seem to hear me. I thought I would die of embarrassment until the older man hit the younger man on the head.

"Oi! Am I not allowed to fret for her well-being?!" The red haired man screeched at the green haired man, who gave a scowl.

"You can fret for her well-being! But you're not allowed to just hug her out of the blue! Look at how uncomfortable you've made her!" The older man seemed to have reminded the younger man of something, because the red haired man's eyes suddenly went wide with surprise and remorse.

He turned to me, and soon fell into a dogeza. "I'm so sorry! Please forgive me, Yukimura-sama!" I sat there frozen. "Yu-Yukimura...sama?"

|| Azure: I wrote this part a while ago, but I still have a long way to go for this chapter. Until I am able to finish, here is a sneak peek ;;v;; hehe enjoy for now! ||