It seemed that the only person who thought Roman's idea would work to any extent seemed to be Roman himself. Not that that ever really stopped him from doing anything. Seth mused over the main points in the plan while he sat next to Kane during an Authority pow wow. He was the Architect, after all. Most of what he did was strategize against whatever enemy he had.

"So, why didn't you see what was going on between the three of you?" a small voice in the back of his head asked. "Dean might still be with you and Roman. He wouldn't be in danger."

He closed his eyes. He couldn't think like that. He knew that there was no way the three of them could be together forever. Dean and Roman were two alpha males that wouldn't give up control. And it wasn't like Seth didn't care for Dean. He truly did love the lunatic fringe. He just wanted something more stable that the other man just couldn't provide. Roman could be that for Seth. He was that for Seth.

If only he had just been honest with Dean from the beginning, because he knew Dean was suffering towards the end. He knew Dean saw the end spiraling closer and closer. They were purposefully cutting him out of their private time, choosing instead to eat dinner and hang out alone. And Dean would never admit it out loud, but Seth heard Dean reach for them when they roomed together followed by gentle whimpers when Dean felt only cold sheets.

Then Hunter came to him and offered him a spot with the Authority in order to get him ahead in the company. He refused at first, of course. But the money and countless other perks turned out to be too much for Seth to pass up. So he turned on his Shield brothers and placed the final nail in Dean's heart in the process. Sure, he was Mr. Money in the Bank and he was farther along in his career than he thought possible. He just wasn't sure he was OK with the cost anymore.

"So, is everyone clear on the plan as it stands?" Hunter asked. Fortunately he was aware of his situation to nod along with everyone else and not look like a complete idiot. His part was pretty obvious, anyway. He was to be closely guarded and not take too many risks as he was still the future of the company, after all.

"Good," Stephanie beamed at the men in the room. "It's nice to see everyone is still on the same page." She gave Kane a pointed look. "I want all of you to watch your backs. Dean may be occupied with Wyatt at the moment, but he still won't hesitate to try and take you out, Seth."

"Don't worry, Steph," Kane said sweetly. "We'll make sure nothing bad happens to our little Sethie." He ruffled Seth's hair playfully. Seth shot him a nasty look and rolled his eyes as everyone else shook their heads and laughed along. "What's the matter, Seth? You can't take a joke?"

Seth let out a small mocking laugh. "Yeah, you're hilarious, Kane." He shot the other man a cheeky grin. "I'm sure I'll be safe with you protecting me."

Seth left the others to Find Roman feeling annoyed as hell. It's not that he really minded Kane all that much. He was a veteran in the industry after all, and he knew what he was talking about, but fuck could he get on his nerves. He always tried to act like he was his big brother or some shit. He could take care of himself; he had done it for years.

He passed a small door and felt a hand grab his arm and drag him in a dark room. Before he could react he found himself in a strong pair of arms, and a mouth had captured his in a brutal kiss. He closed his eyes and melted into the embrace. The kiss ended, and he pushed away slightly.

"Damn, Roman, what the hell are you doing?" Seth asked exasperated.

"I was just checking the quality of your security," Roman said. He shook his head disappointed. "They're not doing that great of a job. I could have run off with you, and no one would know. That, and I really wanted to kiss you."

"You are such a dork!" Seth laughed.

"You know you love it, Sethie." Roman laughed. Seth tensed when he heard the name coming from Roman. After hearing Kane calling him it, hearing it come from someone else seemed wrong somehow.

Seth rolled his eyes before saying," Don't be a pain in the ass. I have Kane for that shit as it is."

Roman shook his head. "Man, don't remind me I'm sharing your attention with those guys. I hate that you are with them. We would still have made it as a tag team."

"You knew that I was going to join the Authority eventually," Seth said earnestly. "You know I still care about you. I was just scared that I wasn't really going anywhere with my career. You and Dean are the ones people love, plus you have connections I don't have. I was just the group nerd."

"So you went to be their 'kid brother'?" Roman asked sadly. "I get you were worried, I just wish I you'd come to me and talked about it."

Seth walked up to Roman and rested his forehead against Roman's. They held hands and enjoyed the contact.

"I know this isn't how we wanted this to be," he said softly. "But I swear to you that I will always love you. They know that we're still together and that business is business. And who knows? Maybe I'll get sick of their asses and pull out a steel chair."

Roman cracked a smile at that and kissed Seth again, gentler this time. He pulled the smaller man in an embrace and rested his head on his shoulder.

"I love you, too," He said softly. "Believe that." Seth giggled as they parted, but his face soon turned serious.

"Have you heard from our inside guy yet?"

"Nope," Roman said shaking his head. "I told him to text Dean and try to talk to him without Wyatt breathing down his neck. I'm not sure how well that's going to work, but hew have to try."

"So he has had feelings for him for a while now?"

"Yep," Roman replied. "He was always hanging around us trying to talk to Dean alone before he knew it was all three of us. He confronted me about it one night, so I told him everything. Man, he was pissed."

"Why are we doing this, again?" Seth asked.

"We're making sure he knows there are other options out there," Roman insisted. "And we know how Bray is going to react. He'll snap, and Dean will see him for the asshole he truly is. It'll work out, I swear."

"And if it doesn't?" Seth asked wearily.

"Then, there is always plan B."

They stepped out of the room and saw a lamb's mask watching them both intently.

"The hell do you want, Rowan?" Roman asked casually.

The masked man tilted his head to the side and walked away. Roman looked at Seth who shook his head as they walked away.

Later that night , after the house show, Bray found himself nude sitting on the edge of his hotel bed with an extremely horny and equally undressed Dean kneeling between his legs. He leaned back and threaded his hands through his love's short blond hair and deeply enjoyed the sensations only Dean could give him. After a couple of minutes of changing from licking and sucking the length in front of him, Dean blind up and pushed Bray on his back so he was lying on the bed.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" Bray purred seductively.

Dean laughed mischievously and reached behind him. He pulled at something from his ass revealing a small sized butt plug.

"My, my," Bray breathed. "We are eager tonight."

"What can I say? You bring out the worst in me," Dean said teasingly.

And with that, Bray felt his cock enter Dean's tight whole. His hands went to grip Dean's waist as he moved up and down the thick length with increasing speed. This would never be a sight he would be tired of. Dean's eyes were squeezed shut in concentration and his swollen lips were barely parted. The most beautiful moans imaginable echoed through the small room as came closer and closer to climax.

"Do you like what you see?" Dean moaned as he dragged his nails down Bray's chest. A trail of scratch marks were left in the nail's wake.

"You know I do," Bray rasped out as the pain and pleasure overloaded his senses.

One of his hands snaked down to Dean's neglected cock and teasingly started to stroke it. It was then that The other man's eyes opened and he looked down at his prone lover. His pupils had practically covered any hint of color in his eyes when they locked in stare. Bray's looked the same. As their bodies connected their chaotic, dark natures melded into one body making it impossible to tell where one ended and another began.

"Bray," Dean hissed harshly. "Fuck, baby, I'm so close."

"So am I, darling." Bray grinned darkly. Dean returned the smile, his face contorting to the same sinister smile. He suddenly picked up the pace slamming himself up and down a few more times. The force of his thrusts and the fact that Bray was hitting his prostate over and over again quickly sent him over the edge with a loud groan. He continued to ride Bray through his climax and not long after, Bray followed to his own orgasm.

Dean leaned forward and rested his head on Bray's shoulder, reveling in his post sex bliss. He couldn't get enough of the man beneath him if he tried. He felt slip out of his body and he rested on the body below completely. Rolling them so they were lying on their sides still facing each other.

"We don't get to do this nearly enough," he said softly.

"Damn travel schedules," Bray grumbled. "Of course, now that the word is out about us, it won't matter what the hell we do."

"Bray, the Authority hates us," Dean pointed out. "I doubt they're going to change our appearance schedule so we can screw."

"Well, we'd best enjoy this while we have it then don't we?" Bray mused. They leaned in and kissed gently. Suddenly, a loud beep sounded from Dean's jeans pocket.

"That's just a text or some shit," Dean said rolling his eyes. "Roman's probably trying to figure out if I'm still alive or not."

"The joys of technology," Bray deadpanned. Dean laughed and rested his head on Bray's chest. He was too damn comfortable to try and grab his phone. But not much long after, the beeping noise started again. And again. And again.

"Oh, for fuck's sake, what does he want?" Dean forced his body out of the warmth of the covers and Bray's embrace and made his way to his phone. He opened the texts and his eyes narrowed ever so slightly.

"What's he trying to sell you, now?" Bray asked sleepily.

"It's not Roman this time," Dean said."It's Jey asking me if I want to hang out some time. Jimmy has been busy with Cameron, so now he has nothing to do, now. Or so he says, anyway."

"What does that mean?" Bray said sitting up on the bed a little. He watched intently as Dean sent back a quick reply.

"I think Roman is putting him up to this," Dean said. "I'm not really all that surprised. The minute he found out that we were doing more than traveling together sometimes, he was bound to flip out.

"Why was Jey the first one you bothered to tell the truth to," Bray asked curiously. There seemed to be a hint of accusation to his voice as Dean came back to bed.

"Roman has tendency to overreact when it comes to shit like that," Dean seemed to laugh it off, but something didn't add up to Bray. Sure, Dean was known to be close to Roman's family and he spent time with them, but why was Jey suddenly so interested in Dean's company even before he announced what they were to him?

A part of him screamed at him to find out just what Dean seemed to be hiding. But Abigail's voice appeared yet again in the back of his mind.

"Don't you worry about them just now." She said softly.

Bray sighed, gently as Dean got back in bed and moved to intertwine their bodies again. He kissed Bray's chest and rested his head on his shoulder.

"I love you," he said sleepily before drifting off.

"Focus on what's yours," Abigail insisted. "Dean is yours to keep, although I fear that trouble could be coming soon. You must be ready for it. Take care of what is in front of you and focus on your work. There are souls that need to be reached out to, remember? The lost and blind still reaching out for the likes of that fruity hero you loathe. We need to save them, Bray."

"Of course," Bray said back as he drifted off to sleep himself. "I must be ready for anything."

Jay stared at his phone with increasing frustration. 'No thanks,' the text read. Seriously, that's all the response he was going to get? He knew it was kind of late, but what the fuck?

He put the device down on the night stand next to his bed and stared at the ceiling. Just what was he supposed to do, now? He had to get Dean, but he had to get passed Bray first. He had to think of something fast, or it was going to be too late.

A/N: So, Jey is now a major player, and is stepping up his is not happy, but Abigail is trying to keep him in check. What happens next? Stay tuned.